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Everything posted by B.A.

  1. I was able to get and Amazon order and a Best Buy store pickup order in this morning. They are both due in about a week. Usually these types if releases don't get a 2nd batch, so we'll see. Hopefully one shows up.
  2. Having to track a guy down just to accept the invite isn't a good start. If people don't want to participate they shouldn't sign up.
  3. One of those store exclusive deals that usually become hard to track down later if you are after a full set. https://www.target.com/p/mario-kart-8-deluxe-super-mario-party-double-pack-nintendo-switch/-/A-80960673#lnk=sametab
  4. Orb 3D for me. I got it one year for Christmas, out of the clearance bin I'm sure. I knew it was bad and no fun while I was playing it, but I played it anyway because that was what I had.
  5. Most of the people who flaunt the rules/warnings are by and large in a demographic that is likely "safe" due to age and physical condition. Just about everyone knows what to do, there are just more and more everyday who simply aren't willing to do it anymore (if they ever were). People are selfish, so the "think about other people who you could affect" isn't motivating enough.
  6. Is one of those a fart? Because that is the right answer.
  7. I'm not sure what is "sad" about it. Neither is perfect but the guys at WATA worked their asses off to have the advantages you mention. They were at all the conventions, they built the connections with heritage auctions, WATA was doing interviews with anyone who would listen, Deniz got himself on Pawn Stars as an expert. These are guys from the community who started a company from nothing. VGA has been stagnant for years. They don't address any concerns people have about the company or their standards, they aren't upfront about how their process works. There is a reason people make the joke about "some guy in his mom's basement telling you the condition of your game", it's because of the mystery around their operation. Competition is a good thing. VGA can either try and up their game, or fade away. They seem to be choosing the latter.
  8. And I'm sure whoever received those handouts liked them. I'm not arguing as to who is better at handing out free stuff, I am saying that yeah, if you get something free (like say $600 a week) then chances are good you will like that.
  9. Free goods and services is generally popular to those on the receiving end. I suspect defund the police isn't as popular.
  10. Ilhan Omar has also paid the company her husband owns over $1,000,000 in campaign funds for consulting fees. This same husband who was married to another women last year and was accused of having an affair with Omar (who was also married). Omar denied denied denied the affair, then oops they get married a couple months later. Unfortunately she runs in a district in Minneapolis that will NEVER vote republican. She would never win a statewide election, but that isn't how it works. She is an embarrassment to the state.
  11. Choplifter is fun, and I like the SMS Double Dragon better.
  12. Yep, I agree with all of that. I do think this election was more of a rejection of Trump's personality not his policies. There are lots of people out there who view Harris and AOC as one in the same. Those defund the police attack ads worked to scare people.
  13. If Medicare for all and the green new deal are centrist positions then sure. Of women in the primary Klobuchar would have been the more moderate choice. I'm not saying it's right, wrong or indifferent, but a lot of apprehension I heard from people is that Harris is too far left and they are afraid Biden won't make 4 years.
  14. I'm curious your definition of hard-core liberal. Harris co-sponsored the green new deal and is for Medicare for all. She has moderated some of her stances, or at least not shown a spotlight on them since being selected to run as vice president. She is however historically pretty dang far left of center.
  15. Nice work! It was a good time checking in on your progress throughout the day.
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