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Everything posted by Aguy

  1. It's been a while since I've picked up anything but found this bundle on Mercari, $99 shipped, really just got it for Crystalis with the manual.
  2. Didn't think this would blow up, they say? Posted just in time for May 4th, huh? Interesting...
  3. That Invasion box takes me back. That and 7th edition was when I first got into MtG.
  4. Very cool, any goals in mind? Or just having fun?
  5. I agreed with everything except the last part. I love Black Sabbath but Iron Man is one of their songs that just doesn't do it for me. Now, if it were Fairies Wear Boots it'd be a different story. And that's one of EWF best songs, but it's hard to beat near peak Brian Wilson.
  6. I finished this morning and I really enjoyed it and @Reed Rothchild is spot on. I can also appreciate how it combines a very simple premise (the search for an object) with a very complex mechanic (time travel). It doesn't get bogged down in the delivery, despite it getting a little timey-wimey toward the end.
  7. Reminds me of my local San Diego radio show. April 1st, 1993, they reported the space shuttle had to make an emergency landing at a local municipal field in a relatively residential area. Over 1000 people showed up to see. The police were pissed and threatened to bill the station for all the extra hours it took to clear the traffic. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-04-02-mn-18176-story.html @TabongaHarper's Island isn't without it's faults, but sometimes this genre does require a little suspension of disbelief. At this point, it does feel like a little time capsule from mid 2000s, complete with its own early YouTube web series.
  8. Harper's Island was a 13 episode murder mystery thriller that ran on CBS in 2009. I made my wife watch it and I've never met another person who's even heard of it.
  9. I don't really sell on eBay much anymore but had a bunch of X1 controllers to move. I don't like selling internationally, but the buyer has a courier address in NJ, so I guess that skirts my restrictions and I get to pay an additional international fee. What happens if the buyer opens a case?
  10. Aguy

    WTB: Nothing

    Any trade list? Or strictly cash transactions?
  11. I'll be picking up my copy this weekend, I don't imagine it will take me long to get through.
  12. Of course, the wild is where you'll find most of the deals. On a lark, I checked what GS still offers, and for what it's worth, they still have some non sports related stuff for $5 one might be able to find CIB in store. CoD: BO3 Dragon Age II Wipeout Dark Souls Dead Rising 2 The Darkness II Smipe Elite V2 Walking Dead S1 Splinter Cell Blacklist Watchdogs The Evil Within Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Civilization Revolution Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor Mirror's Edge Far Cry 3
  13. I used to run a wordpress website about games readily available at Gamestop, Redbox (when they used to sell games), and eBay (When you could still get $5 games with free shipping and no tax). I haven't been back to the site in years but apparently the eBay links still work. Looking back at some of the games I posted back then makes me wish I picked up more as, like you said, even the baseline for the cheap stuff has shifted higher. fivedollarcollector.wordpress.com
  14. It's not that one developer, it's thatgamecompany.
  15. Fast RXM https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/fast-rmx-switch/ Good Job! https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/good-job-switch/ Vitamin Connection (LRG #59) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/vitamin-connection-switch/ The Stretchers https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/the-stretchers-switch/ Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/puzzle-quest-the-legend-returns-switch/ Golf Story (LRG #13) https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/golf-story-switch/ Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/taiko-no-tatsujin-drum-n-fun-switch/
  16. I also agree and feel like it doesn't get the recognition it deserves. The soundtrack disk from FF Anthology is still in my regular rotation.
  17. And I love Rhapsody, never got it on the DS but still have it on PS1. Also, good price ($29.99) for Disaster Report 4 if you still need a copy. https://store.nisamerica.com/disaster-report-4-nintendo-switch-standard-edition
  18. ALS Patient with Complete Paralysis Asks to Hear Tool Album via Brain Implant https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/als-patient-complete-paralysis-asks-185242665.html
  19. Right? Come on Pennsylvania, get it together!
  20. @DoctorEncore I started playing Tunic with my son yesterday. He's 9 and this is his first soulslike type of game so there was some explaining but we are both enjoying it. Also played a little bit of Shredders, which is good but I feel the controls are inconsistent.
  21. Well, I strained my left calf muscle skateboarding Saturday afternoon which gave me plenty of time to get this book going. No Spoilers opinion below
  22. I just finished Yunica's path on Ys Origins (NSW). It was only 7-8 hours but I'm going to wait a little before starting Hugo's path. I think I'll start A Short Hike next. I've been meaning to play that for a long time.
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