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Everything posted by cartman

  1. I can't watch it it might spoil too much. But i've heard good things and the rest of y'all can talk about it here.
  2. What are the thoughts on this game? It's one of top rares in SFC collecting going for large amounts but it also seems to be good otherwise. I hear it's quite dark with the portrayal of the world and demons wich is something i'd probably appreciate.
  3. It doesn't have to be a dick enlarger neccessarily i mean bigger quantity is a big part in all types of collecting. But yeah video games are different in a way because it's also connectivity to entertainment rather than just an object. I'm sure most people wouldn't buy a full set for a platform where 99% games where shit regardless of the boxes looking fantastic while if you collect cans or stamps you can just keep bulking up infinitely.
  4. Straight garbage invented by those who can't sing so they talk instead.
  5. I think highscore games that go on and on should count as beaten when the highscore has reached the max and stops ticking and only a select few will do that on Tetris.
  6. Yes that's the one. Although i'd rather have a more "walking" pose with the both legs prostrate. The thing is the colors though and all the shades. Could you cover 3-4 shades of single colors?
  7. It's funny you should say that because i have the SN30 pro and it has given me those issues aswell. My Life In Gaming channel has mentioned it too and i've read elsewhere of this issue happening to others.
  8. How do the controllers they sell work? I have had problem with the original 3-button controller even if it was new the diagonals would register wrong.
  9. One easy way when it comes to sites like those is to simply make a map in your email and transfer the transaction/receipt messages to it. Most stores send them right after you've payed so just go there then or once during every X timeframe to scoop them all up if it's more convenient.
  10. I might try it out we'll see
  11. I've never played Paper Mario so i don't compare it to the other ones. Yes you save the princess in all games but those adventures were fun while Oddysey isn't. There's nothing engaging in that game just a bunch of shitty easter eggs and trinkets.
  12. I don't know man it looks like a game about nothing just like Odyssey we're just supposed to get mesmerized by the world and that's it.
  13. Oh that yellow/white on the front is a sticker? I thought it was just some note or belonged with the inserts. I'll have to pass up on it in that condition sorry man.
  14. I want the girl from the ninja warriors arcade game.
  15. Can you do characters from arcade games?
  16. Sellers who complain after having provided additional pics and not scoring the sale like they are entitled to a fucking medal or something just for describing the item they're selling.
  17. Altough they insist on making these comic graphics wich i'd rather do without. Golden Axe in particular already is distinct and there's no need to modify that. They should pick up right at Revenge of Death Adder just like the NES Mega Man continued on with 5 sequels looking the same. Also i'd very much prefer if they kept previous characters i don't know why they neccessarily have to replace someone with his brother or uncle's best friend it doesn't add any value just detracts from the series as a cohesive experience. There's no need to write into the plot that X decades passed since last they are taking it upon themselves to pull this shit.
  18. It makes you wonder if these problems regarding moving and "wearable" (the word for something that gets worn over time if there is such a word) are simply innate and here to stay. IN THIS DAY AND AGE YOU STILL HAVE TO CONTEND WITH THIS TYPE OF BULLSHIT IN THIS DAY AND AGE! It's so damn common for the rubber membrane to wear out it's not even funny how many different console controllers i've had where i press one input on the d-pad and it registers however the fuck it wants to register instead. The Genesis 3-button and Xbox 360 controllers do this even from the very first day they are retarded by design. I think these types of issues will go on forever.
  19. I was talking about the GBA console itself not the game. There was a special edition half lightblue-half darkblue console release in Japan altough technically it counts as Rockman in namesake wich i got wrong. I have seen some mint Rockman games for the original brick game boy. I think i've seen multiple of the series entries but i'm not 100% sure but the first one i know of for a fact. And like i said it was very expensive so nothing came out of it.
  20. I think the GBA console belongs to a Mega Man collection that you're missing here. Then there's the Rockman releases but i don't know if you count those. A few for the original GB have floated around for sale in mint condition aswell but for me personally it was too expensive.
  21. It's not a collectors scene that people care much about and those games even less so because it's shovelware territory. There's a ton of those "movie" games with this or that chicken/rat/penguin that they slapped onto a game and they tend to be looked down upon.
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