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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. See now that's how I'd go about the DS too, that specific kit is great both for GBA and DS. I really should track the thing down.
  2. Terminal brain cancer, largely lacking any good thought at the legislative level anymore (and as such the population largely who keep them in there.)
  3. I don't like the other X games either, GBC one is ok though but it's largely MMX scaled down. MM6 is just unique with how they did things, and we should be grateful Nintendo decided to publish that since Capcom wussed out. With that red banner (box top) set of re-releases, re-issues(no tyson punchout), and new stuff like Kirby and MM6 it got a good showing as a companion piece for the NES2/toploader.
  4. Yeah that's too much work to save what... maybe $20? And I heard about that coupon, as much as I'd love to rip on them for it I can't. Oddly enough I think personally I'd actually of all things lay the blame on Amazon. They forced companies like Best Buy to up their rewards, Gamestop to maintain, and so on for some years. Why? The 20% off pre-order on all video games if you were with Prime, that was a huge savings, and it was just part of it because largely they also sliced games more than that out of the gate (with a refund adjustment) or shortly after, along with also doing like $5 account credits towards other games or anything largely site wide. When Amazon decided to cancel that like 3 years ago I think now(4?) and raised the rate on Prime at about the same time, it all went to crap. BB decided to stop their huge coupon, same price cut on preorder, etc stuff too, and Gamestop loosened their so called good will on their membership and just trashed its value almost completely. They all neutered themselves, when they could have taken advantage of Amazon greedily backing out and sucked up a lot of customers and goodwill had they kept it going. I would have totally signed up for BB rewards given the gimmes they did, but I stuck with the Prime one, and when prime set a deadline for cutting it off, BB immediately stopped their matching and exceeding(with coupons) racket too.
  5. I'll walk into gamestop but nearly never walk out with something, it's like a 1 a year if that thing anymore. I keep seeing you and other guys posting stuff about the 2-1-free bit and nothing but endless internet fails because they just have no quality control or care about the games other than the game itself, and even that's questionable on optical media because well they're clowns. I'll walk into the store and hope I can find something primarily in recent years for Switch, 3DS/DS, or the Wii since they cling to it too. I've yet to find at one location anything good to get the get a freebie deal off of, even with the Switch being prolific, they may have dozens if not hundreds of choices, but usually each store will have one the other doesn't so I can't just buy from 2-3 places to get a free one. I almost did it for the Switch a week or two back, Trial of Mana, Mana COllection, and Everspace was looking nice, yet not one store had all 3, let alone even all 3 used either. And given how much games that has, it kind of feels like a hopeless prop sale to just get you inside.
  6. SLG is very self sabotaging. I really at times do not understand why they even exist. I think it was someone on here who did the digging, but SLG is a puppet front for a larger company that has 2 gaming outlets, them, and ININ you see on Amazon. It's like you get the honor to pay them up front (yeah you can get a refund) and loan them money for months into year(s) and get NOTHING. Then eventually it quietly appears up on amazon on their ININ label while still holding onto your money until you request a refund. Maybe they hope someone won't notice and just get free money as people forget after so long. Given what happened with me and their first Cotton 100% release, I lost interest in the game. Then seeing it and later Cotton games had bad input lag issues ruining your ability to respond, I just see no reason to really trust supporting them at all anymore until someone else can pick apart the defects and hopefully get it fixed first.
  7. Good to know, maybe it's in a weird valley where buying a nice cart and manual with a crap (to them) box would degrade the value below a game+manual because of the added work involved and higher expense of getting a box somehow later. Not a bad strategy if you don't care about a crease or a little thumb sized removal of art down to the fuzzy cardboardy inside layers of the box.
  8. Wow seems like a bit of a lucky break unless both North & South and Batman collapsed some to get that price, nice one.
