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Everything posted by PineappleLawnchair

  1. You mean that company that fused with 4kids. No, there's no way any part of that game would be left unmolested if it came out here.
  2. I don't see how, considering even if you are ignorant of Japan and how insensitive they can be with this stuff, you'd likely also be the type of person who'd see the title screen and notice a gigantic Swastika. Course that all predicates on having an actual interest in the game, and not just watching a guy on twitter go "LoOk He SaId BaD WoRd!!!!"
  3. https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/01/28/goemon-3-fan-translator-cant-continue-quits-after-receiving-harassment-for-accurate-translation/ TL;DR: Crazy people on twitter get mad at what is said to be an accurate translation because he didn't take a hatchet to the script like NISA or Working Designs. He apologizes and leaves the industry, but the fact that it exists to begin with means he's not forgiven. Honestly, that isn't the first time a person from HG101 went after a translator though. IIRC, another one of it's members was alleged to have committed libel against a translator from Japan.
  4. A shame the guy who performed this minor miracle is leaving the hobby. The translation job was superb, yet because it contains inappropriate language he got screeched into oblivion.
  5. I'm more worried about game consoles becoming too outdated to use internet access points like i'm seeing happen with DS games. Far as i can tell as long as the console allows you to redirect the server through settings, and there's someone willing to program and host the server, and, indeed, the patches are archived we shouldn't have an issue.
  6. What a coincidence... Anyways, i got the box, was much nicer than what the photo led me to believe. Anyways i got it, and already packed it full with stuff. Not gonna take any pictures, but i tried to be a little more, exotic, with this one than the photo of sports games. Expect it out in a day, or two.
  7. Oh god i'm getting a box full of Sports Games
  8. Haven't been to my hometown since i was 3, and Frankly, i don't want to.
  9. All i'm hearing is just one guy going "yeah i am a hypocrite, what of it?" expecting people to take him seriously when he starts babbling about Power + Privilege bullshit.
  10. Companies release prototypes at retail all the time, just look at NBA Elite 11 or WWE2K20
  11. I saw the prices of those games, and frankly, it's no wonder they're going out of business.
  12. So is the value of the entire human race, Sargon. Doesn't mean i'm just going to implicitly trust the government enough to relinquish my only means of defense against them..
  13. It's not so much that the constitution can't be improved upon, so much as it is the changes proposed to it are often terrible, such as gun control.
  14. Goodwill here still has 2.99 or 3.99 on the price stickers but charge 4.99 now anyways. Even the PC games, which they used to sell for like a buck. Local thrifts aren't much better. Sometimes they'll have decent enough deals on retro items, but majority of the time, it'll be crap like a dirty old NES with controller, zapper and Mario/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet for 100 . I remember Goodwill had a gameboy color in a plastic case once, they wanted something like 70 bucks for it. Just a plain GBC, no games or anything. Didn't see it the next time i was there either, so...
  15. Like, when you send paypal, and it's not gifted, do you cover the fees, or is the seller suppose to just eat them? VVV Perhaps, but imo when you're also being expected to shave off ebay/paypal fees before selling an item, it just seems extra penalizing to then also be hit with that same fee it, you know what i mean. This might not be something NintendoAge expects of people though, least from what i hear.
  16. I have to ask, is covering Paypal fees whenever you buy something off a not common courtesy? I always try to do it whenever possible, so it kind of drives me up a wall when people don't, or offer something comparable to a gamestop trade in, for that matter.
  17. Lets be real here, the wii u was a big risk because of their own incompetence. If the library wasn't made out of shovelware, games like Hashtag Fire Emblem, Paper Mario Color Splash, Game and Warrio, or 3DS ports, and they didn't confuse people into thinking it was just a Tablet accessory for the Wii, maybe, just maybe, it would have been successful.
  18. Blaming Liberals for the Separation of Church and State. I really hope he is just pretending to be stupid, because my god.
  19. Amazingly, only one store in my entire state has ever been closed according to that entire blog. Meanwhile the state next to it has tons of closings all over. Man though, i'd hate to see my local GS close, it's practically the only place in town where i can find used games at decent prices, though the prices for new games suck ass.
  20. I am stretching it to the absolute maximum, but Solatorobo. The cardboard box was trashed by Gamestop though but even back then it was definitely worth more than full price.
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