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Everything posted by Alder

  1. Just turned 28 yesterday. They do fly by fast, but I have a feeling it only gets faster...
  2. Nice! I did almost the same thing. Logged like 400 days though maxing my first account back in the day. Of course a lot of that was killing time chatting with friends. Ironman mode got me to play again. Started with uim on day 1 and had a blast. Left off somewhere around 190 qp (mep2 was... fun) and got to be the first player to 70 construction, then jumped over to rs3 iron and maxed minus 120 slayer. Every quest on there was guideless. The hardest ones were the 03-04 quests, like legends and tai bwo wannai trio, since they were riddle based.
  3. I enjoyed the Lost In Blue games, but don't see them mentioned much. Any of you guys played them?
  4. Zelda: A Link to the Past. Nothing really comes close.
  5. Oldschool? Over the years, I've definitely sunk more hours into Runescape than I have all other games combined.. probably three-fold. I've been replaying Skyrim lately. Been a fan since Morrowind but never played all the way through Skyrim.
  6. One that comes to mind is .hack. I always liked the concept but never played too much of it.
  7. I don't expect anything to go down significantly, but I'd love to get my hands on Shantae for a reasonable price, even cart only.
  8. Why not just download the pages as HTML? Complete with pictures and formatting, of course.
  9. How do you clean around the red lettering on the NES? I've always been afraid of having it come off.
  10. My bad internet habit is to spend 10 minutes writing a lengthy, detailed reply... then read over it and think "meh, no one cares" and delete it all.
  11. I've probably drank some form of caffeine, almost always soda, probably every week since I was in my teens. I've more or less kicked soda but lately caffeine in general. For the last few months I've been drinking nothing but plain green tea and water. I stayed up late one night to finish a project and had a cup of coffee and it wrecked me. I was all jittery and it felt awful. And just a few months ago I had been drinking a few cups a day without feeling anything. Mostly I'm just surprised how much more awake I feel drinking mostly water.
  12. You should give it another shot if you get the time. My first time playing it was also on the Switch. I still think the controls are a bit strange but I had a lot of fun playing through the game. The first 5 hours or so were awful though, mostly because I went all the wrong ways at the starting area and got destroyed. In total I put 115 hours into it and stopped halfway through NG++. To me Dark Souls is the kind of game where you start out thinking "This is ridiculous, how am I supposed to survive?" but then, once you finally beat the boss or area you've been stuck on, you think "That wasn't so bad." I think the best parallel on NES is Ninja Gaiden. I felt that way when fighting Bloody Malth and playing all of world 6. A very close second would be Ghosts 'n Goblins, though that one leans more on the unfair side.
  13. Save them for when Paul goes for CIB, lol. But, if I had the boxes in that picture I'd probably toss them. At least the top two. I have a few missing the tabs and a Mario 2 box that has the bottom taped together, but all the important stuff is there and it still looks decent on the shelf. I'd probably keep water damaged boxes.. maybe try to flatten them out. But manuals will usually stick together and become a piece of cardboard. I throw those away. I had a mega man 2 box and manual that smelled like smoke. Threw them in a bag with some dryer sheets. Eventually the smell went away but it took 6+ months.
  14. Throwback to the early days, hours on tinychat and playing NES/SNES. It'll never really go away, the crowd and platform just changes over time.
  15. Finished the Link's Awakening remake and I loved it. 100% faithful to the original. Though I admit a $60 retail price is steep and I probably wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't a top ~3 nostalgic game for me. Having said that, I'd gladly shell out $120 for remakes of the Oracle games using the same engine. They desperately deserve the remaster treatment and if it's gonna be on anything, it'll have to be the Switch.
  16. Welcome! I've always wanted to do the same, but I'm pretty far away from the original game boy set. I just picked up Gargoyle's Quest so I'm pretty excited to play that. But yeah, the "beat every game in a year" threads were awesome.
  17. I haven't been active on NA much over the last few years, and I may not be super active on here either, but I spent a lot of time there over the last decade. The recent events have been unfortunate - but I like what I see here and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with this site. Most of the usernames I'm seeing are familiar. And credit to Megamanfan for sharing the site. Cheers.
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