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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Final Fantasy Legend of the Crystals was fantastic, I remember watching that like 20 years ago or so. Did that ever make it beyond a dvd transfer? Or at worst...streaming.
  2. Still waiting on Shen Long, I think many of us are.
  3. I don't have any pics of the stuff, but I get ya. I'm probably worthy of a multicart bauble if they ever add one as I got all piratey arrr with my choices in the last few years to say the least but I was limiting it to NES/FC as you did. I did have a Supervision 115in1 NES style I stupidly let go of I wish I hadn't, and another about that size too years earlier with differing stuff. GBA though, I've got a custom like that, it's a 100in1 SMS+GG cart, not that utter trash 106in1 that cluelessly replaced it in recent years. It has such an amazing spread of fantastic stuff, some even translated to english things like Phantasy Star Gaiden. If you can tolerate a hancock youtube video he seems to be the only one bright enough to feature it or even have a page which is pretty pathetic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcTwMuBChYA I did find a game list though spread on a picture, you'll see why I said it's superior: I also have another for DS, guy on ebay was making them for a stock set of games, but I talked to the guy and had a custom one made so I could get the entire MVS library short of the dumb unreadable quiz garbage, runs NeoDS and it's fantastic so it has like around 140 or so games on it. Beyond that I could keep listing things, but it's far easier if I just link a page from my game inventory you might appreciate. http://tanooki.byethost8.com/multicarts.html
  4. I've got a 111in1 in a fc shell, even have the original english mini sheet of paper included that has the game list type printed to it, then a couple screwball smalls with like 4-10(ish) in 1, all FC style. One modern, that super games 500in1 where like 350+ of are all legit games, the rest are sub-homebrew gutter trash no one should be a victim to.
  5. I've been considering cracking open the sealed game I have, it would probably infuriate more than one entitled sort doing it. I don't care about the decrease in value, not exactly at least, as I can't seek money for it now without taking a tax hit. Mostly what stops me is justifying opening it and not being able to have the time to commit to playing it through basically. But just in case I was asking the best route to go when the seal is tight. I was guessing maybe a soft touch around where it's already actually open, maybe cutting a cello-flap of sorts to keep the seal around the box as much as possible still.
  6. Nice, and yeah that hack of SMB2j is pretty slick I'm aware of it. NTDEC is a taiwanese company that did bootlegs like this, fcgamer would be your go to if you really want some history on this one. It's a solid cart, not really rare exactly, but definitely not common. Someone asking $400 isn't making it worth that, it's probably not even worth $100 to be fair, but the value on something like this is more about the personal value and game selection than anything as it's just another in a long line of vintage era bootlegs. I haven't looked but I wouldn't be surprised if the bootleg games wiki would have a listing about it, or at least NTDEC they surely do.
  7. Just playing catch up on this thread, lots of nice things since I last looked, good variety for sure. I've been slower pacing myself desperately trying to minimize looking to ebay for stuff as I prefer trying to work it out locally first. Online will be for when I'm fed up and the right price on a very short list of stuff pops up. It's why I've been relatively quiet outside of the evercade. Luck would have it, driving by a usually fairly meh goodwill had decent results. It's that one between the two half price books so it wasn't out of the way was the only reason I bothered at all anymore. They tend to price anywhere from decently fair to ebay annoying, which at $80 for a Gamecube game was a no go(Mario Strikers) but they did have at least a dozen other games, strange, as no other store has seen that many combined since fall around here which is weird. I paid $50 for these, they're complete, minimal wear to the discs. I could have grabbed a couple more at least but better versions are up on GoG/Steam depending which so I didn't bother. Always wanted that Gladius game, looked fascinating but never had the time.
  8. If that makes you nervous, I'd wonder, what would be the best way to crack open the seal on a high dollar target like that for Gameboy if you're going to do it?
  9. Define what you mean by a flaky experience. So far between here and NA, at least for me, is years apart so it's probably not a fair comparison to some others. But I found trying to sell or trade on here, largely, it just doesn't work even if you are a bit under ebay and elsewhere unless it's just a different enough item people will run to it. Maybe people here just have largely what they want already, or they're wanting like 1/3 to 1/2 off off, I have no idea, not worth really arguing either. It's why I didn't bother actively keeping a sales thread going here, and this year I put something new up just for trades along with a wttf/wtb list too and not yet one bite, but I didn't go into it expecting a world of difference. But for those times I did make a sale or trade, no flakes, except one who got pretty bitter and I don't even remember nor care about the details anymore. Largely things were friendly, smooth, no dragged out delays or email shenanigans either, it just worked and nicely. So I'm really not sure what would be considered the flake thing here, the interested party or trying to get interest in the first place?
