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Everything posted by Quaze

  1. Apparently I'm clairvoyant, I picked all the top answers lol.
  2. Quaze

    VGS Pets

    Also this is Charlie. If you’re reading this, you are now Charlie’s friend.
  3. Quaze

    VGS Pets

    Good to see you back on the site, playa. Definitely need some Luna pics on here!
  4. CGOFB is the greatest time-honoured NintendoAge legacy tradition running today. I could never nominate myself for custody of CGOFB, as I would never be able to bring myself to return it.
  5. You stonewall your interview questions like this, and are surprised you're having a hard time finding work? Brother I say this from a place of *constructive criticism* (yes, there is definitely such a thing): You are trying to give your interviewer answers that will satisfy them, not shut them down dismissively. The constructive part here is that I'm trying to give you a pointer that will help you for the future while pointing out what likely didn't work. That is what constructive criticism is. I'm responsible for hiring at my company, and if someone answered my interview questions like this, I'd just thank them and end the interview there. I'm looking for engagement and interest. If you don't have that, you're wasting both of our time.
  6. No. There are millionaires out there and my collection is worth a couple hundred grand. Some guy out there owns a watch that is WAY more expensive than my collection. My collection is a peasant's endeavour, I'm not going to beat myself up over it's small-potatoes ballerness.
  7. Actually you'd probably be surprised (I was!) with how sturdy Fox is constructed. The 3 Mario statues I have are all much more fragile-seeming to the touch than Starfox, he seems like he'd survive more abuse than any of them.
  8. Thanks brotha I’m pretty stoked about it!
  9. FedEx man came through bigtime today Starfox arrived safely in Vancouver all the way from Stockholm, in a box about the size of a refrigerator️
  10. Well we're getting both systems anyways brother, it's a good problem to have.
  11. I'm pre-tty friggin' excited for this one, dudes. It's likely going to render my UltraHD64 useless, but I'd be ok with that.
  12. Variant collectors = loudmouths now? Such a random and specific crack at those people lol.
  13. Awesome! I'm always excited to see activity in the VB community, keep it up!
  14. This is essentially my answer. sucked in tons of new gamers with the same gimmicks that turned "hardcore" gamers off. Plenty of solid titles, but 20X more garbage titles. Slowly but surely seeing all the best games ported to platforms that people will play more (and still crossing my fingers for a Super Paper Mario rerelease sometime in the future).
  15. Anybody watching that new Netflix series "wrestlers"? I watched the first episode on OVW last night, it was pretty good. Made me feel kinda bad for Al Snow seeing him in the limelight of the business, and then later in his career running an independent promotion on an extremely thin budget. Looks like a cool series so far, anyway
  16. Maybe someday! Got another couple other cool little display things on the way now
  17. Finally got my hands on an N64-era Mario statue after a long search. Super clean, I’m really happy with it
  18. It's a European sign, I bought this same sign from a collector in Sweden. Worth noting that it's a double-sided vac-form sign, and this appears to be half of it.
  19. I'll be amazed if the games actually come out. Longest wait for some mediocre-quality games of all time. I bailed on my pre-order and got a refund before my 6-month Paypal window was even up. Here we are, what? 3 years later? Unreal
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