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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Yeah we could talk, figure something out. F1-Race is the bomb, stupid they never released it here. I'm sure looking it over a few more real ones could be found, translated.
  2. Because analogue some year will supposedly get one out? I never got it either. The SSD3 thing was broken out of the box, repeatedly, never did. A Japanese guy did a digital flash kit that could go from DVI to HDMI but it was like $400-500 range I believe so that's a huge sticking point. All you have now is analogue, the impossible to get pocket with its upcoming eventually adapter and their DUO of mystery. Whenever they bother to pump out group B of the pocket my intent is to get another everdrive again and the adapter, since I got the dock I can do PCE stuff again in style. I never was hugely in love with the optical stuff, so it's not loss to me as I enjoyed the cards. And being analogue, if their weird OS they have out now isn't a cock blocker for jailbreaking, ISOs could be in the future potentially.
  3. @fcgamer Ahh yeah wow dude nice one, now that I can see a far better cleaner image of it all. I swear I've seen those SMB3 cases before, very slick. Hopefully back to the FC game, I hope it's repairable. I'm wondering if it's like the Super Fighter III I got off you I thought was toast until I really clean the crap out of the pins once I could get the shell off, brought that one back from the dead, and I'm wondering if it has similar rot and wear that hard resurfacing to resurrect it. Some of those are legit aren't they? F1-Race is awesome, wish I held onto it, and King KOng 2 looks legit too from that angle.
  4. Often I agree with you, but you're chugging Nintendo flavored kool-aid by the keg, like keg stand worth intoxication with that statement. Nintendo conned people into thinking that, but the game itself clearly says otherwise with the very mechanics it and the AI involves itself in. Those space pirates act like fairly decently smart for the era AI bots in how they track, lock, dodge-wave-strafe and unload hot plasma on you repeatedly. Various other non-borderline braindead indigenous stuff offer up some FPS like smarts/evasion tactics/antics too. Might as well call games with some depth like Half Life first person exploration too right? YOu had to find a lot of stuff, locate switches, platform like crazy in varied environments...yet no one would ever call it that, or others like Half Life, which Metroid Prime squarely falls into very similar territory. Those combat elements you call bioshock and other similar titles too as secondary you know is bs right? Stuff like that, which is the primary way to DIE in the game if you blow at it definitely doesn't make it secondary. Secondary would be damn near optional, stuff you could largely just evade, avoid, or just not do by finding other means. Metroid doesn't offer largely other means, often you're stuck, especially with repeatedly locked up rooms where you learn to shoot, aim and lock well... OR DIE. Pretty sure @Link there and others would agree.
  5. This seems very sketchy to me as a new user who is ignoring questions, fair questions too, asking for a simple list or easier a clear clean image of the game labels so people know what they're jumping into. Right now that could be nothing but shougi, rpgs, adventures, and text based games no one here can more or less read so it wouldn't matter if they were $2 or $10 a piece, it would be an issue.
  6. Never heard of the site before, seems to be slowly growing at least and not a bad idea with playthroughs. I haven't fired one up, but if they're not talking throughout, and just letting it run clean, or with minimal helpful comments that could be quite useful.
  7. I can relate, only to the idea of the FPS being strange, and then bailing on the game too, I just tolerated it until the omega pirate. That's when it really hit me how broken the controls are in relation to how you have to stop, button kung fu while getting SHOT (button press to stop walking, then aiming, then another button to lock your target) to then fire and have it track while they can do it immediately. Shitty design over visors I mentioned, which is why I said the Trilogy version is the better game...it plays well...evenly. I never touched #2 due to this, other than the Fusion tour ages ago when it rolled into town.
  8. I quietly grabbed Arceus, haven't played it much yet but I can't get left alone long enough yet to bother. Cleared the opening, got into the clothes you see in the box art, and ready to go back out into the open and see what happens. I'm a little confused by some of the controls though still, it's a bit wonky trying to either 'Go' style throw a ball vs wanting to actually pick a fight to wear one down. It seems strange it's very fiddly, a test of sorts getting your first group of them in the wild teaches you mechanics, but I'd do what it said about throwing in the wild when you have a pokemon in your team, but it kept picking a stupid fight, not really sure why. I got around it, but it was just weird.
  9. I never ran into that in the 90s or 00s, just in in the 2010s and since. Or at least not all piecemeal at least. I could see someone tack on like $5 for complete vs game or game+manual and that really isn't that far off or unreasonable. I guess gouging was more or less a reasonable thing locally.
