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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Not even all “real humans” think, feel, and make their own decisions. Some people are retarded (no disrespect), lack emotional capability, lack the sensation of touch/pain, are psychopaths, are sociopaths, have inability to retain information, etc. There are a wide spectrum of “deficiencies” in people’s brains, we just tend to label them as abnormal because they differ from the established norm. Some people are born with a brain or other organs that are self destructive. They end up dying earlier than usual. Does that make them any less alive? I think just because a persons brain doesn’t function the way human brains typically function doesn’t mean they are not alive.
  2. I think he’s obligated to sell it to you for no additional amount. If the listing states a shipping amount, that’s the amount you owe for shipping. Just think, if it costed him less to ship it, would he be refunding you the excess?
  3. I think this chip shortage will lead to other countries getting into the chip manufacturing biz. Its not like Southeast Asian countries are the only ones that know how to manufacture them. Western countries get how to do it, they just don’t because it’s less expensive to source them from Asia than to make the chips themselves. When you factor in all of the costs associated with delays in manufacturing completely assembled goods because we don’t have the chips we need, it will probably make financial sense to have a secondary supplier for the chips over here in the West. As for the raw materials, the stuff is just made of sand. Pretty abundant stuff
  4. I too think it was a good game. It received a lot of hate because it was hyped up excessively by Megaman fans and then fell short of expectations. Also missed on some Kickstarter promises, you know how that goes. Look at it with fresh eyes and its a good game.
  5. I was just watching this video about artificial hearts. Apparently some people have been kept alive for up to 4 years on an artificial heart. So we have artificial hearts. We have synthetic limbs. There are dialysis machines that can do the work of the kidneys. We’ve seen these machines work in isolation on a humans. What if someone’s entire body was made of mechanical body part replacements? Or taking it even a step further… Elon Musk is mapping out the neural network and deciphering the electrical pulse language of the brain. How long before we’ll have artificial brains?
  6. I think this is mostly true, Genesis games don’t have quite the variety of pcb’s that SNES or NES games have due to the lack of all the custom mapper chips that were used in Nintendo systems. But not all Genesis carts were made by Sega. EA manufactured their own cartridges. I believe their pcb’s may be different. Also, there are American-made and Japan-made Sega carts. The pcb designs may be all the same, but there may be rev differences or manufacturing differences
  7. You could always just compact them down with a hydraulic press
  8. Oh snap! Steam Deck may get cartridge games! https://www.google.com/amp/s/gamerant.com/steam-deck-cartridge-games/amp/ The moment we get confirmation of this I’m on board.
  9. Lol. Yes it is. This is MY truth, your not allowed to deny it
  10. I clearly remember talking about Mario RPG with many people back in the day and everyone seemed to think it would be an “Ultra 64” title.
  11. Is it PAL from France or French-Canadian?
  12. DKC1 was great. DKC2 expanded on it perfectly. DKC3 made things more complex than it needed to be. The simplicity is what made the game enjoyable
  13. Looks like someone else posted about this first:
  14. There’s a new game on the Google.com homepage. Basically it’s a top down fantasy adventure where you play as a cat. All the other people in the game are animals or mythical creatures. There’s several areas to visit, each with their own athletic challenge to complete, like ping pong, skateboarding etc. I thought it was pretty fun, but I think you could easily get sucked into it for like 2 hours before it’s completed. I’m still working so can’t afford to do that right now
  15. With Switch game reprints, I always wonder whether the later versions include later versions of the game have updates/ bug fixes included on the cart.
  16. I was just thinking about how I had some classmates in elementary school, didn’t see them in middle school, and then met them again in high school. I instantly recognized them in high school. But looking back at the yearbooks from elementary school, I didn’t recognize them anymore, they just looked like little kids. Since I hadn’t seen them on a day to day basis for several years and I no longer recognized them from the way the looked several years ago, how is it that I instantly recognized them when they are several years older? Are the images of people automatically aging in my head?
  17. I backed R Type Final 2 and Bloodstained Ritual of the Night. Both games did not ship to me until several weeks after the games hit store shelves.. While I personally didn’t mind as I have a huge backlog, I found that to be very inconsiderate on the publishers part. The backers should get their game before the general public since the game would not have been possible without the backers. I did not back Eiyuden Chronicles
  18. Rockman 4 Minus infinity is an excellent hack, it’s as good as a legit NES game, and in many ways better. Although it is intended for more experienced players, so it is very difficult. Legend of Zelda, Legend of Link is very polished and complete. Unfortunately it suffers from slowdown issues Super Mario 3Mix is a polished and complete Super Mario Hack. Mario vs Airman is just the Airman stage from Megaman 2 but you play it as Mario. It’s very short but sweet. Although it is only on stage, the controls and accuracy are perfect. Castlevania 2 and Megaman 3 both have improvement hacks that mostly keep the games the same but made some critical improvements to bugs and annoying shortcomings in the games. Super Mario Bros Special is basically a levels hack to SMB1. Special was a legit game that Nintendo allowed Hudson to develop for the PC-88 and Sharp X1. Someone basically remade the levels from that game in the NES rom. Although they didn’t program in some special items from the Hudson version such as the hammer.. And of course there’s all the wonderful English translations to Awesome Japan only games.
  19. Metroid Dread is being developed by Mercury Steam and Zelda Links Awakening was developed by Grezzo. Nintendo isn’t actively developing these games, they are just checking in with the developers and giving guidance/direction.
  20. Have you come to any conclusions on why that might be? Don’t name names, but if there is any roasting to be done, I dont think you should hold back
  21. My two older brothers and I settled on these names. I don’t know who concluded that these were the names but they ended up sticking Hot Dog Monkey business Poop nugget Crabber Mother Brain Weener monster Helmet guy Also helmet guy (we thought these were the same guy) Arnold Schwarzenegger Abobos brother Casey Jones Shredder
  22. Capcom developed the games, but Nintendo owns all the rights. They would not need to get any permissions from Capcom. I doubt there would be a remake of these in the same fashion as we have seen for Links Awakening, as they are not as iconic as Links Awakening. This was a period when Pokémon Red/Blue style dual releases were becoming more common. A lot of people bought one or the other, not both, even though the Zelda games are totally different games. Having two totally different adventures release simultaneously causes the games to cannibalize sales from each other. I think if they did do it, they should be staggered releases
  23. The scaling here is off by grand magnitudes, but the battle is no less epic
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