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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. Very nice @Galdius! Vita charm is not something we have right now, but we can talk about adding it in the near future.
  2. Re: Trophy It is available on 6502 collective website (https://6502collective.com/store/p_1239926/trophy-) For the difference between kickstarter and ones sold on the website, there was a limited edition variant that was kickstarter only (+team members).
  3. Nice collection! You are set with the charm.
  4. Consoles do not count towards the import charm. @Tanookinice collection! I can give you the 50 charm for now. Very very close to 100, but the consoles are excluded.
  5. Impacts from your job to your life and health shouldn't be overlooked, sounds like this was a good move. Congratulations!
  6. I'll wipe them or save over them. They are not my saves or a friend's, so why keep them?
  7. Bumping this. I have about 10 left if there is anyone else looking to pickup a calendar.
  8. Hey I still have 6 mins left Updated my list, best Quest Forge earlier in the week now 3/13
  9. I don't know how many games I gave a perfect score to, but it wasn't many. 10/10! Loved it in 1998 and still love it today. It has some minor issues, but nothing that I would knock off a point for. For replays, the slow crawling text in cut scenes being the worst , I may use this patch the text time, which allows you the speed up that text. I'll close with one word of advice, have two staggering saves. If you only have one, and take up the offer to save between sequential battles, you can lock yourself into an unwinnable position (being under leveled or ill equipped for the next battle).
  10. It is that that time of the year again! I have a batch of 2022 NES Homebrew calendars ready and are available for sale. If you are interested, send me a PM with your paypal email address and country. One calendar shipped within USA: $21 One calendar shipped outside USA: $34 All shipping is USPS First Class If you are buying more than one calendar, let me know and I'll group shipping together so there will be some savings. Also, sorry about the increase in price this year. It is a break even deal on our side, but all other costs have gone up
  11. @LeatherRebel5150 staff is taking care of it, using "videogamesages.com" while everything is getting sorted out. To put your mind at ease it is not security related. We needed to put out the word over multiple platforms, sorry it took another avenue to get to you, but glad you found out. Here was the announcement on Discord from @spacepup: "Hello @everyone! As some of you already know, the VGS site is currently experiencing a temporary outage. We have identified the source of the issue and we are working with our providers to get service restored as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are doing everything we can to restore the site, and will post announcements here in discord as soon as we can. Thank you! Also - to clarify - this outage was NOT caused by any sort of attack or security concern. It is an administrative issue with one of our providers and we are working to get that handled as quickly as we can. Thanks!" "Hello again @everyone ! We have been working hard to restore the VGS Site. We are still working to resolve an issue with Google regarding our main domain. However, in the meantime, we have temporarily moved the site to https://www.videogamesages.com/ , where you can access everything while we work to fix the main domain. If you have any issues or questions, please contact me via the site or here in discord, and I'll do what I can to assist. Thank you for your patience!" Additionally, an email was sent out to all users to inform about the temporary URL, twitter post from VGS account, and a post on the Facebook account.
  12. @RHno request needed. Events team will sort it out soon. Expect charms in the near future.
  13. I just tried removing and adding it back, but no luck. Give Gloves sometime to look into it.
  14. You're welcome! RPGs are not a plentiful genre for NES homebrew. For Zelda like, take a look at Anguna Scourge of the Goblin King (it was a kickstarter, but will be available at 6502 Collective soon) or Quest Forge Order of the Kings (has a run into the enemy mechanic sorta like Ys Book I and II). Big fan of Castlevania and Faxanada. Something more directly in that vein is in the works, called Project Broscht . For platformer with different theming, take a look at Project Blue, or for less action, take a look at L’Abbaye des Morts. @Scrobinsruns two threads to take a look at Homebrews for Sale: https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/topic/1050-vgs-homebrew-almanac Homebrews in Development: https://www.videogamesage.com/forums/topic/1104-vgs-homebrew-on-the-horizon
  15. Welcome to the world of Homebrew A lot of titles are self published, but there are several publishers that offer titles by several brewers. Take a look at: 6502 collective Broke Studio Mega Cat Studios Infinite NES lives RetroUSB If you have some particular types of games you like to play, we can recommend some. That may lead you to self published games as well.
  16. Very strange @JVOSS. @Glovescan you look into it when you get a chance?
  17. @JVOSSnice collection! The complete set charms are for collections in your territory. I believe you are in the US, so the charm would be for a complete US Gameboy set. If I got your territory incorrect, let me know.
  18. New episode! This episode features Witch n' Wiz, a homebrew for the NES. Witch n' Wiz is a puzzle adventure game, where you take control of a Witch who is going to rescue her friend, the Wizard. Her friend was taken away from this world and is trapped. Solve the puzzles and battle the evil boss to save your friend. Developer, @matthughson, joins for a long play commentary and interview. Video: Podcast: https://anchor.fm/deadeye-bit/episodes/HiF-010---Witch-n-Wiz-e1aq2uv
  19. This episode features Witch n' Wiz, a homebrew for the NES. Witch n' Wiz is a puzzle adventure game, where you take control of a Witch who is going to rescue her friend, the Wizard. Her friend was taken away from this world and is trapped. Solve the puzzles and battle the evil boss to save your friend. Developer, @matthughson , joins for a long play commentary and interview. Witch n' Wiz is available digitally, physically (through LRG), and on pie packer. https://mhughson.itch.io/witch-n-wiz Video: podcast: https://anchor.fm/deadeye-bit/episodes/HiF-010---Witch-n-Wiz-e1aq2uv
  20. Good job @MegaMan52, got your score up!
  21. The translation of Metal Slader Glory is too large for the Everdrive n8, but okay for n8 pro.
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