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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Is it the standard that that a random Japanese guy shows up to your house in a non descript car and drops a box on your porch like 3 days after you order a thing?
  2. Wouldn’t that depend on what color you purchase?
  3. Yes. Never ever was in to handhelds. To me it was always the dumbed down NES for car rides. Besides only the fancy pants rich kids had gameboys. Tiger electronics over here. Last handheld system I heard about was Game Gear which was a novelty. Did they make more after that?
  4. Hammerfestus


    Anything that inflicts poison. Or friggin sleep.
  5. Why does it matter? Aren’t you supposed to be keeping your dankies sealed anyways?
  6. They’re like CCR if they were less upset about Vietnam.
  7. 1 2. Which is the correct choices. That Ahha tune is just not that good. The flock of Seagulls song is annoying it’s just better than whatever it was up against. Where’s my Your Lovers at? Seein‘s believing!
  8. Been holding off on Star Tropics & RC Pro Am forever. Finally saw the deal I wanted both from same seller. Can’t tell from pic but that Othello is mint as I could ask for and it makes me happy. I‘ve now got another title for when I switch up my display to highlight my mintest boxes. I’ve also been on the hunt for Sesame Street games. Why the hell are these things not like $10 a piece? Why is nothing ever $10 a piece actually.
  9. 8. I enjoy it and they hit my playlist pretty often. Almost 9. I was always more into the James gang. You missed the best eagles
  10. https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/black-bamboo?variant=13940797308980&gclid=CjwKCAjwqIiFBhAHEiwANg9szogBYLvYPQp3CfIoJp9lxaS4i2cEe9e6cfaz3P-EPeUwYZ3osD6BexoCN14QAvD_BwE you‘ve got me thinking about it.
  11. Full sun all day. It’s on the south side. I’m in zone 6 so I don’t get to do any of the cool warm weather plants.
  12. I was actually looking at Rhododendron today. Very pretty. Worried about bushiness factor. Need something tall and narrow because they’re going in a spot that’s maybe 15 ft wide and there’s a 6 foot fence so I’d be looking for something that’ll get to like 10-15ft without completely blocking that pathway.
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