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Everything posted by MegaMan52

  1. Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I've been playing the original Animal Crossing since 2006 (still have my original copy) and it was and still is one of my favorite games of all time, but I decided last year that it was time to start playing a newer Animal Crossing game. I've seen several videos of Wild World and City Folk over the years, and noticed that several characters and features were either changed or removed altogether. Kapp'n is a Cab/Bus Driver? Gulliver rides in UFO's? Booker and Copper open and close gates? Only eight villagers per town in Wild World? I decided to hold off on buying a newer Animal Crossing game until late 2019. Without watching any videos of it, I decided to buy New Leaf. I went with the Welcome Amiibo edition, not knowing what was different about it other than compatibility with Amiibo's. I started up the game and to my surprise it brought back quite a few things from the original Animal Crossing. It starts on a train with Rover the Cat greeting you, and he even references the original Animal Crossing ("Haven't done this much travelling by train since 2002 or so..."). I met Isabelle, who quickly became my favorite of the game's new characters. I walked over to the Beach one day, and noticed Kapp'n sitting a boat. I enjoyed hearing him sing like in the original Animal Crossing as he gave me a ride to the Island. After playing the game a while, I checked the list of Public Works Projects and noticed one of them was a Police Station that looked very similar to the one in the original game. After completing it, I was happy to see Copper back on duty. I eventually found Gulliver, not as an Astronaut, but as a Sailor lying down on the Beach, and was more than happy to wake him up and talk to him like in the good old days. I later found out that the Welcome Amiibo edition includes several characters from the original game that were missing in Wild World and City Folk, such as Gonzo (who's actually been in my original Animal Crossing town since I started playing it in 2006). Anyway, aside from returning characters and features, I like the addition of a secret storage and I'm glad that the game allows up to ten villagers per town (which is just enough, in my opinion). Note: I don't hate Wild World and City Folk, and will most likely buy them someday. But, I feel like I made the right choice buying New Leaf last year instead of those games.
  2. Despite the fact that it received mediocre ratings, has some framerate issues, and very few added features, Mega Man 64 is actually a good game. I actually kind of like it more than Mega Man Legends because it saves your progress much faster (thanks to the Battery saves) and the default control setting has you turn with the Control Stick rather than the L and R buttons. The Rumble Pak doesn't add much or make the game more enjoyable, but the option to use it is there in case you want to feel MegaMan's pain. I know some people like the game, but usually it's just the PlayStation version that gets praise. So I believe this is somewhat of an unpopular opinion: Mega Man 64 is a good game.
  3. I still have Super Mario Sunshine for my GameCube (and can play it in Widescreen with an Action Replay), but that is an interesting update. Now players who are playing it for the first time or no longer have it for GameCube can play the game with its original controls.
  4. I wouldn't mind playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, or even Mario Kart 8 Deluxe again. I just hope that I'll have more time to play than I did on Halloween.
  5. Luigi unlocked: All Icons unlocked: Getting first place right before time runs out: 150 First-Place Wins:
  6. On the Moo Moo Meadows track, MegaTank just sort of sneaked by me near the finish line. I chuckled when that happened. Finish Line dead ahead! Two seconds later...
  7. Yeah, it was fun. Wish I had more time, though. It would've been nice to play on other tracks, as well as the Battle mode.
  8. I'm not really sure what to do, so I just sent Jeevan a Friend Request.
  9. Yeah, about that. I haven't played online with anyone in particular, just with whoever the game decides. If I enter your Switch code, am I going to be able to play online with other VGS users? Or do I need more codes?
  10. So are we playing VS Race mode? Battle mode? Both?
  11. I dressed up as Darth Vader in 1998 or so. I also had a Ninja Turtles costume; I think it was Raphael. In the early 90's I had a Battletoads costume, though I don't remember if I ever wore it. Edit: I actually still have a picture of my Battletoads costume (well, the packaging anyway):
  12. I played the Special Battle mode in Super Mario Bros. 35 on October 18th to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of my favorite Console and launch game:
  13. I'm probably in the minority, but I like PS1 more than PS2. Twisted Metal 2 is the best game in the series, the Spyro the Dragon trilogy is more enjoyable than the glitchfest known as Enter the Dragonfly, Mega Man 8 is much more fun to play than Mega Man X7, and the demo discs are more interesting than the PS2's. Even the Console itself looks better in my opinion, and mine still works great after all these years. The same can't be said about my slim PS2, which crapped out after only six years. Also (and I know I'm definitely in the minority here) I like GameCube a little more than PS2, especially with the Game Boy Player. Melee was probably the best fighting game during that era, Metroid Prime was so good it earned Gamespot's Game of the Year award in 2002 (and rightly so), and F-Zero GX was the fastest and most complete racing game (going so far as to including most of the content from its Arcade counterpart). These games hold up reasonably well almost two decades later. With all that being said, I still like the PS2 and my collection wouldn't be complete without it. My SCPH-30001 launch model PS2 still works fine.
  14. Mario Kart I guess, depending on the time. I wanted to play some horror games that day (retro and modern), and watch horror movies at night.
  15. The NES and PS1 destroy them all.
  16. I saw Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Mario Party packaged together at either Best Buy or Toys R Us on Monday. Edit: this is what I saw:
  17. It was supported in America until 2008, with Samurai Deeper Kyo.
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