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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. TacoBell did doritos locos tacos or whatever that junk was, maybe a chalupa too.
  2. Bonus points for the name tag, I bet he's still got all his 9lives.
  3. I'd call them rare unless someone started making copies which would be easy. They're meant to be popped off immediately and tossed, they're just warning bits that double as to not scratch the red underneath there. If you leave them on they could easily cause an imbalance with the rotation when doing the game made for it. When I had my original ROB I popped them off, but when not used they went back on to keep the dust off I guess. Damn I miss my rob, I have another, but it's just a working one with nothing, not even a battery door, so it rests as a wall trophy and for $5 I can't complain.
  4. Some would definitely feel that could be seen as a positive.
  5. Maybe the DA will care if it goes this far? Ehh...nah who am I kidding? He's have to be on the end of that two guys hatchets first.
  6. I have Dragon's Fury on the way -- any help with the rest?
  7. Well I had a little break of thrift luck today going between two places. I picked up an amazing Anker Premium Bluetooth Speaker for $20 still in the box with the fold out, was missing the short mini usb cable to charge it and the dinky aux male/male plug too (meh and meh) but hey it's a very highly rated sound bar that used to go for $80 when it came out, still isn't that cheap either second hand so I can't complain. The audio on it is utterly fantastic, should be amazing off my phone doing music onto gaming from there but more so the Switch. It has 2 subs 2 speakers. All smooth. 2 10W drivers on it. Battery if used rates to 6-8hrs which is nice. I have metallic long braided usb cable and for now am just leaving it plugged in and it's sweet. https://www.anker.com/ca/products/variant/premium-bluetooth-speaker/A3143011
  8. I just knew it, somehow, with him posting this would be a variant post of a one off weird thing happening to a product. In this case it's not a misprint, it's a mis-coating of dorito dust into a full on coating bomb.
  9. Yeah ebay would remove this if you got a person on the line, even if it was some prompt reading troll ask for a supervisor/escalation. Point out it's feedback fraud, point out they need to read the mails in your bin with the send+receive folders, and it'll be very clear you did everything correctly and even offered to help them get it, IF they updated the address. They instead pushed back, ignored, ordered, then got frosty when you did what you promised, shut it down. For all we know, it was an attempt at mail fraud saying they didn't get it, keeping it, and your money too.
  10. This one I give a high mark of 9, the game here is short of a 10 as it's not perfect, but wow did Rare ever go out with a bang on the N64 with Conker. Rare for me was a little taboo, outside of their FPS efforts on the system for one simple reason -- overkill collectathon style platforming which got worse by the release into the utterly asinine culmination of DK64. DK64 a game where you had to re-run the same courses 5x over(per kong) to really clear it going through many depths of overkill accumulation to then up and do it again, and again, and again per stage. Nothing new for them it's what for me dragged down Banjo. But watching Conker develop over time, it strangely seemed while earlier focused on that, when they went with a unique shift toward edgy it dropped. And boy did it ever on both counts. Rare proved they could make an utterly insane platforming adventure game with real true personality with layers of fun, humor, utter depravity all at the same time. And they did it while not having to make a shorter game that felt big because you got stuck with an ever increasing amount of crap to collect per stage to open another door to wash rinse and repeat. The game has years of development starts and restarts behind it, but largely also years of learning from non-failed projects too and it paid off. The mechanics of the gameplay, the controls, the camera, stage design are just so fun, welcoming, and well designed it's a joy to play ...and without collecting a migraine from being a re-run. A nice fluid game that moved from stage to stage, challenge to challenge, coupled with one of the most unique character game personalities ever... a warped mind of a squirrel who seems to be a mix of disney meets future schitzo Underwood from House of Cards, and a heavy touch of some WTF Ren & Stimpy type moments rolled into one...and it works, well, even when clearly aping prime movies of the era (Matrix, Private Ryan, etc.) There's little bad about the game, nothing I can honestly call out at large to make a point. A few little rough areas, as those styles of games can always have a few little hang ups, it's unavoidable, but it really is just that good. The game even had these amazing tech moments of the era where people would make claims n64 couldn't do this or that, it's too much for it, yet it did... moving fur, independent eyes from the head, and other little fine touches that make the character really come to life. It's a horrible shame the game never got a good sequel and then got lost to time, even the 360 era remake ended up as crap too.