  10. I miss when game sales weren't about greed, Batman is a great example of it. Before the run up in 2012 since you could buy a game and get the paper included in the cost, not a separate charge for game, manual, other maybe insert map, box and then worse into baggies, blocks of foam and sleeves...sheesh.
  11. Well if I remember right what you'll find is the yellowish disc, a single color page thing about the game, and the disc is in a while windowed sleeve. If you have that, you're set.
  12. You do realize that image is largely illegible if someone wants to actually figure out what most of that is between the lack of size(killing detail) but glare on a few too. Take for instance I'd probably be interested in Goemon 2, Sailor Moon (original, R, and the Super S and S fighters), Zenki, Parodius 1+2, Popn Twinbee, TWinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure, Iria, Appleseed, and so on and so on... It would be best to snap them with a phone in groups of like THIRDS of what you have there. I zoomed that on my PC 250% and it's all fuzzy and painful to figure out.
  13. That game is solid, strange and unrealized sadly but good. Also on that other post, nice one, I used to have that Konami package, if you haven't opened it yet, it's disappointing what little is in there. I'd almost argue to keep it sealed up and just grab the pre-fixed for modern PCs GOG release as it's often on sale and even when not (since konami is cheap it's a slight one) for around just under $5 and default is $6.
  14. I used to have a solid collection all gone, you're tempting me with that low of a price, but what's the catch? Can I see a pic spread of the games or a list at least? I could think of at least 10-20 I'd grab if they were there. Some now are aggravatingly expensive, but others are unknowns and should be cheap (like Zenki.) Adding files is easy, you have a thing that says 'drag files here to attach, or choose files' and choose is a link, should pop a box on your computer, you click files like in Windows and it will upload them.
  15. Need a drool icon for that one, nice job. I miss having all 4 of those complete, imported them from the UK when they came out. I did eventually re-acquire the 4 again, loose though, prices are nauseating especially on 1 and 4 (really 4.) Good luck if you want the whole lot, it's worth it, but ouch. See if you can get #3 at least, that has Twinbee but also the only legal english translation of Goemon from the system too.
  16. Since I was assuming you put the vote to the Gamecube one I gave it an 8, if I could have scored the Trilogy one though I'd give it a 9. All said though the game is drop dead gorgeous, just very very amazingly well done start to end. Varied terrains, lots of interesting things to see, and re-see as you loop back around areas as you proceed in unlocking more spaces and special gear/talents to hit new heights. The visuals wow, but so is the audio a that itself is like on another tier between the atmospheric sounds and effects, and the seamless music that really suits the mood by the space you're in. Never seems to skip a beat no matter how large or small an area or creature(s) can be in those areas either. My only gripe about the game as if I haven't voiced it enough in the last 10 years between here and the old site, poor use of the controller hampering gameplay against specific smarter (space pirates largely) targets. Such waste of the c-stick on visors that could have been a pause mechanic. That's is the only reason I'm giving it a point lower on the GC vs the Wii Trilogy.
  17. Thanks but I don't keep old computers around if that's what you meant. I don't even have a lot of time anymore for what I do like or I'd probably due to this thread fire up an MSX emulator, grab a rom set and have some fun with those things again 20+ years later once more.
  18. It's refreshing when you see someone who got over it from the era and say something like that as a former Sega owner, not many even now will which is weird to a point. But you are right though GBA is more powerful than SNES and Genesis, it really is like though presentation wise a portable SNES with the only lacking part a non-dedicated sound processor and the lower resolution too. Those can be worked around, yet the output it's beyond those two, sprite pushing more on the level of a Neo Geo or Saturn, definitely pulls the same faux 3D way of making 3D the Saturn does when you get stuff like the V3D engine(VRally and Asterix) and BlueRoses (Wing Commander, Smashing Drive.) YEs some SNES games suffered, others didn't, and those who did, it was botched rush jobs, just bad/lazy coding. When you can counter a bad one with a good one you wonder, when you can see 3D games pulling what they did it's a larger WTF moment. The GBA was peak handheld until it got into trying to ape the burgeoning mobile phone market adding more area and a touch capability with the DS. With the DS, more post that, handhelds kind of lost their unique personality in a way, the gloves more came off because the clear restrictions weren't so much.
