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Everything posted by RH

  1. I read the OP but not comments. (Sorry.) I like the idea of a visual learning style. Another thing that helps me is to go over general tutorials that get the point across but are very concise. Follow that up with a well organized “cheatsheet” and I’m up to speed pretty quickly. Seriously, cheatsheets are like magic bullets. A 1-2 page single document with just the facts can go a long way. Consider adding that as a companion print out and I think it could be beyond awesome.
  2. That's not entirely true. I know I once had a dirty toaster cover. I took a cotton swap with alcohol to it and it started taking the red paint of. I was quite disappointed and was on of my earliest restoration failures that I quickly learned from. That was probably about 15 years ago. Anyway, for retrobriting, I have a bin, I put water into it enough to submerse the part, dump in some high-percent peroxide and since it makes the water a bit translucent, I shine high powered black light in it. I mean the type you DON'T look at, even from an angle because it will damage your eyes. The UV light bounces around the fluid and does a good job evenly distributing the light into the solution. Letting it soak over night does the trick.
  3. Yeah, I just mentioned getting a copy. I had to settle for a copy from an international seller (in Europe) with a pinhole on the label, but the price was right. Even shipped, probably 50% of the typical price.
  4. If I can use the Magic Mouse, I can use anything as a mouse. Only thing it's missing is a red Nintendo logo. I know this isn't licensed but it just needs to be at the base where the lower palm would rest. If it had that detail, I think I'd be on board for this. That are some graphics on the overlay that made it look slightly more like an NES controller.
  5. PMed! The more I do this, the more fun it is to give to receive!
  6. Yeah, I get it. I got bit by the variant bug and I kind of wish I hadn't but there's no going back. There are quite a few rare variants for common games. It's kind of fun hunting for a game, scouring posts for months, if not years, looking for a specific variant and THEN picking it up "cheap" because people don't know it's rare. But, that's also more money you could put in new games, rather than games you already own.
  7. I could drop Hulu over this intel.
  8. Go... go for variants next. You don't have to go for international copies. There's PLENTY of diversity in the US of A.
  9. My main question is, does this service contain the old "Wonderful World of Color" back catalog. I'm talking about stuff like Davey Crockett. Also, OG Herbie, Apple Dumpling Gang, other older films that are "forgotten" because the cartoons make older Disney films fade into oblivion. I'd rather not pick up another streaming service and I know that a lot of people are probably more interested in new IP but, for me, I'm more interested in the old back catalog that I grew up on when we'd VCR tape everything from the Disney Preview Weekends.
  10. I'm going to need some more info on this. I've been wanting something like that that's, all things considered, not priced at "an arm and a leg". I get that boutique hardware isn't cheap but Analogue's stuff is crazy (well, until they release their all-in-one handheld.)
  11. No, it's fine. Post whatever you like! I'm just talking about preference. The only solo "video" I have is the "uncompressed" GoldenEye OST. Not really uncompressed, but it gets the point across. Won't post that video though so I don't derail the conversation, but it can easily be found.
  12. OST videos are good, but OST playlists are better. Random shuffle FTW.
  13. I think this has to be my favorite. My grand father picked it up when I was a kid. I enjoyed reading through it. Many of these games I was aware of but I always loved reading about games I'd never heard of or even seen at K-Mart. The cover's not a bad piece of art either. Actually... are those veggies on the cover because of Gun+Nac?! The one game I keep missing when someone offers one FS in this community?
  14. They blurred the line of realism with something a little to "human". The mouth, for one, had to many teeth and was kind of human-shaped. People tend to not like things that look to much like that. It's hard to say "uncanny valley" on this one but, yes, I think parts of that original Sonic were definitely square in the middle of the uncanny valley. It was just kind of creepy, but not in a good way.
  15. It's almost like a top-down Metal Slug. I might be in. Depends on the price. Wait, I thought this was a homebrew title. Any chance it will get a physical. I'd be all-in for that. Looks pretty rad.
  16. Very likely. When I was looking for the Rated E SML 2, the one I finally found was CIB and all of the parts checked out. It had a Rated-E cart and a Rated-E box, which I'd never seen before. There are a few of us that have discussed these variants (in fact, we brought over from NA a long discussion I'm spearheading regarding GB cartridge variants) and we have no clue where the last Zelda one came from. Rev-2 was a pack-in with a Game Boy Pocket from Target. That's why I keep a search open on eBay for CIB Link's Awakenings. If I find a Rated-E box, I'm sure hoping it's going to be BIN, and unless I'm broke that month or, it's completely trashed, I'll definitely be picking it up.
  17. Absolutely. I had a gallery on Nintendo Age of all 4 variants, including board picks. Seems that Nintendo Age has stripped the photos, I think. Regardless, here's someone else's photo of the rev-3 variant. Mine is in perfect condition, though.
  18. I've actually done that. I have 5 game shops in my area and I've hit them all up, but they have good turn over. Vintage gaming is big in this area. Surprisingly big.
  19. Yeah, that's the rare Dr. Mario. I'll have to dig through my carts. The rarity of each variant goes up with each revision. So, yes, there is definitely a DMG-ZL-USA-3. There might even be one on eBay right now. Regardless, I can't recall the progression, but I think it's Standard Label, KA/Players Choice, Rated-E, Rated-E/Players Choice. Those last two might be swapped, but I can never quite recall. EDIT Yeah, I just looked at all of the listing on eBay. I didn't see rev-3 (which should be the Rated-E/Player's Choice variant.) . If you are a variant collector, keep your eyes open. I've been keeping my searches open for another copy, but I'm hoping to find a CIB copy. My gut tells me that what happened was at the end of life of the Game Boy/Game Boy Pocket, Nintendo did one final rerelease of there best sellers, which is why there's SML 1& 2, Dr. Mario and Link's Awakening. There could be others, but no one has found them. I'd be highly interested in a Player's Choice Baseball or Alley Way, but no one has even mentioned such a thing, so I'm sure they don't exist.
  20. RH


    I was about to post a "last call" either tonight or tomorrow. PM me your address and when I get back to my office on Wednesday, I'll package them, weigh them and get a shipping estimate for media mail.
  21. I just picked up a Sampras. I thought I had a Mega Man for a good price, but that deal ended up falling through. Anyway, I'm ready to dig into this one once I finish my loose GB set. Congrats, man. Looks awesome & inspiring!
  22. Sure, why not. If it fits into the tower-of-power, it works.
  23. I think there's already a thread on here where someone has asked "post your favorite game OSTs" but I'd like to specially ask about the Sega Genesis. I have a long list of bookmarks organized in folders of YouTube playlists of game OSTs and that's what I most-frequently listen to during my work day. Sadly, my list of Genesis titles is nothing but Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Sonic & Knuckles and Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. I actually like the "sound" of the Genesis but since I didn't own one as a kid, I don't know what to try out. Also, I don't remember seeing to much on the other "Best OST" posts. So, what music on the Genesis is worth bookmarking and checking out?
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