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Everything posted by noiseredux

  1. this is so weird. I listened to the first Gorillaz album yesterday randomly. Hadn't heard it in a few years. I haven't voted yet. Probably a 7/10 for me. Somewhere in that neighborhood. I like all their albums. I like the concept of the band. But if Damon announced tomorrow that Blur was back in full force and Gorillaz was no more, I'd be happy with that.
  2. yeah I just ignore it. Which is somewhat easier as I'm not on social media at all. But yeah, when I saw Pokemone United my first thoughts were, (A) oh awesome, a Pokemon MOBA made by the people who made Arena Of Valor, so I know it'll be competent; I'm looking forward to giving this a try, and (B) a lot of people are going to be really angry and vocal about this.
  3. ah, gotcha. I guess in my mind, the baseball one is the poster, and the Zelda side is just a fold-out map/part of the Zelda article. I'm wondering if other posters listed on here actually are double sided posters and not noted?
  4. I like the idea of it being some kind of single stream, as if I were tuning in to a "channel." Prior to 2019, I didn't really watch any game streams. But when our daughter was born last year, I'd find I had downtime where I'd be holding a sleeping baby, and at the same time discovered that Pluto TV had an IGN channel. Because there was just this one channel I had easy access to with a live stream going, I'd watch that - whatever it was. So I went from never watching live streams, to suddenly watching whatever - Minecraft or Kingdom Hearts or things i woulnd't normally watch - simply because that's what was on and I didn't have to spend any time "browsing." I'd also be okay with people streaming ABOUT games. Like, if I tuned into a VGS stream and it was a tour of a game room, or a game review, or just something about games, like a video podcast or whatever, but not a game stream proper, I'd still find it interesting. I don't know if this feedback helps in any way, but food for thought?
  5. Question: What is the Zelda poster listed as included with #1? I don't actually own #1, but all the pics I see online shows that it came with this poster:
  6. added more games... Switch, Wii U, 3DS, etc.
  7. The Curse Of The Moon games are developed by Inti Creates, not ArtPlay. It's two different teams.
  8. That's scary stuff. The OEM Switch docks seem to be like $90-ish, though. They also seem to be sold out most places I look.
  9. My Switch dock is in my game room. I've thought about getting another one for the living room for the rare occasions that my wife and I might find time to play a game together at night. However, for how often it'll get used, I'd rather buy something cheap. So two questions: 1. Is there still a legit concern about third party docks bricking systems? B. Can you recommend a cheap dock?
  10. Now the bigger question: will we get a physical release? I waited for physical copies of the other two Bloodstained games, and am more than happy to do the same for this one.
  11. yeah, exactly. Those two games really went a long way in filling the void of 'real' Castlevania games for me. In my mind, these ARE the new CV's in everything but name.
  12. just came to post the same! I'm thrilled that this has turned into an actual ongoing series. I loved the first Curse Of The Moon, and Ritual of The Night.
  13. found it! https://www.amazon.com/Madden-NFL-09-Limited-Bundle/dp/0761559604
  14. wow, this is a fantastic cover. Thank you. The only true alternate cover I could think of like that was the Mega Man 10 cover (#250). I had forgotten about #280. Would love to know if there were any others. Thanks again for posting this!
  15. @MaddenCollector You may already know this, but one of the Brady or Prima guides - I want to say it was maybe Madden 09, but I'm not positive - had a special edition, which came with a hardcover book about the history of the Madden series. I used to have a copy, but unfortunately I'm pretty sure it got lost in the shuffle some years ago when we (almost) moved and had to get rid of a bunch of stuff.
  16. I've been leisurely collecting them for a year or two now, but personally I go for the cheapest ones I can find and pick them up often single issues, or maybe a lot of 3-5 issues at a time. Having done it this way, I've been paying like ~$4/issue. Though that means some of them are fairly beat up; some are missing posters/etc. I'm okay with that, as I'm more about reading them anyway, so posters are just a nice extra if they happen to be included. Obviously at some point I'll be left with just the pricier issues to pick up - #1 and #285 being the two big outliers. Anyway, my totally unscientific research seems to say that the N64 era is some of the cheaper and easier to find issues.
  17. @MaddenCollector you'll have to post up your collection, and let us know what you're looking for. I passed on a CIB copy of 2004 on GCN locally over the weekend.
  18. nope. I actually got rid of my Xbox One after enough stuff was ported to Switch that it felt unnecessary for me to want to pay for Live. So at this point my collection consists of entirely Nintendo branded consoles. Which means the most recent Maddens in my library are 13 on Wii U, and whatever the heck the 3DS game is... like 11.5 or something? haha. But the history of Madden has always been really interesting to me. Like, you can go back to the beginning of the series in the 16-bit era, and kind of follow the franchise through new console generations, or implementation of new game engines, and you can watch the tech change over the years. It's interesting stuff. Like I said, I'm not really a COLLECTOR exactly, but I do tend to grab entries I don't own if I see them super cheap somewhere. I picked up 05 and 06 on GCN at a thrift shop not too long ago actually. Here's to hoping that EA's recent announcement that they have like a half-dozen games they want to bring to Switch includes Madden.
  19. I wouldn't say I'm a Madden "collector," but I do enjoy Madden games and the history of the series.
  20. I wasn't aware of these UAE editions until this thread, but now that it's something floating around my mind, I'm noticing some 3DS games with this tag being sold on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B084295L4W/?coliid=I2N34ZN4TZ5P5Z&colid=1YGDFEYPHFKRU&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
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