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Everything posted by guillavoie

  1. If you can exploit a loop infinitely, it should be forbidden in a high score contest. @BeaIank, what's your thought on this? If there was a timer it would be okay, but looping forever a part of a stage should be frown upon, especially if you can replenish health in the process. If anyone playing in the tournament want to weigh in, please do so.
  2. And here I am unmasked! Okay, I give in, 25% off on all my tickets for VGS users!
  3. Couldn't agree more on the bolded part, and I concur that your position is more than reasonable and I can definitely respect you for standing on this ground. But as a Canadian that is already spoiled with healthcare and that doesn't even have a say in voting in the USA, let me be the annoying neighbor that says 'push them to get a vote on the floor as a first step' !
  4. Exactly, let's go ALL the way in and never give up until it is 100 % done! In the mean time, we can always scalp tickets to pay our health bills, lol! Without diving into details because we're obviously going off topic here (and I put myself in the bag first), I do agree with what you're saying about picking battles. But my opinion is still that some of these crucial issues are constantly put on the back burner as if they were impossible to pass when they are overwhelmingly wanted by the US people (the people that are supposed to be represented in the first place). Actually bringing them to the floor for a vote and knowing who of the house representatives voted for and against IS a first step worth voicing for IMO. I also think opportunities came by to push for such a vote and unfortunately nobody went all the way in on it. I personally find this disappointing, especially seeing how going through a 2 years+ health crisis is not enough to make this a constant priority. Constructive criticism is due at some point, and cheerleading politicians is not my favorite indoor sports, so, ah! As for 'doing nothing', my stance is that you can never ask enough from your politicians, so my point is not that they're doing nothing but rather not enough. And sorry, but in regards of all of this, Taylor Swift concert tickets... The irony? Edit : Also, I'm not sure if you guys know but I'm Canadian, so to my eyes, that the richest country in the world doesn't give 'free' (nothing is 100 % free in society) healthcare to all citizen at this point is 'truly unreal' to me.
  5. But do they really fight for the larger ones too? I'm not seeing much of that honestly, but wish I would. I never said disbanding ticketmaster monopoly wasn't a good thing, but apparently I'm a ticket scalper because I press AOC to fight for Medicare4all, hilarious! Also, how come irony be so unwell received? We should all embrace irony my friends.
  6. Nice to see AOC using her congressional power to fight the important fights. Fair ticket prices to go to popular shows like Taylor Swift must be a progressive priority compared to futile things like Medicare4all, decent living wages, or anything that could really help the US people.
  7. I'm certainly not against it per say, but let's say that the decline of participation in the contest over the last years make it harder to justify a revival of the HoF. Whenever a big boost in participation occur would be a good timing to 'think' about bringing it back. It's funny to think of it now given how much work you actually did to make this happens. The whole stats grinding was definitely the bulk of the work to do, and probably the most interesting part of the whole thing. If someone want to step up and update newer stats with the older you already compiled, this would be a good start to revive any of this. Maybe Doug could do it? (@Bearcat-Doug)
  8. I got to admit it now, I was rooting for Super Metroid to be ranked 1st. 4th is absolutely satisfying, no reason to rant here. But it is an opinion that I have held for decades. To me, despite all the wonderful games in the SNES library (and counting very dearly the last 3 to come as well), I always thought and felt that Super Metroid was the closest to perfection on the console. No need to go in length about it, we all know there are thousands of reasons why this game is awesome. But one of the most satisfying thing about it is the way the game make you feel how powerful Samus is as she becomes stronger and stronger with all the powerups and extra abilities. You really feel like you own Zebes' environments and annihilate your foes just by cruising through the game with your crazy tech suit. When it came out, there was literally no other game that made you feel how technically powerful your character was through the controls, and this feeling held up astonishingly well even 28 years later.
  9. Though I can understand various reasons to go for dubs and respect them, the ultimate correct answer is subs.
  10. Now, please, tell me that you still have that homemade drawing of the overworld map?
  11. Yeah, it sounds weird for us North Americans, but I can understand that it can be a more common thing to do in Taiwan. If she's cute on top of that, I say go for it, lol!
  12. The free English lessons offering is definitely the weirdest idea in this whole situation, Dave should add a vote on this too, it might prevent further embarrassment.
  13. You forgot to mention that this is not financial advice.
  14. Sorry to reopen an old would @Krunch, I remember my score made you miss the cut for round 2. The worst part for me is that I pretty much flushed my chance down the drain in round 2, I planned to do my run during Sunday, but totally forgot I had a family reunion taking up pretty much all my weekend. Ended practicing all week long and not being able to actually sat down and do my run. You would have done better than that for sure, lol!
  15. Iwas about to say that I never beat Shredder in 1-life before, but after looking up the NA archives, I apparently did it in 2013, along with 6 other fellows! There got to be a trick because I sure as hell know that I would normally defeat Krang with very low health left! https://archive.nes.science/nintendoage-forums/nintendoage.com/forum/messageviewd1f5.html?StartRow=1&catid=31&threadid=106891
  16. It is indeed a painful experience to learn all the right patterns to beat the game in 1-life, and can be quite hurtful on the wrist/thumb. I know what you mean, you have to have a little fun in doing it to make it worthwhile. If you can find the will inside of you, the main upside of tackling TMNT 2 after TMNT 3 is that 2 is easier and, most important, shorter!
  17. Scientists' consensus claims that failing at BeBop early in the week is, quote, ''normal'' ! If you guys keep playing it, you'll all be able to go all the way to the end of the game in 1 life by Sunday.
  18. Speaking of that, where is my share bear trophy of the week already?
  19. I think I died at the 4th loop Boomerang guy on the video (stupid error of going for the knife guy before the boomerang guy...), but regardless, 750k at the 4th magician is definitely up there in the point scumming elite performance. And in the whole scheme, point pressing a few more 5ks is nothing compared to getting past one more magician, it is the make it or break it point of the game, no question asked here! Again, beautifully done in a week!
  20. The best scores usually go all the way through the game in one life, so even with one life this is likely going to be a 'who beats the game with 3 points more than the other guy' contest. But this will be fun! Also congrats on the Kung Fu win, beating Michael's score last minute style, this is great!
  21. I appreciate you liking them, and thank you for giving me a good reason to play a few rounds of Kung Fu and feel like a man again. It's funny cause there is definitely some games that Bea and I are both decent at that could make for a good match up. We could play Makaimura (Harder jap version of Ghosts & Goblins), even though I would probably get my ass kicked, lol!
  22. Yeah, by the 3rd loop, the 12th jump kick kill strat is definitely a 'do it at your own risk' thing for the 3rd-4th-5th stages. When playing more conservatively, I usually drop it as soon as I get hit by a knife or if the pattern of enemies looks too risky. But I always keep the door open in case it unfolds well. 4th stage is very problematic because the wizard is the biggest asshole in the game. You want to get to him with full health, at least not getting hit by a knife or moth before tackling him. I like to set the stage for the possibility of point pressing after the boss (getting a 11th kill on the knife thrower strat explained in my post above), see how the boss fight goes, and if I get out of it it with a bunch of health, point press, but if I got wrecked badly by the wizard, GTFO of here ASAP.
  23. It seems like Mr. Headlines can't keep up with a one on one conversation, but you got to admire his skills at cruising through the experts' opinions.
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