  19. Same here I was thinking of posting something of the sort on a couple things here. That lady in SA was just awesome letting that stew, learning about it, charting things, and then putting it out there fast and hard in the media so the usual clown car parade couldn't downplay or disinform about it since it wouldn't fit the narrative. And yet still as you said, petty shenanigans ensued because of the open honesty of that doctor who wasn't playing politics, just freshly learned medical science of it. And the other would be what you said, the whole Taiwan/WHO bs as they knew and knew before it got public(and outside the region when it could have been contained) but the WHO kowtowed to their buddies and buried it because being told to do so. There's no reason to ever hate on asians, hate on China, hate on the Chinese, but there is 100% reason to hate on the CCP with their nauseatingly evil party playbook run by what's essentially a presentator in chief (PRESident+dicTATOR) who's looking to control everything and everyone they can get claws into. Genocide, forced labor, re-education centers, torture, forced behavior, the list goes on.
  20. Somehow I missed this, getting Cubivore sadly for some years now is no small feat. Certain things I'm glad I held onto or recovered before GC got investor interested some years back. It's such a fantastic game, quite unique, right down to them retaining the N64 flavor (with Animal Crossing being the obvious other.) What got me was what were the motivations of Nintendo NOT releasing it, but also just happy they weren't so jaded about their own property as to not let Atlus do it which back then was huge. They just weren't as fuzzy as going in with another developer much, it's partly why Retro was so huge with them doing Metroid. Have fun with it, it's a gem, just like anotehr high ball priced one of simple design -- Chibi Robo. If you're looking for other weird ones I can give suggestions probably off some peoples radar.
  21. Wow so you're saying that defund the police central, the land of special zones and rampant idiocy when they gimped the cops caused..death?! I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. You know, I have a solution since the police are so bad. Thunderdome Let them sort it out in a large space.
  22. I wouldn't blame you. Normally it should make someone be a little concerned, but hakchi was so well set up you basically can't break the system doing it and it even copies the contents first so it's like a one click restore as well. Despite the not enough space for all NES games, it does allow for it, you can get a bypass USB port adapter and attack a stick drive to increase the load. At that point you're getting into whatever you care to stuff on it up to including (with some tweaks to hit full frame) N64. Really though I'd imagine 16bit cap at best.
  23. Wow that's hardcore, went from just collecting games straight to staples and concussions. It was quiet, nice to see you're back. Once you're not seeing double, you got some good choices to start on there. When you get to the shop card, do yourself a favor, find something unique or at least that isn't on physical media. It will limit the too many choices, and help find something more suitable. Last card I got, put it towards the 20 year old re-release of Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance which is a great game if you're into Diablo like stuff.
  24. Ehh you're underrating the PS1/Saturn-ish potential of the GBA. The problem isn't the hardware, it's either the less than competent designers, bean counter restrictions, or both. You can see some quality conversions both 2 and 3D from the early CD era stuff that works and looks great on GBA. SFA3, Super Puzzle Fighter, Mr Driller series, and into 3D with the V3D engine there's V-Rally (clone of Sega Rally 1) which on the tail end did a Gex/Spyro like game with Asterix & Obelix and another engine pulled off a PC conversion(well done too) of Wing Commander Prophecy. Legacy of Goku 1 and 2 are kind of disliked because of some bad design choices in how you attack/defend, not so much that the terrain, visuals, audio or the rest sucks, just some bad choices in mechanics. Shining Soul I've not heard was hated, but that the sequel (I owned it) was much improved and it really handles largely like a portable Diablo. Some SNES ports though while done great had others that over shadowed it with being lazy and badly optimized included in some cases but that's not the hardware to blame, it's bad people. R-Type III is a good proxy for fouling it up, but conversely Phalanx is amazing. While not a port at all the Gradius game that did pop up blows many out of the water and it's not alone. And that's your call on the second tier stuff, the Magical Quest trilogy on SNES were excellent and carried over to the GBA just as nicely (as did also Aladdin.) The FF trilogy though, largely were very improved, just some inconsistencies largely with the mode7 effects of the overworld, but that's hardly damning.
  25. I'd argue 6 is as much like 4-5 as it is a taste of what was coming with mega man x really. Diverted paths, extra gear, and so on...it's a sum of some added parts to create a unique whole that's a bridge between those 2 styles of game. I'd dare call it cheapening the game liking it to the past games really trying it up too conveniently in a package with 4+5.
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