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Everything posted by B.A.

  1. What can you play it on? I've never used steam and I'm not about to play on my phone.
  2. This is what will happen. He will say "see I got it and it was no big deal". He will probably say he got it on purpose to prove a point.
  3. We're number 1! We're number 1!
  4. Must be tough being an A's fan @Reed Rothchild
  5. Quiet you, the A's won a game. You get no sympathy. ETA: and I would submit the Timberwolves application for the worst franchise in pro sports.
  6. In football at least the better team usually wins. Baseball the best teams still only wins a given game like 60% of the time, the odds of losing 18 playoff games in a row are inconceivable.
  7. No team will ever touch an 18 game postseason losing streak. EVER! @Estil It is absolutely NOT better to have made playoffs and lost than not made the playoffs at all. I am so sick of this. It is beyond pathetic.
  8. I'm not doing this nonsense with you Dave, give it a rest right now.
  9. I said "Maybe this concern is legitimate, maybe not." My perspective is that I see the irony in someone who will break the rules in order to suit his needs, but will call out others for potentially doing the same. Hiding behind a fake account is cowardly at best and malicious at worst. If you are concerned enough about their practices then own it. Good to know that Dave encourages breaking site rules.
  10. I was simply alluding to the fact that this thread smells stinky due to the circumstances. You confirmed the funk by admitting you made a fake dupe account.
  11. And there you have it friends! The new record for playoff awfulness in all of major professional sports. The Minnesota Twins, losers of 17 straight games!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  12. It's the 9th inning. Twins have managed 2 hits and none since the 3rd inning. That's Twins playoff baseball!
  13. Member who joined yesterday and has only participated in this thread...Hmmm Maybe this concern is legitimate, maybe not. This feels like someone who has pre-conceived notions about WATA already though.
  14. And look who the win was against, what a surprise!
  15. Winning zero games is worse. This isn't losing a series we are talking about, they haven managed to win a single game since 2004 despite being there 6 times. The odds of that are unreal.
  16. I just completely disagree. Getting swept over and over and over is worse. I'm sick if seeing them not show up in the playoffs. I'd rather they not even make it then watch more pathetic efforts.
  17. No it's not. Losing 16 games in a row is embarrassing.
  18. Both teams with a lot to play for. Twins are 1 game up in the division and the White Sox hold the tie breaker. Winning the division matters, because no matter what the players say, they don't want to play the Yankees AGAIN in the first round. Twins have a 16 game playoff game losing streak going. One more loss and they will hold the all time record in all of major professional sports!
  19. Short answer, it got sold to the devil. Thankfully yes. Glad you found us!
  20. Ha, now this response was just lazy, you can do better. If you read way back I said it's hard for everyone, parents, teachers and kids. You are the one who started calling parents assholes and lazy and irresponsible and implied they should have never had kids, if they are having a difficult time managing homeschooling. If anything I am guilty of having TOO MUCH respect for teachers, I fully admit I'm not up to the task. You are the one saying any old chump who can knock someone up should be able to do it.
  21. You don't have a point. Teaching is a profession, people aren't required to chose to homeschool their kids. Everyone pays taxes in order to have their kids learn from professional educators. In fact I voted last November to pay higher taxes so the schools could have more money. The idea that working parents (you know so they pay the bills in order to feed, house and clothe their children, ie putting them first) are somehow irresponsible is laughable and downright offensive. ETA: Don't ever change Dave. Your contrarianism is one of the few rocks of consistency we can always count on during these strange times.
  22. You have the audacity to keep a day job while owning a cat?!? How irresponsible of you. Working all day? According to your logic you gave up that privilege when you adopted that cat, just like I did when I chose not to "keep my legs shut".
  23. What an asinine statement. I can't teach my kids proper socialization with other kids while we are locked up at home. I could teach them reading/writing and math 5 days a week, the problem is I ALREADY HAVE A JOB. So in your opinion no one should have kids unless they are prepared to drop everything else in their life and focus solely on teaching their children. Only those who are independently wealthy and don't need to earn a living.
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