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The most replayable game?


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What has been the game you’ve completed the most number of times? Completing through to the big bad final boss, and then happily replaying it again, again, again and....again! 

What is it about this game that made you want to keep replaying it? The true definition of 10/10 if you were to give it a review “replayability” score!

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IMO any game that's short, fun, and doesn't require a lot of strategy and thought is replayable to me. True replayability is probably one of the biggest qualities a video game can have.

As someone who has a huge collection of games, it's really hard to justify playing the same game over and over, when you have so much else that "you need to get to", and I can imagine a lot of people in here feel the same. That makes it really hard to judge a game's true replayable qualities, and in turn the game's genuine potential, which is kind of sad.

But I'd say these are probably the games I've seen myself returning to the most:

  • Tetris
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Castlevania
  • Rainbow Islands
  • Bubble Bobble
  • Ninja Gaiden
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State of Decay, the breakdown mode, beat it well over a hundred times. I played it enough to gather up over 4500+ random names (yeah, I actually have a massive list of survivor names, not just the heroes, never much liked using the hero characters). There were times I rushed through it in short time doing only the minimum, what was need to move on and get the RV, other times I cleared every location, but most games I tended to focus on a certain part of Trumbull, be it Spencer's Mill, Marshall or Fairfield depending on where I was placed to start. I'm sure I done played probably over a thousand hours of State of Decay and the many times beating that after a time I had to invent knew ways to play it and even wrote short stories to keep me going or spending many hours trying to find a way out of bounds to get off of the map or climb that mountain that I'm not really supposed to climb but damn I'm going to find a way. The only other game that I played that much is Skyrim, while Fallout 3 and Just Cause 2 come dragging in after those, but each of those I've only beaten once or twice, but then beating them wasn't where the replayability shined, it was just in the whole everything, everything one can do, roaming around exploring every little inch and just doing whatever I wanted to the extend of what the games allowed. I never thought I'd get into the whole open world thing but once I did I couldn't even get myself to play anything else, that is replay and addiction.

If wanting something even more old school, Castlevania, I have come back to that game more than any other NES or SNES game, it's short and sweet, offers a challenge but not overly frustrating, done in about a half and hour or so, so I can play again or move on to something else. If I need just a quick old school fix without too much commitment, this is one of the few that I go to again and again. Castlevania is the perfect hack 'n slash platformer, keeps everything basic and does it all right. And if thinking something with more exploration, that would be Metroid, the original.

There were a lot of addicting games over the years as well as other games that I revisit from time to time, but I think many are past their prime, because the revisit is the thing, I don't stay with them anymore, thus even the great NES ones that I return to time and again or a few of the very addicting PS1 games such as Twisted Metal 2 back in the day, they don't hold up the same way anymore, not since the old days when I was repeatedly playing them over and over and it seemed they were the best and most fun games ever. Still all and all, State of Decay is the ultimate champion of replayability for me because I know if I got another 360 I would be back at it again killing zombies for hundreds of hours before even considering anything else, which is good that I am taking a break from it because there were days that I felt sick just from gaming too much, and then even after I got tired of that would move over to Skyrim, and then back again.

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Back in the days when I had more time than money, I beat Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 over and over again. Probably no small coincidence that those are two of my all time favorites and their soundtracks are burned in my brain.

Even though I had an NES at the age when I should have been obsessed, I never played that console much. In all honesty, I probably only beat one NES game when I was a kid, SMB3. Crazy considering how much I love and collect NES now.

As for the game that deserves the title "Most Replayable?" I'd go with Tetris. It's nearly perfect. Add a few upgrades and modes like Tetris 99 and it is perfect.

Edited by DoctorEncore
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This may not be the type of answer you’re looking for but I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of Splatoon 2.

As for single player games, I’ve put a lot of hours/replays into:

Pokémon series (most hours probably put into RSE as a kid)

Fallout series (most hours into New Vegas)

Kingdom Hearts II

Kirby 64

Super Mario World


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I guess I should mention I also have a love for Galaga (first arcade cabinet that I ever played as a kid) and Space Harrier, so we can add those to my list.

Nintendo sent me an email about Space Harrier being on sale on the eShop. Do I really need yet another version of Space Harrier? Yeah, I do. It’s portable.

Edited by The Strangest
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Street Fighter 2 and its upgrades. I can’t remember how many coins I’ve slotted into those machines, but damn, the amount of money spent, I probably could have bought the arcade machine itself! The premise was simple but the mechanics and the addictiveness was amazing. Bashing Bison to a pulp never gets old!

Currently, I’ve been playing Defense Grid repeatedly, mainly to get the high scores and trying different weapons to maximise the efficiency of kills/points. Like Streetfighter, every time you play it, it always feels a bit different each time. I guess that’s the secret to these “replayable games” - addictiveness and variety with each encounter.

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Graphics Team · Posted

In general, I'd say the most replayable game is Tetris.

But personally, I've spent the most time replaying Skate-It for the Nintendo DS. Playing that game is like going skateboarding (my other favorite hobby alongside retro gaming), but the limits are in the trick selection instead of real-life skill level. Plus the stylus controls seem like the most intuitive way to play a skateboarding game - even moreso than games like Tony Hawk ride with an actual board peripheral.


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For me:

Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage 2

Basically games that are easy to pick up and play whenever I'm bored, that are really fun, and easy enough that I can play through them without trouble.

Modern games for me would be Uncharted 1 & 2, and That Last of Us. I've beaten them each several times in an era where most games I play through just once and never again.

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11 minutes ago, cj_robot said:

For me:

Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Turtles in Time, Streets of Rage 2

Basically games that are easy to pick up and play whenever I'm bored, that are really fun, and easy enough that I can play through them without trouble.

Modern games for me would be Uncharted 1 & 2, and That Last of Us. I've beaten them each several times in an era where most games I play through just once and never again.

What is your favorite Uncharted? I thought 4 was the culmination of everything they've been working on for the last ten years and is nearly perfect (retconning his brother's story was kind of weak, though). For me, the series goes 4>1>2>3. I haven't played Lost Legacy.

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22 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

What is your favorite Uncharted? I thought 4 was the culmination of everything they've been working on for the last ten years and is nearly perfect (retconning his brother's story was kind of weak, though). For me, the series goes 4>1>2>3. I haven't played Lost Legacy.

Honestly, I didn't enjoy 4 as much as I thought I would. But I think the mistake I made was playing the HD remasters of 1, 2, and 3 all in a row right before starting 4 for the first time, which really burnt me out. It definitely had some great moments, and I will for sure give it another shot one day. For me, it's 2>1>3 with 4's placement to be determined.

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