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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. Yeah that's my problem so far. When I find the non-flake it's great. Since I know I was losing looking at my big final ebay push last year over 40% when factoring their scummy tactics in on top of some supplies I needed to ship I figured I'd just offer like 1/3 or more off locally. I don't get any whiners over price, and when someone offers to buy enough I'll give them the cheapest item or two free for saving me the headache. That got me 2 people who have bought a few times from me over that.
  2. Yes he beat me to linking that, but I've been to a few tax broker/law payment sites trying to cross reference it after it was brought up to me around a month/month and a half ago. As long as it's sent as friends and family, and you're not stupid enough to write "hey dude thanks for the games, here's X money" on the comment line you're safe. They can check for dumb comments on self audit at paypal or whatever, they see that, you'll have issues if you're caught. I'm not saying go hog wild, but let's say between you and me, you find another FC game or Japanese/Taiwanese gb cart or something I want, if I were to F&F you the funds and not leave a note, or thanks friend, or here's the payback I owe you thanks...something innocent in there, you're good. Just don't make it like a weekly habit is all either. Do it frequently enough and it'll smell, once a week, bi weekly, monthly you're fine. They'll just ignore it like you're a bunch of roomies and sending rent/utility money, friends sharing cash, etc you get the idea. That's why I broke my post on here back off of just being 100% trade only to adding some payment choices like cash, mo, or F&F paypal as a choice.
  3. It's like the authentic imitation leather of the current 'new' games industry now isn't it? Pleather for everyone! The guy is a twit on multiple levels, it's not just the lying about it being 'very good' and authentic, the genius showed the game in the first place, but then takes a pic of the back that would make anyone who knows the basics know it's fake entirely and not just a re-shell.
  4. Oooh that's a nice one, seems like the conversation we were having about the 110in1 looking familiar but not. It is a more common count I think but still. We should at least monitor the sellers feedback, I'm curious to see what someone might post when the receive that asininely overpriced $700 doorstop.
  5. I really dig those tins, problem is ugh at this point prices. But also, some of that stuff without ability (reading) just isn't happening either. I had bomberman before but it didn't do much for me and had one of them already(the indiana jones-ish one) from the US side. The favorite is the Bonk/Genjin cart, that one I still have it, just the game as it's an amazing selection and value there.
  6. Yeah I don't really see where Zelda II holds up better, it's as fox said, kind of a dark souls of the era, but even more creaky, cheap, and unforgiving with long aggravating stretches if (hah...when) you die. Zelda may be a bit more confusing, but it's not obtuse and infuriating, nor is the difficulty up there with the worst of the worst. Yes a couple dungeons are pure BS to find without a magazine or the internet, but around that the exploration isn't that hard nor is the map all that big either.
  7. This change has kind of hurt kind of not so far. I've had ok luck getting rid of things and marginally not all that much worse than ebay after their disgusting fees they keep increasing and slapping on stuff. I had run numbers last year and when you have stuff at like $10 or less, the % they take creeps higher and higher, at a $5 item you don't even keep half since they tax you their fees on shipping charges too. Over that it creeps back closer to fairer levels like their 15%~ish they advertise (20-25 or so really again shipping fvf.) Seeing their amazing break down tool I'll give them credit for, I saw what I supposedly took in, but after their charges, shipping charges, fvf nonsense, and then having to occasionally buy some bubble wrap, bubble bags in mass, occasional box I was losing like 35% on ebay and another 5+% in materials so it was around 40%. Locally the point being you can look at what ebay stuff sells for, slice a 1/3 off that, make a clear point on facebook you'll do cash only, trades, or PP friends and family (doesn't report) and that you are firm unless multiple items go. Seems to work fairly well. If they bitch and lowball, tell them to pound sand or point out how much the same sells for, remind them of shipping costs, then state taxes too on that. That seems to shake some sense into some people too. In the end it's a bit more up front work vs just post and wait, and it will take longer with a limited audience, but it works. I'd rather lose 40% in trading/selling local than ebays(or the others) bs. Tack on the now shitty 15%~ tax over $600 an you'll be at 50% or better loss on what you sell vs what you keep. F that.
  8. Ok the printing isn't backwards, where's the error?
  9. I barely can tolerate High Speed and Pinbot on NES because of the really dumb choice of adding moving around table monsters that don't exist on the real hardware. It ruins the flow of the game and puts in some garbage that causes more issues than fun. I'd go with the other pinball sims/rpgs on the system unless that really wont' bother you.
  10. @Hollywoodcaddy Yeah I know, and I don't remember ever seeing that in some air tight bag. I have one that's totally intact in great shape.
  11. I’ve never seen a sealed one. Nintendo back then at best out stuff in untaped bags.
  12. Just my current trade/sales list I have on here near yours currently. But if nothing there works, I have a few non-listed options I might be able to find something from.
  13. I'd love that pocky and rocky, but I don't have what you are asking for. i do have some other expensive stuff that would compare though.
  14. What the hell is wrong with people, this right here, that sale basically is a perfect example how far wrong things have gone.
