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Everything posted by Doctornick

  1. I'm a clinical pharmacist in the emergency room. Thank you, the support we are receiving from the community and people in general is amazing. The best thing anyone can do for medical staff is to stay home unless you absolutely have to leave the house, and if you do please wear a mask and wash your hands any time you enter or leave a building
  2. A vaccine for this isn't a solution that is feasible, by the time we could test something appropriately it would be too late. Slowly opening non essential businesses for carry out/delivery only is probably the best chance we have of helping more people remain employed without causing a massive spike. As for your dentist I feel like personally that's something that should have remained open, but possibly patients wait outside and you text when it's time to come in? It's going to be interesting to see how these situations play out, and as a medical professional I have minimal faith in a majority of the state governments to make the safe decisions. Only time will tell though.
  3. If everybody was wearing one it would reduce the number of cases drastically, I would say that figure is pretty accurate. Our hospital (Cleveland Clinic) recently made them mandatory for all employees at all times other than your breaks. Even if you wear a mask and others are not, it does lower your chances of contracting the virus significantly. If people are going to start going out "to exercise" which is BS they should be required to wear masks. I am hopeful that the states planning on opening businesses again soon require masks, but I'm not honestly expecting that to happen.
  4. It's still increasing pretty rapidly here in Ohio and our governor did a great job shutting stuff down early. For the crowd concerned about why we can't reopen and let it spread, if this floods the hospitals (which I promise you it is/will) then tons of people with more pressing issues are going to die. If you're asymptomatic and pass it to someone in a store who then visits a friend who goes home to their kids later etc...you see where I'm going. We have to prevent a surge or the number of cases will indirectly cause massive issues with medical treatment of any kind.
  5. I'm not sure what it is but people are going insane on hype trains from no where. If you have resident evil 3 on GameCube, Dreamcast, or PS1 unload those now too! I don't ever have too many doubles but I'm cashing in on these stimulus checks in the United States with a bunch of junk!
  6. Yeah, I just sold 2 that I had without the memory card. Thank you speculators and switch gamers.
  7. A lot of people love RE4, and it's a decent game. I don't consider it a good resident evil game though. They got rid of the horror and made it an action game. A lot of us old people like the entries from 0-3 and CV, and dislike the newer action titles. I did really enjoy RE7 but without the zombies it still doesn't feel like Resident Evil to me. At least 7 brought back horror though!
  8. I love everything RE! I've played and beat everything in the series other than a few of the oddballs. RE 3 was my second favorite game of the series behind the REmake on GameCube. The remake of 3 is cool, but definitely not worth more than 20$. I really wish they had kept it closer to the original. Also 4-6 are garbage
  9. This happens with lots of Master System in little waves. I don't pay attention to any youtubers, but people will start posting a game for a lot more than it sells for and others follow suit. If you're patient you can grab anything at a reasonable price. I've been using that method for the last few years on eBay because finding CIB Master System in the wild is super rare here.
  10. W for sure. Especially if states are really going to start opening things up May 1st (massive mistake) then this is going to cause a severe drop as cases amplify.
  11. Ghouls n Ghosts for the SMS and Doom Eternal for my current gen fix. I love both for different reasons, and man does Doom Eternal have amazing music!
  12. Just grabbed a nice CIB copy of Ghouls and Ghosts on the Master System! I've been looking for this for awhile and it puts me at 25 left for the US CIB set. Also I have to beat it now!
  13. Here in Ohio our state has done a great job slowing this thing down, but the dam is going to break soon because of how many other states are out of control. I would honestly be shocked if people are back to work before June, optimistically things will be back to normal by July 1st. Don't go to the store if you don't need to, and stay safe. We are getting slaughtered in healthcare.
  14. I'm glad I checked this months after joining to find out @spacepup is sadikyo. My name remains the same.
  15. Fantastic list, thank you! I'm down to my last 30 for the set, I will not be going for a UPC Sonic unless I get lucky enough to find it for less than $100. Also great to see you over here man!
  16. Haha I almost miss being near Dave's. I wonder if they still have a cop there all the time lol.
  17. Awesome thread and great work everyone. Does anybody have a good guide for the Sega Master System? I didn't get into that until recently, and identifying US releases has been a bit tough for me in a few instances.
  18. Man is this tempting.....a true piece of history!
  19. Just to get Little Samson for a decent price and complete my NES set (minus SE)
  20. At least as of now it's back up. Going to finish exporting everything to my desk top before it's gone for good.
  21. That's what I used when my addiction to the Shoot em Up reached it's peak a few years ago. Newer stuff is cool but it just doesn't cut it for me when I'm feeling the need for classic SHMUPs
  22. I'm hoping so. Just need trash Samson to finish my NES licensed set (minus SE) and passed on it for $250 many years ago because I was waiting for a drop in price.
  23. Also I'm too out of touch with tech to get my old avatar back, any way you could set it to an image of the NES Friday the 13th box my friend?
  24. Order placed my man, excited for it to join the last 8 years
  25. The last one is Little Samson lol! Can we at least do Giant Eagle
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