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Everything posted by PineappleLawnchair

  1. Obviously it does considering how terribly he did. You don't spend all that money and just win an territory that can't even vote in the election, it's just not normal. Besides, it's not like Trump was ever truly immune to that shit. It's just "Old man bragging about how he still gets action at 70" is just weak. http://archive.is/8aKBT
  2. Dude got caught on tape saying 95% of criminals are minorities. Probably saw the writing on the wall and bowed out before wasting more of his cash.
  3. I remember the guy saying that bidder was from sweeden, is palmer sweedish
  4. http://archive.is/wip/Xfmus Left wing Trump is out, now if only Bernie would follow.
  5. I'm not entirely sure i'm reading it correctly, but it seems to be the 38th week of 03, and the impression on the label is 19, so somewhere in between Sept 15th and 21st. 0338 M75
  6. I imagine it's less a morality thing, and more nobody wanting to, say, spend hundreds to get a slightly different prototype of Blues Brothers 64(one of the worst), let alone thousands for the good stuff.
  7. Well considering the all white one was produced in may, that's in all likelyhood the original. Checked mine, but it's the one with the flap at the bottom, so no dates, sorry.
  8. Why not just reprint the PC original rather than make a bootleg. PC version is probably worth about as much, if not more than the SEGA CD version, you don't need any extra authorization beyond the Disney thing, and most important of all, it's not an inferior port of Monkey Island. I know the Star wars game is near worthless on PC, but it's not like the SEGA CD version is all that better, CIB copies are still a good deal less than what they want for the bootleg.
  9. Heh, that beef jerky's been there since the start. Wonder if it's even any good.
  10. Bless him, he's covering up my awful handwriting.
  11. The key difference is it's not licensed or authorized by Nintendo/SEGA, hence why the box art on these things are so deathly afraid of mentioning the words "Nintendo" "Game Boy" "SEGA CD" or "SEGA". Something similar would be Tengen's Pac-Man, a game licensed from Namco, but has both an official and bootleg release.
  12. I bet these repros will just destroy the SEGA CD's laser, but if the Star Wars repros are any indication, we'll never know.
  13. Yes, i know Nintendo is telling people their game is a success, but without any solid numbers attached to the Eshop, you can't say for sure one way or another that it is performing better. However, anecdotally, the games it's beating on the eshop appear to be mostly the same games it's already beating physically. This suggests eshop performance is in a slump this particular week, rather than the game itself being a real success. Nintendo is just porting these things because they're quick and easy, and thus not much of a risk. Similar argument, except it doesn't implicitly suggest people are just mindlessly paying more because they don't want to pay the wii u tax. No, the real idiots here are the ones that bought a wii u in the first place. Also MK8D comes with the DLC, the Wii U expects you to pay ~24 + tax for that, and used copies are about 16-20 from a quick glance, so buying the Wii u version is about the same as buying a used switch copy, or not that much less than even a new copy depending on where you buy. I think i'm going on a tangent at this point, but. god i just hate the wii u.
  14. Yeah, but that's Mario Kart, it's going to sell no matter what. Trash like Hashtag Fire Emblem, not so much. https://personacentral.com/tokyo-mirage-sessions-fe-encore-debut-sales-japan-worse-wii-u-version/
  15. This, but unfortunately, Nintendo needs SOME kind of exclusive and just strip mining that old junker for scrap is the easiest and cheapest option. No way in hell devil's third gets on the switch though, i mean, not even Nintendo(of America) wanted to put Devil's Third on the Wii U.
  16. For the issue with Jewel cases, the biggest issue i've had is Foil embossed stuff becoming warped with age, or it outright fusing to the jewel case. The normal paper stuff has been fine far as i can tell.
  17. Shit, i just woke up and it looks like a nuclear warhead went off in the thread. Oh well, i'm giving my 2 cents anyways. Judging by the comments from the last two pages, it seems the problem here is a certain person is just unable to laugh at themselves, or perhaps, it's more like they take themselves so seriously that they can only process certain types of humor as a personal attack on themselves, and the people who enjoy such things as evil.
  18. Exactly. The incident in question is minor but it is also part of the reason why we now have a cancel culture. Because you always have to assume malice.
  19. Anyone want some Steamcodes, PM me, i got Fairy Fencer F Adam Wolfe episode 1-4 Devil Daggers Eador. Imperium Medieval Kingdom Wars Yet Another Zombie Defense HD Airport Madness 3D: Volume 2 Airport Madness 4 Captain Lycop : Invasion of the Heters Deep Eclipse: New Space Odyssey City Siege: Faction Island Bomb The Monsters! Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time Papper Balls Tisnart Shapes Wooden Floor Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection Planet Driller
  20. I only vaguely remembered it myself, honestly, it's not even close to the biggest issue John Mccain had going on at the time.
  21. Nah, about 8-12 years, give or take. They apparently endorsed Mccain too, because his family was a confederate and part of the original KKK or some shit. https://fromtheleft.wordpress.com/2008/05/28/3241/ https://truepundit.com/john-mccains-great-great-grandfather-was-confederate-soldier-served-under-first-grand-wizard-of-kkk-video/
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