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Everything posted by phart010

  1. If they’re going to add Splinter, may as well just add Shredder too
  2. I’ve always avoided watching horror movies. Never understood why anyone would intentionally sit through 90 minutes of something that induces feelings of fear and anxiety. With effects that last for up to 24 hours after the movie is over.
  3. We were playing Duke Nukem 3D when I was 9 years old
  4. By the way I have complete respect for all those who served in these wars. I assume most everyone’s intentions were in the right place, regardless of whether it was a good idea to be over there.
  5. I used to have one called Super 55 in 1 when I was a kid. Has a picture of Mario flying from Mario 64 on the front. The game itself is a hack of another Japanese game with Mario sprites, it is called Mario 4. If you happen to have this I’d buy it from you
  6. It’s an important distinction because it highlights the money trail. Afghanistan was like a goose laying golden eggs. Check this out (don’t mind it being on FoxNews.com it’s just a republished Associated Press article) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/story/halliburtons-iraq-afghanistan-contracts-at-600-million-and-growing.amp No bid government contracts awarded to Halliburton for Afghanistan and Iraq? And no spending limits? WTF! But don’t worry, they clarified that the fact that Dick Cheney was former CEO to Halliburton had nothing to do with the contracts being awarded outside of the open bid process. No wonder we stayed there so long. It almost makes you wonder if the motivation to go there was the money and if the whole war on terror narrative was just the means to the end. I mean there’s way worse genocides happening in African countries and Xinjiang China, but we don’t seem to be doing anything military to stop the injustice in those places.
  7. I have like 98% map and 93% items. Wish I was a kid with lots of time to search, I may just look up the remaining item locations
  8. Like @Californication mentioned, corporate giveaways. That money wasn’t all sent away to some black hole. A lot of it was funneled over to construction contractors, private security forces, product manufacturers, etc. These companies caught a lot of that money providing goods and services over there. And many of them are based out of the US. A lot of people talk about this as if the money just vanished into thin air with nothing to show for it. In reality, a lot of that money is still here, it just went from the government’s bank account into some private firms bank account.
  9. I’ll definitely be getting the Limited Run as well. Usually I wait for physical but for this one I made an exception
  10. I just finished Axiom Verge 2. It reminded me that when I started the first Axiom Verge game, I wasn’t too impressed. But as I progressed more through the game, it sucked me in. The little bits of story keep you curious and the progression of item discovery is very satisfying. Well when I first started this game, I immediately noticed that it didn’t feel like the first game. The first game was on a very Alien planet and it really forced that atmosphere on you. This game had a very outdoor, natural environment with mystical ruins. I couldn’t get over that for a good while, but as the game progressed, I started to care less about how different the environment feels as I just started getting sucked into the story and progression. And they did provide some trippy alien areas within the verge, you just have to unlock those a bit further into the game. These verge areas really make me wonder whether Tom Happ is into psychedelics All in all, it was a great game. I had to go to Wikipedia and read through the plot of both games to get it all straightened out in my head. It really amazes me that Tom was able to single handed developer a game of this scale all by himself.
  11. Red and white are speaker left and speaker right. Yellow is video. If you only have red or white, not both, then you have mono sound input
  12. Pro-tip: view the ended auction on your phone. Then “Request Desktop Website” or “view in Desktop Mode” On iPhone, you can do this easily by clicking on the “AA” to the left of the URL. Now eBay takes you back to the main page in desktop mode. Find the auction under your “Recently viewed” items. while you are looking at the auction photos in desktop mode, the photos are in much higher resolution
  13. Was this game previously working for you and it stopped working? Or is this a newly acquired game that you have which was not working when you got it? My guess is a bad trace.. this is often the problem even if you can’t see an visibly obvious broken trace. You’d need to test continuity between chips and pins to know for sure. Alternatively, you could transplant the chips onto the board of a less desirable game with same pcb. If chips are still good then they’ll work on a known good pcb.. although this is frowned upon by collectors because it’s considered as a modification from original which will not always be obvious to the next person this game ends up with.
  14. NES The young Indiana Jones Chronicles NES-YJ-USA YJ= Young Jones (or Young Jaleco) NES Vice Project Doom NES-9G-USA I have to assume the G means “Gun” as the Japanese title for this game is Gun Dec
  15. https://www.axiomverge2.com Excellent timing. This will keep me busy until October 8: I’ll be checking for one of those physical cards with the download code at Target this evening
  16. I think Sega had a fair shot. Their systems themselves were good, just poor timing and execution. Nintendo consoles: Sega consoles:
  17. I suspect the problem has to do with item not received claims. I ordered a micro usb reader on alibaba a couple of months ago. It ended up arriving like two months late. I was actually given an opportunity to file a not received claim for a full refund, I did not do this because it only costed a few bucks and I understand that there are shipping delays. For a controller though (pretty sure these ones on Aliexpress are shipping from Asia) if I was down $30 and it was late I would certainly be filing a not received claim. If 8BitDo got hit with a bunch of these from the US, they probably just stopped selling them to the US through Aliexpress because of shipping delays. When you buy them through Amazon they are physically sitting in one of Amazon’s warehouses in the USA
  18. No problem. She just confronted the manufacturer about it and they pulled the listing. It’s just kind of a head scratcher that they would even think it’s ok to do in the first place. How could you expect your business partners to trust you or grow while doing this?
  19. Nice, so this is legitimately buying it directly from 8BitDo and not just cutting them out? I know sometimes manufacturers will sell products directly on Aliexpress cutting out the person who actually designed it. The page looks pretty official though so Im thinking it’s probably legit. This happened to my wife once. She spent countless hours and money hiring and coordinating with graphic designers to design magnets for kids that she wanted to sell on Amazon. She paid for lead and a phthalates testing. She had to talk to government people in California to research box labeling requirements for kids toys and then hire someone to design a box that incorporated all these requirements. Lots of money and lots of time. Finally, then she got the Chinese manufacturer to make according to her specifications. Few months later she found out there an Alibaba and Aliexpress listing for her product. Apparently the manufacturer thought it was ok to sell her product directly to consumers for the same price that they were selling it to her, even undercutting her Amazon listing
  20. I didn’t stick around for my LRG ticket to be called on. I was only looking for 1 game for my brother and possibly one or two for myself, which I don’t really have to have. It wasn’t worth the hours waiting. But my guess is that by the time it would have been my turn, the PAX variant of River City Girls would have been sold out as it was limited title that they mentioned is first-come first-serve. There were some deals to be had through the vendors. All of the vendor sticker prices were pretty much at eBay level, but all the vendors were quick to point out that they’d work with you on prices. I saw too many people there negotiate down prices without much effort.
  21. I thought to do that as well, but wasn’t sure exactly where the fold line should be. I didn’t want to crease it only to find out that my crease was slightly too high or slightly too low. So I didn’t pre-crease it, unfortunately that caused it to not stick. I have bought labels from retrogamecases before though, they are top quality. This crease thing was my only issue, but I guess I just need to figure out how to do that right for my next endeavor
  22. Have you noticed any issues with the top folded part of the label peeling off and not wanting to stay down?
  23. Brain signal reading and transcription into text
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