  11. Each game has its own storage for one quick auto save and 5 save slots. So any of those old games that didn't save at all or had some horrid impossible to write down correctly code isn't an issue anymore. In the case of the Lynx, hot saves would be key especially if you were really working at it with some games over others.
  12. Yeah no real surprise. Do you remember what year Tomb Raider hit the PC and PS1? 1996. Do you remember really what year the internet just started to slowly creep into advertising and gaming? 1995-97-ish and that's right in the middle of that. Before 1995 only a few businesses really got into it, largely for their product advertising, colleges, general email for them or anyone who got AOL, prodigy, or compuserve by that point. Keeping that in mind, even then, largely the internet tiny compared but well...porn still had a large unchecked presence. Before that point your Boob Raider would have been basically jerking off to the Sears catalog or stealing daddy's playboy. No surprise some hot brit pops up with short shorts and a huge rack...triangles or not, someones going to hack them boobs into plain view.
  13. @WhyNotZoidberg@avatar! Reading between the two of you, it plays back to the evercade because I got the 2 Lynx packs for that. There's way more than enough for at least a #3 maybe a #4 cart Songbird owns and they're the ones who did those 2 so far. Some of those favorites mentioned like the 2 shooters, and the combo arcade pack they're on those carts that exist already along with a selection of those other newly picked up CIBs in that picture. Lynx is a fine system, just the hardware as far as degradation sadly just isn't. Despite the evercade I could see whenever that adapter pops for the Analogue Pocket going that route for the $30 for the adapter, then get the retrohq/stoneagegamer flash kit. While I'm sure you're right most the lynx library is easy to get and even complete being around 70 titles I think it could add up a lot if $20/avg a game was a really good deal.
  14. That the original version of Tomb Raider in game could get Lara either topless or nude, Nude Raider. Yes I know it's a real thing, by hacking/modding, I'm talking by intent with a code. That got peddled to a bunch of horny polygon pullers in the 90s.
  15. My poke expectations have been low to no for ages, Ultra Sun revitalized it a lot because it decided to try something new, not another sad re-run, but then S&S went back to that bs with the GO style raids which soured me. But Arceus being not the wash rinse repeat bs again, but unique even more than UltraSun was being like an open world of it all and the style they're going with I think it could be actually very good. I could see it pissing off the entitled purists, but you know...stagnate too long and people get fed up. Zelda went there sadly, but BotW was mind blowing good.
  16. Similar here, 2 Switch (my OLED, kids lite) to one red Mario Wii that has just sat for months now.
  17. That part I agree with entirely and I'm curious to see how it shakes out over the next few months into next year when the stragglers are caught blind with 1099Ks. Personally online I'm trade only, if I have to sell it'll be a last case scenario and mindful of the cap as I'd rather save it to deal with swapping change to cover shipping or a few bucks off a trade to be fair. Locally I've offloaded quite a bit at a big dip to resale (half price) than deal with the online shenanigans and tax issue. I do have a business owner a mile away I'm more than customer/less than a friend with. He does consignment, considering on some stuff of value worth my time having him deal with it at a 25% cut as it pays in cash.
  18. Any my streaming accounts backlog -- yeesh. I'm considering dumping sling to save $35 as I got enough banked in multiple other accounts.
  19. I used to emulate it, loved the Japanese games especially those that did see a franchise hit the states. I'll second the post above, best bet is a Japanese 60hz machine and the MSX 2+ would be ideal. If you're curious about the differences on models, the wiki has that covered.