  9. Shame it's a tactical rpg style game, that's a no fly zone for me as I can't stand the canned illogic of those things. I ended up finally getting 2 hours put into the clock on Shin Megami Tensei 5 and I think I like it. Not gone far, kind of been wasting a bit of time getting a few monsters and trying to level, which seems a bit slow, not DQ slow but enough. Took on some first mini-boss of sorts a trio of mandragora which was nice but stopped it for dinner. I really am uncertain how much I need to level stuff, and I guess talking to that lady finally and getting a few new miraculous skills is a good point, but I guess now I have more demon than party spaces so I guess merging comes up soon?
  10. Glad I have a new provider and phone, I was in the sticks in my car. I got 2/3 of what I was hoping to, but got screwed on #3 because it was in my cart, I was in process and hit pay, then it went...NOPE and then it reprocessed and charged on the 2 without a hitch. Kind of pisses me off having it in cart and under processing payment isn't enough, actually it does piss me off. Anyone end up having a copy of or get a spare Curse of the Moon #1? I do NOT want to pay a scalper like $100-120 on trollbay for it. I ended up with the sequel so that's going to eat at me along with Tiny Metal. @MiamiSlice Damn I hope you're right, Curse of the Moon I got hosed out of despite where I was with it as I just said. >:\ I'm sure Grandia is just being overinflated. I tried to sell mine for about $100 last year (tried a be nice at $80 bit too at the end) for months vs other idiots paying over $100 for it and it never moved, so I put it back on my shelf.
  11. Alright I get it, basically no real deal here, it's more just convenience for seller then buyer if they need the entire lot and then whatever scraps in the lot are less interesting, later trade/sale bait. Makes enough sense. I only bothered to ask as I saw some NES and Genesis titles, but as it would be a couple here and there between them it's not worth the break up.
  12. That's quite good. I haven't tried hard in years, 10-20 doing something on that level. Back in the late 90s I had the Sailor Moon manga and started trying to copy the rear of the box color sketches of the artist and got fairly decent at it but now I question my ability to duplicate side by side, so I figured that neat little thing may be of help.
  13. I'd agree with you, but no Yo Noid is nasty, nastier than the JP game it was bastardized from, probably another US choice of rental punishment. It is a one hit kill, but you restart the entire stage, no checkpoints including with a boss which makes the game a real bastard (and no continues either.) MM3 and Nemo they're not hard, fair, middle range really, as they're no Ghosts n Goblins.
  14. That's because dementia set in that made you forget about the menopause.
  15. Racermate probably just came thrown in the box in a spot with all that added hardware for the bike.
  16. I'm not really sure it's worth announcement, other than the fact there's like 50/50 disinformation about it online as far as compatibility goes, but here we go. It sells for $50 or more new depending who peddles it, but I got a gently/little used Hori Fighting Stick Mini (wired USB) yesterday for $20. It's branded as an 8 face button joystick setup for Nintendo Switch so above it has the + - home, turbo etc buttons too. I was trusting the dude to be good about it, thankfully he was honest. It works BOTH on the PC and Switch, probably others too given that. I popped it into the PC yesterday and fired up Metal Slug through my GoG version of it, and boom...100% worked, played amazing too, didn't feel too weird or off from playing my legit MVS cart. I haven't used it on the Switch/TV yet but I was thinking for those Hamster/ACA releases I have like Super Dodgeball, Sky Climber, both Punch-Out games, VS Super Mario Bros, Mario Bros etc it would be excellent (likely is given MS1's response.) I'd highly recommend it if you don't want to jump up to a full sized heavy thing with like sanwa parts or whatever.
  17. Seems to be, but also very old (2014) so probably not much care about it: https://digiex.net/threads/dosxbox-v4-0-hcl-download-pc-x86-emulator-for-xbox.13735/
  18. @Estil Agreed 100% on that DSTwo I've wanted one. I like the little CPU and stuff it has because it puffs up the possibilities a lot. Did you know there are emulators that take advantage of that one card? There's a MSDOS emulator that when without works as a low end 386, but with the DSTwos CPU etc runs as a lower end 486. I've seen some impressive things run on that off a few google searches. They just don't come up for sale much and I quite forgot to look for one some time ago. I know I have some form of DS flash kit, not sure which, I had someone customize me a NeoDS .21 loadout with the MVS library on it to play directly off its menu, but it is just a flash kit that got re-stickered. Never been able really to get a good grasp on what 3DS kit was best, they used to be in an endless shoving match with Nintendo over 'stability' updates which meant entirely anti-piracy blocks so I just blew it off.