  10. Yeah I think it's similar here, it was retail for me, that place I used to care a lot about over 10 years ago that went outright corrupt, attacked its patrons, and got so ridiculously priced the community turned on the dude and he went out of business from lack of people left to buy things fortunately. When I got Kirby it was probably $5, definitely not higher than $10 and while with no box, it had the sleeve and manual which is all anyone could really ask for and be happy.
  11. They also need to crack the vault open and do some EVERCADE carts. They have a dual library setup of console style games (red box) and then arcade games (purple) going now. $20-25 a cart usually have at least 10 games on there for some solid variety. Taito could get really creative with at least 1-2 volumes on each style. (Same with Capcom, Konami, and Tecmo too.)
  12. Oooh that golf game, I forgot about it. Golf Story, the true design quest to the way off the tracks now Mario Golf. This game looks like something more honest too like Golf Story.
  13. One of my favorite Kirby games. It sadly came so late and after the SNES took off so I'm sure in the day, largely overlooked. I know I did until around 1995-96 when I got it second hand, because kid on a budget you buy for the new system not the old one. Despite having moved on I used to use a $20 a bill a week on average and do a little shelf hunting at a 90s honeyhole of awesomeness and when I saw this I grabbed it because I adored the amazing Dream Land 2 on GB. The game actually blew me away, not just the depth and choices, but I never thought I'd see that attention to color, detail and animation on the NES. My brother the impatient fool wasted his money on a Genesis instead of holding out, and well you know how bland those earlier years games were... to me this stood out on a similar tier of quality, it felt pseudo-16bit which says a lot. Later I'd find a few other knockouts of similar stature, such as Gargoyle's Quest II from Capcom. Kirby on the NES is a series high point, one of the highest. Great stage designs, solid fun variety of choice in abilities to suck up, the optional added star switches to notch closer to 100% if that's your deal. Not hard in the least, but also not a total cakewalk either, a very solid game to chill and enjoy but not get bored with either being too easy.
  14. Sweet, Switch physical too at the same price: https://www.play-asia.com/pocky-rocky-reshrined-english/13/70f5lr I'd buy that. Not into the troll pricing on the 2 SNES and 1 GBA game these days.
  15. That seems a tad strange, the PCE mini has over 50 games and isn't a console it's a TV games device really since it doesn't take external media. The gameking has 3 built in games, that's why it's there. I could have added 2 other janky famicom multicarts if that would help. Either way I'll end up getting something sooner than later, working on grabbing a few more evercade games and they're all UK stuff since they're imported into the US by Blaze. Also I did forget to list my Neo Geo MVS games. Sonic Wings 2 and 3 are japanese verions of Aerofighters 2 and 3. I also have Japanese versions of Garou Mark of the Wolves, The Last Blade, and Real Bout Fatal Fury Special. If needed I can see if I have an image or take another. And the NGPC I have a few split between the UK and JP stuff too (Rockman is JP, EU for Dark Arms, KOF R2, Metal Slug 1st and 2nd Missions, Puzzle Bobble Mini, Samurai Shodown 2, and SNK Gals Fighter.)
  16. Well I hit the 100+ imports value guess that knocks off the 25/50/100 stretch. 100 actual pieces, though if you get a bit more detailed it's far more given the legit timetop has 3 on it, the PCE Mini has its 50+ games, and that's not going into the rabbit hole of the bootleg multicarts.
  17. Well if we're getting into music this I'd call required listening, check out the various catch alls for various franchises. They're on youtube, spotify, etc. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDVKYPXwdYUQfgA05CkyFSg Here is a fairly newer account, guy is a machine, plays through games start to end, does it fast, efficient(not a speed runner thankfully) and shows anyone how to knock a game off and ways to do it both legit or cheap out a glitch to do it. Currently tackled FF1 loaded 1/2 the movie so far and it's at 3hrs. https://ucanbeatvideogames.com/ I think some are obvious like Jeremy Parish, The Gaming Historian, DYKG for factoids too, but how about this brit? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJVdNvvuvOnthuWVQjYff2w Larry Bundy Jr who covers some pretty entertaining stuff the gaming industry, designers, large companies, etc do from both the deceitful to the strange and excellent, more a global view not just the narrow scope of his side of the pond which is great. He has popped up with Ashens too.
  18. Well I know from years of comments I read I'm not alone, a good many people loathe that your idea of bad design was taken away from RTS games. I'll play and replay those piss poor campaigns that make Warcraft II and Command and Conquer so utterly awful because I'd rather have freedom of choice than scripted canned abuse to memorize or buy a guide to get by. That's just sad.
