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Game Debate #31: Castlevania

Reed Rothchild

Rate it  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Maybe one of the best released that year.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not a very good game.
    • 2/10 - Not your cup of tea at all. Some people might like this, but you are not one of them.
    • 1/10 - Horrible game in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.
  2. 2. Next week's poll (Reed's favorites)

    • Ikaruga
    • Deadly Premonition
    • Darkest Dungeon
    • Professor Layton & the Curious Village
    • Dragon Age: Origins

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Editorials Team · Posted
5 hours ago, RH said:

It looks like I serve @Gloves role this week.  I've never played it.  I've seen others play it a bit, and I'm familiar, but I've never played it.

I think you've served that role 7-8 times already 😅

We should see who comes out on top by thread #100

...obviously not me because I'm biased into choosing games that I've mostly played 😎

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I really like it except for the fact you basically have to cheese the bosses with holy water to win in the last few levels.  Yes, I know you don't "have to" play it like that, but the difficulty is ridiculous without it.  Still, I love the game and would rate it very high.  8/10 for me.

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11 minutes ago, peg said:

I really like it except for the fact you basically have to cheese the bosses with holy water to win in the last few levels.  Yes, I know you don't "have to" play it like that, but the difficulty is ridiculous without it.  Still, I love the game and would rate it very high.  8/10 for me.

Fair criticism.  Also amusing because you start on 'easy' mode!  I would craft it a bit different and say you basically need triple shot for Death.  Either triple shot crosses or holy water.  Without it yeah you're basically finished.  

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1 minute ago, guitarzombie said:

Fair criticism.  Also amusing because you start on 'easy' mode!  I would craft it a bit different and say you basically need triple shot for Death.  Either triple shot crosses or holy water.  Without it yeah you're basically finished.  

I'm certainly not a Castlevania expert, but yeah, I thought triple-shot cross was the way to take out Death.

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Just now, arch_8ngel said:

I'm certainly not a Castlevania expert, but yeah, I thought triple-shot cross was the way to take out Death.

You can, but the main way is really to triple shot freeze him in place with the holy water as soon as he spawns.  You would need to be EXTREMELY lucky on the scythe spawns to dodge him otherwise.

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1 minute ago, guitarzombie said:

Fair criticism.  Also amusing because you start on 'easy' mode!  I would craft it a bit different and say you basically need triple shot for Death.  Either triple shot crosses or holy water.  Without it yeah you're basically finished.  

I definitely prefer carrying the Cross/Boomerang to the Holy Water in 99% of cases, although I know that the latter can indeed be really devastating to some of the bosses.

I also find it kind of amusing that a) Death (aka the Grim Reaper) apparently works for Dracula and b) is a tougher boss. He's certainly beatable with some patience but yeah, Double/Triple Shot and the Cross makes him WAY easier.

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1 minute ago, guitarzombie said:

You can, but the main way is really to triple shot freeze him in place with the holy water as soon as he spawns.  You would need to be EXTREMELY lucky on the scythe spawns to dodge him otherwise.

Good to know.  Playing the game over the years, I was never really big on the holy water just because it was "as cool" as throwing boomerangs 😛  Need to give it another look.

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Eh, I've always beaten Death with the boomerangs. Mainly because my copy has the glitch that freezes when you spam holy water in the hallway with the knights.

It's not that hard if you're just mindful of the scythes. Just before Death appears, fling three 'rangs at the area where he drops in at, then keep pumping them in his general direction while dodging.


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I never really studied the game enough to use the cross and dodge any of his attacks.  I just spammed the holy water and he went down like a bitch without even putting up a fight.  Actually really lame, but that's the only way I could beat him back when I played it.

Edited by peg
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Whatever weapon you prefer is fine, I love playing around with all of them.

But there's no questining which the objectively most effective weapon is - the holy water is straight up overpowered, and turns every boss outside of Dracula's first form into a complete non-issue. But it's overpowered in a forgivable way that doesn't ruin the game. Changing out weapons or going whip only is a great way to dynamically affect your challenge, similar to using e-tanks or boss weaknesses in a Mega Man game.

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Of course I gave this one a 10.  Castlevania was one of the first NES games I got after Mario/Duck Hunt.  Loved it back then and still love it today.  You can be guaranteed that at some point in my day I will be heard humming or whistling music from this game.  It was such a wonderful idea to mash-up all those classic monsters into one game.  The series and lore that came from this is one of the best in gaming. 

I always used triple crosses on Death.  It wasn't until a few years ago that I found out about the holy water and the stun lock when he spawns.  If I'd only know about that back when... lol at younger me! 

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Castlevania is Nintendo gold.  I'm pretty sure I played it in the arcades first in a VS. cabinet. 

The music is catchy and memorable.  After playing it I find myself humming these tunes. The gameplay is arcade like, easy to learn, hard to master, but fair.  I think perfectly scales up in difficulty. The gaphics for it's time were great.

It's a 9

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16 hours ago, Tulpa said:

It's possible, you just have to be really good at running under Dracula when he jumps.

Now in retrospect i see you don't even have to dodge that jump with precision you can go the very end of either side and provoke a much higher jump. Some dude on youtube beating it with 0 damage. But yeah that boss used to get me a lot i found out about the overpowered holywater attack (not by myself) and went along with that beating the game my patience had ran out.

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