  19. It's just more crybaby paranoia, who needs facts when scare tactics and attention seeking are more fun right? We're beyond a pandemic now, it's outright endemic and that's that. It has evolved numerous times, now it has learned to just make people miserable(or hide and not be) and transmit to others vs kill the patient to survive and it'll continue to do so. But hey, it's easier to control sheep when the government loses its mind and starts up with more form of lockdown which time and again clearly don't help.
  20. Idiotproof or not, if someone doesn't want to actually hack their hardware, why should they if a flash kit is possible? I don't mod my systems in such ways beyond upgrading a couple older ones to do HDMI. I prefer the simplicity of going rogue from a cart/card, and then not.
  21. The SMS is an oddly somewhat ignored gem of a Sega system. I do mentally combine it with the GameGear given the overlap of the titles, but if you take the non-regional locking the SMS has and look to the UK era and brazil(price largely sucks now) the variety is insane and quite good. If I hadn't offloaded so much and wanted something, a SMS would top the list.
  22. Stages as there's just far more to explore, enjoy, and engage in if not grow your character. Boss fights, they're either good, bad, or infuriating depending how they were designed and some clearly are just cheapo progression stoppers with stilted difficulty to drive you nuts, while others just are a little work because you've learned and grown from the previous stage areas (so it's hit and miss.) Like twiztor there said, I'm in most cases likely to get to the 'fuck this game' and move along mentality from the bosses, never the stages except in extreme cases of poor design. A good recent excellent example is Metroid Dread, I'll never see the ending without youtube. Why? Shitty uneven boss design with fair to just sadist level of difficulty made somewhat of an issue due to the lame button combination rapid juggling needed on a few things. What put me off it was the last dumb chozo super mini-boss before the last fight of the game. Reading online, lots of people put the game down there too. I would have quit earlier on with this tentacle shit in a water room until I was tipped off you can actually make that one optional blowing out a wall and going around (which I don't think was an intended design.) I can not for the life of me juggle the tether, missile, jump dash in rapid sequence to not get utterly wrecked on that fight. After a couple dozen plus attempts I was ready to put the game up or dump it despite utterly loving everything else. That skip saved the game for me. And truth be told I may probably never play it again or casually return to where I left it and backtrack because the uneven oddities of a select few bosses make the game a chore off and on to an utterly fun stopping level.
  23. After reading that site it seems easier to get a flash kit really. That is a hell of a lot of steps, possible though unlikely hardware mod in some cases if software isn't working out, and all to just run ROMs which a flash kit could do without hacking your system.
  24. Nice I like that. Funny coincidence I decided to buckle and buy this optical drawing board for sketching a few hours ago (along with a 8port HDMI switcher) using a giftcard. A book like that along with the link below would be excellent to learn by. I don't have any how to draw books, but I do have over 250 manga books/comics you can see a list of http://tanooki.byethost8.com/manga.html Outside of the board I was going by a half price yesterday, saw this on an obscure shelf for $5 so I grabbed it: Kana de Manga (hiragana + katakana) which should be a lot of help to remember stuff, and the nice manga images in there should transfer to that optical board well: https://www.amazon.com/Kana-Manga-Japanese-University-Presents/dp/4921205019 Board: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Sketching-Upgraded-Painting-Beginners/dp/B08XJMZCJV/ref=sr_1_10?crid=N1JHCT9KUQYJ&keywords=Optical+Image+Drawing+Board&qid=1641152591&sprefix=optical+image+drawing+board%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-10
  25. Good on you, looks like fun. DO we have a dedicated thread for this here I don't remember because atariage does and has from a period well before the handheld came up for sale. I want that british base unit with just Namco as the 2600 blows, waste of money for me personally, so I still have yet to get it. Be aware the Namco and Technos titles (non-arcade) will no longer be for sale in a matter of months if they can't get a license renewal, so buy now.
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