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“Mature” games you played as a kid?


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A slightly controversial topic perhaps, but..

what games have you tried that were geared towards mature gamers, and you were still a kid? Which games did you sneaked or peeked, when no adults were around?

For all intents and purposes,

“mature” > 15 years old

”kid” < 12 years old. 


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A couple of the Leisure Suit Larry games my dad had (1 & 3), a BASIC strip poker program (which went nowhere since I sucked at poker), and Softporn Adventure 2 (which I thought had some sort of "code" to lock it up because it asked for dimensions and I just put in random numbers, not being old enough to understand what that was even though I knew I liked boobies, lol).

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4 hours ago, Hammerfestus said:

What 10 year old didn’t know the blood code?

The ones with an SNES😉

Seriously, though, one weekend I was spending the night at a friend's house and had brought the SNES and MK along for us to play.  We'd recently heard about the blood code, but could only find references to it for Genesis, so we called a friend who had that version and asked which buttons did what on the controller, mapped those out to the SNES controller as best we could, then tried and tried to get it to work.  While we never did get blood on the SNES version, what we somehow did manage to do was unlock what we called "110mhz mode," as the game started playing like 5-10x as fast, for no apparent reason.  The effect stayed even through multiple resets, although powering off the system got rid of it.  However, my friend was able to get it back into that mode by trying out the Genesis blood code a  few times (don't know if he wasn't doing it correctly, if he made mistakes that made it work, if you had to input the code several times, etc., as I wasn't the one doing it) and we spent the weekend learning to "git gud" at SNES MK at a speed we initially couldn't remotely handle.  By the end of the weekend, we ere whipping the dog crap out of everybody else we knew who played the SNES version simply because our reflexes had been tweaked up so high learning how to play well and beat it going way over the speed limit.

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I'm not sure about what age ratings everything got exactly and there was a time before ratings but here goes in A-Z order in spoiler because the list is a bit long:


Alien Trilogy (PS1)
Blood (PC)
Deathtrap Dungeon (PS1)
Diablo (PC)
Die Hard Trilogy (PS1)
Dino Crisis (PS1)
Duke Nukem 3D (PC)
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (PS1)
Fallout (PC)
Fallout 2 (PC)
Grand Theft Auto (PC)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (PS1)
Half-Life (PC)
Half-Life: Opposing Force (PC)
Hexen (PC)
Koulu 3 (PC)
Leisure Suit Larry (PC)
Lula: The Sexy Empire (PC)
Loaded (PS1)
Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Mortal Kombat (PC)
Mortal Kombat II (MD)
Quake (PC)
Quake II (PC/PS1)
Resident Evil 1 (PS1)
Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
Resident Evil 3 (PS1)
Shadow Warrior (PC)
Silent Hill (PS1)
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (N64)
Wolfenstein 3D (PC)

...and probably some others.

Edited by sp1nz
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I rented Mortal Kombat 3 on SNES when I was 8. As most people know by now, the SNES versions of Mortal Kombat 2 and 3 have blood and uncensored fatalities. I also played a demo of the PS1 version of Metal Gear Solid when I was 9 or 10. The same demo disc also contained a demo of Spyro the Dragon and...Tomba I think? Or maybe Jersey Devil. So yeah, I was just playing through the games on the demo disc not knowing at the time that Metal Gear Solid is for adults

Edited by MegaMan52
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Damn, I guess I'm a little older than everybody else. I turned 12 in 1992, and all I had to play at that point was still my NES. Can't really think of anything that would have been rated "mature" that I would have played. Abadox? Arch Rivals, maybe? I don't know, that's all I got.

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It's fun to note that the ESRB was created in September of 1994 so before that, parents couldn't tell just from the box or label art what was going to be in the game.


If you see a fatality in MK, you'll know it's gore/violence but if you're just looking at the box or label, that's just a logo. And if you're watching a round, then it's just a fighting game no different than Street Fighter except for the digitized look, with flashy red blood.

Edited by WhyNotZoidberg
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Didn't Joe Liebermann and his pals back in the 90s though insist we'd by now be hopelessly morally corrupted by now and be menaces to society from all these bad violent and/or sex filled games? 😄 

And if Mortal Kombat was such a terrible violent game, what were Carl and Estelle Winslow doing playing it? 😄 


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3 hours ago, cj_robot said:

Damn, I guess I'm a little older than everybody else. I turned 12 in 1992, and all I had to play at that point was still my NES. Can't really think of anything that would have been rated "mature" that I would have played. Abadox? Arch Rivals, maybe? I don't know, that's all I got.

Welcome to the club!  Both age and only having an NES still!  Did your parents too pull that whole "you already have a Nintendo" crap? 😛   Of course it wasn't until a couple years later we REALLY had the whole sex/violence in games debate and the start of that whole ESRB thing...which, just like the Parental Advisory stickers for CDs at the time, only made young people want them more!  Shoot I remember some clothes back then with the Parental Advisory logo!

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8 hours ago, darkchylde28 said:

The ones with an SNES😉

You can with a Game Genie!  In fact with the right codes you can make the blood/sweat whatever color you want...Vulcan green, Andorian blue, Klingon pink... 😄  Obviously you don't get the most famous part, the gory/graphic finishing moves.

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1 minute ago, Estil said:

You can with a Game Genie!  In fact with the right codes you can make the blood/sweat whatever color you want...Vulcan green, Andorian blue, Klingon pink... 😄  Obviously you don't get the most famous part, the gory/graphic finishing moves.

Neat, wasn't aware of that.  I'm not entirely sure that the SNES Game Genie was out when MK first came out, though, and if it did, neither I nor any of my friends owned one, so it wouldn't have been an option at the time.  Sadly, I still haven't ever bothered buying one, as my SNES tends to be my least used system out of the bunch, lol.

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4 hours ago, captmorgandrinker said:

Mad Party Fucker on Commodore 64.

It was only text, but some filthy text.

The C64 was what I had in mind when making this thread with a couple of the games I recall:

- Samantha Fox strip poker (never before had I focused so intensely on a poker game)

- Barbarian (you wear skimpy clothes, fight with swords and can decapitate your enemy...with blood spurts)

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