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Everything posted by Doctornick

  1. I picked up Pocky & Rocky on switch just like you, and also grabbed the damn $130 memory card for my series X. Black Friday seemed real lackluster for games over all.
  2. The more the market goes back down the more annoyed my wife has become with my purchasing habits. Unfortunately I can't retire on my sealed Home Alone 2 now though.
  3. I appreciate this thread, because I've since been lowballing like a fiend and picking up a bunch of stuff I should have bought years ago.
  4. This is so cool! The 7800 is one of the few consoles I still don't own and I've never come across one locally for sale. Thanks for sharing!
  5. I can't man, I don't know why but something about console has me stuck. I was able to get my Xbox at launch thankfully, and if I was without one for some reason I'd just stick to the retro goodness. Maybe that would be the push I need to find/buy a turbo duo
  6. I'm pretty similar I think. I'd like to consider myself fairly laid back both on and offline.
  7. Phone easily, then people have to leave me the f alone
  8. Ah congratulations, to the next seller I have a great kidney, eye, liver if you take those instead of cash and I can probably do the surgery myself
  9. Yeah I'm just not buying it again at this point lol. Last licensed I need besides SE (sold a CIB way back when). I passed on it at $400, no chance I'm paying over 2 grand for one of the most overhyped games of all time.
  10. Hahaha not at all, what kind of time frame are we talking? Also I don't think any of it would be worth much, the only valuable game I won't open is LoZ, I'm keeping that for myself.
  11. I mean when you put it that way, I guess I've violated my personal code for much less.
  12. It really was like a band-aid and felt a thousand times better. It was the first time I let go of a bunch of stuff. I am definitely going to surprise my wife with a vacation and tell her how the video games paid for it after we get there. I have a few sealed games that aren't anything crazy (opened all of those over the last 15 years) but I'm debating if I should let go of them raw because I'm so opposed to grading.
  13. I took your advice, now I'm debating what to do with all this extra. It did feel great getting rid of stuff I wasn't attached to though. I used some of the profits to grab a few of my favorites CIB like EVO, MMX 3, and others. Thanks for the advice!
  14. I started getting rid of some extras that I had for trading and just got $400 for a CIB Paper Mario 64...what is going on???
  15. He (the_wizard) is the reason I popped so many sealed games right around 2010ish. I don't regret it at all, and honestly the butt hurt reactions from people far exceeds any monetary losses from opening games like Kid Clown, LoZ, Gun+Nac, and dozens of others. I just wish I had traded some of those boxes and manuals for a Dino Peak box back then.
  16. That's honestly what I'm thinking. Certain games that I can always go back and enjoy are never leaving. But do I care about Super Bowling, Sculptors Cut, stuff like that... I'm not so sure anymore due to what the hobby is becoming
  17. Haha unfortunately NES would probably be the only untouched system, also a DK Math box, you honor me . I mistakenly dumped that years ago for a handful of N64 CIBs
  18. I'm actually contemplating getting rid of a ton of stuff at these prices. Real estate is much more tempting at this point than certain games I probably won't play again.
  19. Thanks man, doing much better than I was the past few months. Hopefully this damn virus is history sooner rather than later.
  20. Thankfully my uncle has since changed his mind about all of it, I just wish it didn't come at the cost it did. Mentally I was pretty rough for awhile, getting home from a 12 hour shift and drinking myself to sleep 5 nights a week. I finally had to use our hospital psych services and thankfully that helped enough. I'm back to just social fun drinking at least, but I still have strong urges to hit people with their charts when I start hearing a conspiracy theory. I am also glad we are making some progress, but I think the minor restrictions still in place will remain for the entire year of 2021 (masks in stores, limited capacity in major venues). Thanks for sharing though, and I'm glad you and your family are all okay! My brother didn't have taste or smell for 3 months and it finally came back, so hopefully that's the case for you too.
  21. Unfortunately with work (Covid) I don't have hardly any free time right now, this is my first time logging on in at least a month. Hopefully that changes soon and I'll see what strikes my eye. Good to see you all plugging away though!
  22. Just wanted to check in and make sure you are all still at it. Shockingly I got extremely disillusioned with the internet after dealing with this pandemic day in and day out, then losing my grandfather because someone in my family didn't think Covid was a threat. I hope everyone is staying safe still, I missed some of you.
  23. That game still gives me PTSD. Never again lol
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