  15. It does make thing tricky. Without running it seems they figured out too late they fucked up, so with various jumps the edges have a like 1/2 wide square if you want to think of it as such a square lower so when you jump often you end up catching that instead of the rest of the platform that'll save you from even more cheap deaths. The gaps are just a hair too wide, if that wasn't there, you couldn't finish the first world let alone first stage or two of that.
  16. No not really. The genesis went with the 32X instead and when it failed they used some salvaged concepts for that disgustingly overpriced ($100 back then) copy of Virtua Racing. Ig ot it like 2yr after it came out, Sega would on their own online shop and it by then was $20 as they couldn't get rid of the things. N64 didn't either, they did two other things. One was the 64DD which never left Japan (but almost did) and then their microcode triggers and related chips within the carts. They had this dual setup of security lockout like a 10NES kind of vaguely so, but also allowed for more complex operations with the N64 itself. Take for instance Mario 64 it is on the basic starter end, generic easy microcode chip, but late stuff like Factor5's Indiana Jones/Battle for Naboo use this ungodly complex one that allows for more stuff to work which tooks years(10+ after n64 got emulated to figure out and add for play.) That's as far as either really took it.
  17. Making? The movie came out I think this weekend or shortly ago as it's playing.
  18. It's fairly average, kind of blocky, feels kind of overrated and just there has been so many better things on the system, even older sys....GET OUT OF MY HEAD! Sorry OptOut tried to pull another 4/10 on this one too. Seriously though, I gave it a 9/10, it's not perfection but it's in its simplicity compared to the sequels it still just does so much right, and largely hasn't become creaky and annoying other than some slight memorization bits (like 8-4 has) to finish the stage which sucks if you're not good at that...a product of the time, like annoying games with many random identical doors to somewhere hopefully the exit. Wasn't fun then, even less fun now...or I'd have probably given it a 10. Great use of control, mechanics of the entire design element of attack, evasion, stage design. The music and sfx are memorable and that's underselling it given. It has so much hidden content for the period, 1UPs if you do this or that, the fireworks, the bean stalks, the warp zones, the jacked up minus world even. It's hard, not evil, but it's a challenge if you go in blind to it as a fresh player, yet it does subtly hand hold new concepts by the world so by the time you hit world5, you have the tools you need. A true stunner when you consider THIS was peak NES, peak bare system NES...it didn't get better than this until they started goofing with NROM, MMC this or that, and so on. A game that pushed the limits right out of the gate, no peers, then even now among the blackbox array of games. Despite all the advances, this still beats quite a great many of more colorful, more detailed, more widely designed things and that says a lot to earn its high place marks.
  19. Yes they mechanic is different, but the inspiration is from there. Instead of bop em on the head and then grab n' go, it's just pick up and use as a weapon. It's similar but not. The enemies I've seen return off the top of my head would be Pokey, shy guy variants, snifits, ninji, and Birdo is all over the place too. They've popped up in main line stuff in some cases, others the RPG, sports, kart, etc spinoff series games.
  20. Thanks yeah if you do let me know I have some good trade stuff or $ either way. I couldn't do a full set, some are just unable to be read, but would display well. They do have custom order cases for each set of 10 over there too.
  21. Tanooki


    Bump -- adds and removal
  22. I am not up for bids...oh wait.
  23. I clicked based on improved quality over the previous title and kept it to the US version too. At first I almost clicked/saved on SMB1-2 but I went with 2-3. SMB1 set the basic starter template, it also pushed the capabilities of the NES without going into special chips(mapper) of any sort yet again it was basic. The jump to 1-2 was utterly tiny in Japan, but huge in the US. SMB2 gets dumped on by trolls, but the game was a huge boost in visual quality, audio quality, created the gameplay mechanics that influenced SMB3 and all later games along with setting up many staple enemies, also set the idea of worlds having more of a theme in change too. Yet despite all that SMB2 to SMB3 really did it more, largely, though in one respect it sadly took a backwards step, quality character sprites, especially Mario...ugh poor Mario. Mario goes from like an 8bit version of the cartoon dude in the ads and tv show, to something that's more crude, harsh, detail sucked out of its face with now black dot beady eyes, it's just blander. But that aside, that's largely it. SMB3 was a huge jump with the amount of completely different zones, a huge pile of abilities gained from those suits, multiple world maps, a quite wide and diverse soundtrack, challenge battles(hammer bros), far more use of unique looks, designs, colors, audio, just all around depth across the board pretty much.
  24. @Brickman Wow good job. I've wanted those but never could find a majority of them for anything near that price loose let alone complete because well online buying sucks now. At this rate I'd settle for Balloon Fight, Mario Bros, Kid Icarus and little else. It was the day of the week when I can roll around to a couple out of the way shops that keep presenting me most the time with some reason to keep trying, and well, again it did, a little at each. $10 for Super Thunderblade there, not shot a couple of later 90s first run mini pvc figures(moltres, zapdos) for 1.50/ea.) Then the win was half price $75 for the two CIB games.
  25. Same here I see the same parcel mail choice. Also look at what showed up just below it in the related area... the same system but in Arabic?! Check the images: https://www.ebay.com/itm/125205138195
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