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Everything posted by CT

  1. Just played the game of my life LOL. I spelled Santa and got some good multi-balls. 7,279,310
  2. A few channels I dont think were mentioned yet: Smooth McGroove (cool acapella VGM covers) Radical Reggie Nintendrew Retro Rick Top Hat Gaming Man Mr. Wright Way Retro Ralph (arcade games) Nathaniel Bandy TheGebs24 Dreamcast Guy Morts Garage Decino (mainly Doom content) Gillythekid G to the Next Level Gruz Scottsquatch GettheGregGames Slopes Game Room Gamester81
  3. anyone getting a normal title screen but glitched gameplay? I'm using Nestopia on a PC.
  4. Funny the graphics has kept me from playing that game, but I really want to try it out!
  5. Short answer no, but long answer is that they are not worth too much (compared to others on this post). But I would sell in an emergency scenario, but very unlikely I would need to.
  6. Silk Worm is a lesser talked about shooter where one person controls the jeep on the ground and one controls the helicopter.
  7. Good question! Sadly I just do not have that much space any more. So for me, I'd like to focus on just NES. It also brings me the most joy, and it generally was always my main system to collect for during the last 10 years. I thought of this topic after I read that people on NA were mainly there (at least in the beginning) for NES. So I was curious what the current landscape looks like. I was assuming many people would choose the "I don't have one particular system I collect for the most" option, but maybe some people have favorites. So perhaps we could make another poll, and have people choose the top 5 systems they collect for (or something along those lines).
  8. I just checked in the "Super Mario Encyclopedia: The Official Guide to the First 30 Years" that was published in 2018. It says that Super Mario USA/2 is "based on" Doki Doki Panic. So in other words, it inspired what we know as Super Mario 2. In my opinion, SMB2 is a great Mario game. And the "official guide" explains how it came to be. I'll go with that and carry on.
  9. I'm gonna step out of this conversation. I'm happy to agree to disagree. Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. Since Wata lost credibility (and perhaps we could argue if they did or not, but many believe they have), how do we know the top grades are legitimate? How do we know that lesser grades were not graded that way on purpose (to limit the supply of top grades perhaps)? Who is grading the games, what's the chain of command at Wata? Perhaps these "perfect" grades actually have flaws (maybe overlooked accidentally, or on purpose). It's hard to trust Wata and their grades. What is the exact criteria for a top grade? Would these games get the same grade from a different grader at Wata? Human error happens, I have a PSA baseball card graded 10, but obviously off center. Also, how many people own these sealed games that never intend to grade them. Perceived scarcity is a feature of Wata, not a bug.
  11. For awhile (the VGA days), I didn't mind graded games, although I've never bought any. My perceptions/interest changed when I saw Deniz on Pawn Stars. It's just gotten worse since then. There was definitely some wacky stuff going on the higher end, but things have settled a bit. I don't trust Wata or Heritage Auctions but perhaps they can rebuild trust somehow.
  12. We're talking about perceived rarity of a factory sealed game, in that condition for the first installment of the John Madden franchise on the Genesis. Sadly Karl is not just some idiot Youtuber, he will admit any mistakes and he does his research. Feel free to message him if you believe you are correct. EDIT: I just watched the segment and Heritage Auctions was the one who called the game rare.
  13. I enjoy playing retro games on modern consoles. Wireless controllers are very nice.
  14. Not sure if that's rhetorical. But (presumably) boomers want ramps and toys. Reviews on Pinside are mixed, but mostly postive.
  15. Welcome to the future! I know the game divides pinheads, but even if you don't like the theme or music, it's definitely fun, unique and certainly a challenge!
  16. I feel like the Golden Fox is good for the easier courses, but you have to get out front early and have a close to flawless run. I've had a similar experience with the Stingray. The Goose gives more of a margin of error. But overall there are many great players right now who know all the subtle tricks, ideal spots to boost etc. So for me, Goose was the only vehicle to give me a fighting chance (as I am not as good as many of the players).
  17. update I did trade mine in to a store in California. Totally worth it, good trade credit.
  18. It's a fun game. I've gotten 3 first places, most all due to luck and many hours of playtime. Usually the first place guy will crash or some fluke at the very end in order for me to win. The best chance to win in my IMO is use Goose, maintain like under 25-30 rank and save as many boosts as possible on the final lap, and then go hard as possible to victory.
  19. Dang I had a thread like this in NA (wish I could find it) and we agreed there on NA, that mini-game type games didn't count (i.e. 3 Stooges, California Games, Caveman Games). Here's a few more for NES; Platoon Golgo 13 Rescue - the Embassy Mission North & South Dick Tracy? Jaws? T&C Surf Design?
  20. It should be a Keith Elwin design as well...
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