  19. Kind of in a way is a time and place thing isn't it? Take for instance if you got the NES (lucky) in 1985 or 1986 and odds are your first non-arcade game was Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 is downright iconic as an utterly amazing stage that teaches you the mechanics for the entire game with well placed and paced everything so well a manual is utterly useless it's so well calculated in execution. And one could argue that final battle, though even the magic fakes, with Koopa there is an amazing battle as brief as it may be. Do you go under, over, or through him based on what you're equipped with.
  20. What stands out in my mind is a (human campaign) early into it stage where it pivots in required style to handle it. You have this stage where you're on this platform slightly recessed into a wider platform with like 2-3 teeny staircases into it and the enemy can breech from 2 points. Up until that point in the game you can take more time, approach attacking in various ways of creativity. That one though, you can't, I read up on it enough and further stages after having similar issues (as to not ruin them immediately.) It boiled down to, do this and this fast getting these units, structures, defenses, and tech rounded out within like X minutes or basically it's predetermined failure roughly speaking. It spit in the way the old games worked where you could be a total pokey or a speed demon and both can win depending on tactics. Critical thinking got sucked out of the game and genre largely since in campaign mode. AoE2 was a stand out for me not pulling it, so that's where my money and time went, also made me largely appreciate Warlocked on GBC which was a WC1 clone.
  21. Having played all 3 (both DX's and the other) I'd have to agree with that. DX is mostly fanboy fodder thrown around like some sad litmus test of what should be a great Castlevania game, when quite frankly, it's not. It's good, great even, but there are notable better titles from the same style (non symphony.) I was surprised seeing it that low too.
  22. Modern smartphones go for around $800-1000+ or at least iphones do. You can get into a new switch (lite) for $200 and used you could get a standard one for that and a lite for like $120+. Given how cheap a lot of the games are with a $20-40 range on them casuals and less serious types could get into plenty of stuff very cheap. They did the right thing ultimately. They've PiiU aside despite the smaller numbers have been a very successful console maker and game seller but with baggage, the handheld side didn't have the baggage. They realized how bad it was with their badly designed badly released last console and killed the division which quite frankly, they deserved pulling that stunt last go around. You don't get support served up on a platter, and instead double down on a bad design because that's what's in budget. The money they were sitting on from the Wii/DS could have done things right, but hey...arrogance, wasn't their first lesson in it.
  23. Guess I'll be the not really for or against one on this game early on. I don't love it, I don't hate it. It's good, but most definitely not great or excellent, yet it's far from bad, far far from it. The thing is it's divisive as hell even if some don't realize it, it is. The game *IS* the start of the shift of making RTS games more about being online competitive in general, but also as the driving force for the genres continued existence decades ago. Up until that time the campaign took the forefront or very well kindly shared the space with equal care, effort and love put into the total package. This game does not do this. It was sold due to how Blizzard is as a creation to drive a hell of a lot of personal competition, personal battles, and just overall non-solitary play. It may seem strange saying this given the total of campaigns, even the added one N64 got beyond where it stopped on PC with the expansion pack. Pre-SC your RTS games, even their own with Warcraft 1 and the still beloved sequel gave the game player in campaign time and freedom, time to develop, freedom to develop and how to approach the enemy to suppress then destroy to move to the next stage. Starcraft innocently starts out as such, for a few hours, but eventually the game has this shift that stays until the end... lack of time, a push towards expediency, and grossly so being forced to do scripted battles, scripted not just in speed bu what units to use, when to use them, where to use them, and how fast to develop your base to accomplish it. If you do not do this, you die, it will end as a slow death of a thousand cuts or pretty swiftly. Thought was removed, maybe because they cared about multiplayer more, or maybe because they had finally made put out a licensed strategy guide to sell millions of dollars worth of profitable books. And because this worked between gimping the brain from campaign and pushing multiplayer so well, anyone else out there largely did the same, Age of Empires I'd call the exception to that rule. For me, SC is fun and fucked, it ruined RTS gaming to me because I largely only cared about the story and the campaign, I'd play a little multi, usually just with a friend. So that's why I gave it a 7. It's a good game, but not great, it's not a bad game but if fucked up how RTS games have been designed ever since, a precursor to other genres that went into the multiplayer cesspool of stupidity over campaign that has been a plague for years since. Maybe I don't seem fair, but it's not wrong either. Killing a fun campaign entirely or making it a window dressing junk bin to sell books and push multiplayer into mass profitability wasn't a bad move, profits show it, but it was bad for gamers who want some time alone to enjoy the story and the mechanics with freedom to think.
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