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Everything posted by noiseredux

  1. ^I loved these guys when I was in like 6th, 7th grade. Yeah!
  2. The fact that someone watched The Toxic Avenger and thought, "this would make a great cartoon for kids" is why the 90's were awesome.
  3. I've been known to do this with last bits of coffee... and scotch.
  4. That Dragon Warrior promo back in the day was amazing.
  5. Looking thru old Nintendo Powers, it got me wondering. Every month there were letters published, artwork, people sending in their high score in the early days... and I started wondering what ever happened to all these people? Surely, some must have grown up and continued with the hobby. So just curious if anyone here was ever published in NP in some form. If so, share your moment of glory with us.
  6. I'm not sure if this is a reference to Blast From The Past or Encino Man... but I KNOW it's a Brendan Frasier reference!
  7. Wait, yeah - I'm not saying 5 is really decent. I'm saying that DLC is worth playing, though. I like RE4. I do. I think it's a solid ACTION game with a horror vibe. But yeah, I definitely prefer the "old school" RE games, which I'd consider Code Veronica and the Revelations games to be part of the lineage of. In my mind, there are 3 kinds of RE games: The horror ones (1, 2, 3, CV, etc); the action ones (4, 5, 6) and the oddball experiments (the lightgun games, Mercenaries, Umbrella Corps and so on). I guess I'd consider RE7 to be a horror one, but overlapped w/ oddball experiement given that it's in first person. (RE7 is aweseom, btw).
  8. Regarding RE5: while I'll agree that it's not really a good RE game, it does have its merits. I'll say that it's at least a fairly fun co-op action game experience. But more importantly, the DLC content which puts you back in the Spencer Mansion - that brief expansion was way better than the game proper. I'd at least encourage folks to play that bit of 5. Also, I'm in the camp that doesn't get the need of a RE4 remake. The original doesn't feel dated enough to need a remake, and given that it's already been ported to all the current gen consoles it just feels unnecessary. I really don't need any reason to buy that game again for the umpteenth time. I don't even need a Code Veronica REMAKE - just port the damn thing to Switch, really. I'll be happy with that. Heck, I'd be more excited about an Operation Raccoon City port than another version of RE4 at this point haha. At least it would be something different.
  9. looks good, dude. I like the simplicity. My setup is similar.
  10. Code Veronica is really cool. I prob prefer it to RE3, really. I'd also say to anyone interested in the old classic RE games that you should check out Revelations and Revelations 2. They're episodic games, but they feel like true sequels to the classic (pre-4) RE games as opposed to the later action oriented ones.
  11. the world builder update is big news. I'd been holding off on picking up SMM2, as I've still barely scratched the surface of the first game. But this update is gonna make me bump up the priority of this one on my want-list.
  12. I'm a prettyyyy big fan of all things RE (thus my avatar). I don't have anything important to add here, but I'm glad this thread exists. Regarding the brevity of RE3, in all reality I feel like Code Veronica is the "real" RE3 and RE3 is the sort of gaiden game. And I mean, that's kind of true development-wise.
  13. I'm fairly certain I'm going to order SOR4 myself. SOR2 is one of my wife's favorite games of all time, so I feel like this will be a good co-op game for us.
  14. Chex Quest reminds me of... did anyone else play that weird Punch-out clone that had breakfast foods in it? I'm blanking on the name.
  15. My first CD's (both bought on same day) were the Batman soundtrack and Nirvana's "Lithium" single.
  16. I can't help you, but I am intrigued to hear how you ruined your copy?
  17. Oregon Trail would prob be close, yeah. Shadowgate is like you said a point-n-click, as in you're clicking on THINGS. Where as VN's tend to be like just choices in a dialogue tree. You're not inputting anything like in Zork for instance.
  18. I would say Zork is a text adventure. And in Monkey Island etc you control an avatar. VN's feel like choose-your-own-adventures with pictures, to me.
  19. added, FO: Switch Collection Of Mana (JPN) Night Trap - LRG/standard release Starlink: Battle For Atlas - game & box (no toys) Wargroove
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