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What I'm working on for the various consoles I can program for.

Entries in this blog


So today it was 105 degrees outside. I wanted to take a 10-minute walk every day. So I had to wait until 9 p.m. for it to cool down enough to do that. And I also worked a whole bunch on the lemons game. Here is what the picture of the place in yesterday's blog entry looks like now: The cacti are a little skinnier now, but I think it's good since now the cacti's offshoots are the same width as the stem. I think I have a little trouble digesting salad. I don't know why. I had to spe


Gamegearguy in Intellivision

Return of the History Teacher Who Ate Lemons

Back in 2017 and 2019 I worked on a game for the Intellivision called My History Teacher Ate Lemons. I got to level 3 before I stopped for some unknown reason. Perhaps there was some bug. Well, I went back to work on it and I think I got the bugs straightened out. Anyway, I have been chugging away with work on my other game, the Ugly Uppity Umpire for Game Boy. I had to give up on the Steve the Watermelon game because it just wasn't working out. Since the doctor's visit I have been tak


Gamegearguy in Intellivision

Waffles return

Four years ago, I made an Intellivision game called "The Secret Government Waffle Project." So now in the midst of a boredom attack, I thought of a rhyming phrase "awful waffles." Then I thought, "That would make a good subtitle for a sequel of The Secret Government Waffle Project!" So I did. For those of you wanting a butt update, here it is. The doctor was running half-an-hour late. I wanted out. So I didn't tell him about it. And then I had to wait another half hour to get my blood test


Gamegearguy in Intellivision


They look so simple in the sky. But I seem to have been having a ton of problems when programming them. First it was that 2k Atari 2600 game. Now it's my Intellivision game I started back working on called "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland." The problem was with scrolling. When it was lower to the ground it didn't flicker, but when I moved it up more it flickered a whole bunch. I don't know why. I kept on working trying to not make this happen. I spent about 5 hours today alone working on


Gamegearguy in Intellivision

Hamburgers INTV update

I'm still working on this whenever I get a desire to. Added a boss level, much like the one in the Virtual Boy version. There's a giant eggplant shooting giant peas at you. Shoot him twenty times to get past the level. I only have two levels done: Meat Meadow and Mayonnaise Mountains. Soon I will work on Sesame Seed Sea. I worked on the boss for a couple hours because the computer was being a jerk and wouldn't do what I told it to. But eventually it worked.


Gamegearguy in Intellivision

Hamburgers for Intellivision

I decided to make a version of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland for the Intellivision. I finished the Virtual Boy version on Christmas, and started this on January 10. Here is the title screen for it. I've been working on this each morning and it is technically a game. You can die in it and there's a score. But there is much work to do. Instead of the milkshakes in the Virtual Boy version, the enemies in the Intellivision version will be different forms of vegetables. This may change


Gamegearguy in Intellivision

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