  20. Indiana Jones gets the same treatment too, though it wasn't exactly retail, but people conveniently forget what Lucasgames did do. In the run up to the games release they put on their website a day/time to login to buy a copy of the game as they did like a run of 10K of them and everything else went to blockbuster. I still have my mail order copy of the game from their site complete in the box no less. I've had enough people shout me down spread over many years a part of being full of crap about it. I used to be able to find a copy of the old sales site on the web archive, maybe it's still there. EDIT: I thought I might get lucky, didn't. I went into my old big box PC games and through the old lucasarts catalog/adventurer inserts and couldn't find it. But I did find a gem of something in the 98/99 book my XW vs TIE book, last inside page is the Indy that did end up on N64, in 1999 Infernal Machine was listed as a PC and PSX!! game, not N64. I guess the PSX was just too weak to do it.
  21. No, they time and again were bought up by one entity after another going back into the 90s such as when they got grabbed by a group that owned Sierra Online and all that in time rolled into Vivendi which died like 15 years ago. So I mean you would have any IP that Sierra Online controlled still at the time they croaked. But really if you're thinking 90s, look at early Blizzard/Silicon Synapse stuff. BLACKTHORNE, LOST VIKINGS, ROCK N ROLL RACING, RPM RACING -- they did a package 11mo ago that was put out on battle.net re-issuing those old games. There's no reason they couldn't make new ones, they're beloved and not bad. While I think Blackthorne and RNR would be more likely as a console game, the puzzly Lost Vikings would play well to a mobile device.
  22. Personally I think in the end for most interested groups of people the impact will be positive or neutral. If you already were a Windows PC user and XBOX owner you're in great shape. With the PC they're not greedy and stupid enough to put all things exclusively on WIndows store, so Steam support will carry on. On the XB, that would be the most positive, console exclusives that used to be dual released. Sony if anything is rightly fucked. When they got their hands into Bethesda I think that was the kiss of death for Elder Scrolls playstation wasn't it? MS isn't going to watch to compete with themselves giving games over to Sony who sells hardware against their own, so Sony is screwed. Future Blizzard/Activision stuff from Call of Duty and Diablo down to Warcraft potentially could not be put on playstation anymore which would be completely fair and the smart thing to do to help move more hardware. The outlier would obviously be Nintendo and mobile devices. MObile I don't see them getting greased, they're not dumb enough to think that's going to make everyone want a windows phone(hah) so perhaps even more games will pop out to exploit that market. And on that, Nintendo, MS seems to like them, really like them, and do not see them as a competitor at all which is a positive. It could be where if a Switch Pro/2 shows up and Diablo 4 arrives, it could get the custom conversion (like D3 did on Switch) along with a XB and PC release and *NOTHING* for Playstation. I could see more custom conversions from their higher end to the more less demanding indie stuff get a mobile release on Nintendo too. It's all speculation really, but flipping Sony the bird of anything I wrote above seems the most obvious move to do.
  23. NA was a better more active source. I clearly remember a decade ago whatever the topic page depth was (50?) it usually had between 1 and 1 /2 pages of consistently updated sales threads at any given time as some pull down others would pop up in a rotation of sorts. Here it's a fraction of it as is the variety. But also a decade ago people did something you don't see much here now, caring about the community and showing it with a community discount to members. I'm not saying it dead, but often you'd find prices that were pretty off what ebay paid was, not just off in respect to the fees between them and PP but more, a discount of sorts really. That really isn't normal anymore, prices here I've often found match or at higher than something I could just straight up click on over on ebay, and with a OBO not too off the ask(here) easily could be a fair bit less. Coupling the lower pool and lack of the old community discount practice, that may be a good reasoning of why it's more sketchy and less used. Things just have changed, the cesspool of Halperins wet WATA dreams had had a ripple effect between the high end buyers pool down to the dude buying some loose average shape cart. Everyone basically largely knows now, and they want to get the same higher coin or maybe make their mark doing the next potentially sustained high water mark due to more fear of missing out. It wasn't a toxic environment then vs now, you could give more of a community price pardon because the fear wasn't there of someone taking advantage of the buyer for a good scalpin'.
  24. Probably should not link it here, but someone took the 2hours of that total movie format (vs the 4 episode style) and popped it up with a fairly decent quality dub on youtube for free with no ads or sub needed. Totally found it pretty fast on accident trying to see if I could find a dvd or streaming anywhere.
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