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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. I do, but I don't have any Sony systems anymore, not going to re-buy them either so it would be emulation or nothing I guess. And I remember that burn all too well, it infuriated me when they did this big announcement, but mysteriously left the GC off. I never got to play the game which really sucked.
  2. To me it's not worth the image, but, in the last couple of years I've seen 3 copies of the game in various states of average condition or worse and never with the manual. No savings, just no shipping, got it finally complete with minimal wear all around for $30 but finally I got Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance for the Gamecube once more. Shame more games were never made like that, total lost opportunity.
  3. Exactly it's about the PR game 100%. You can either just drop it out there, let people exploit it quietly on bootlegs or whatever and maybe some more uptight proto buyers will take a more dim view of the thing and intentionally try and value it less to teach a lesson like some snob stunt tactic. Or, you can PR the crap out of it like the Sim City NES release, or the Earthbound (Zero) one demiforce did like 20 years ago. Get large gaming media coverage, interviews, do a dive/deep dive about it, go further like SC had with documentation, added files, the works. I'd comfortably argue if the buy of SC in theory was 10K when it was put up for show a few years ago it's probably worth 50%-100%+ more at this rate. People are very aware, it's very documented, yet it still is like 1 of 2 known carts and if you want it...you'll now be fighting the mob vs a couple quiet back room buyers. Same logic as the bs at ebay vs using local buyers(facebook, offer up, etc)... Do you want a million views or a thousand, and which do you think will rack up more cash? (Psst...ebay.)
  4. Well nope, unless you like bugs, progression stopping ones no less, collisions that kill despite not happening (ie: invisible to where you stand vs what is seen) broken jump physics where you can't make the same hop twice (great for posts over death pits), and cameras that'll turn and just make you release your grip to fall into a chasm. It's lots of joy. Just play Legacy of Darkness, it was the intended game. I just spent like 15min trying to google what I read over 20 years ago in a magazine from 1999, but EGM ratted out Konami for forcing out the delayed Castlevania64 incomplete to make the Japanese board/stock holders happy and it shows. Some whine the game has frame rate problems, it's just as bad as CV64, except if you have the 4MB memory expansion then you can choose basically hi res mode which is slower or use the ram to smooth the experience more not bumping it up (like Gun-Nac on NES sprites w/no flicker vs speed.)
  5. Poor Mario, so were you coming or going?
  6. That's exactly what it is. Looks like various panels talk about how to use the guide, how many worlds and levels under those there are, a section about the monsters and their names/info, another piece about why they use english words like JUMP and so on. Kind of handy really if you can read it.
  7. I remember it vaguely, I think it centered around basically self interest protectionism as it was people who had numbers of them or friends of them looking to guard an investment irrationally thinking it would devalue them into the toilet.
  8. Wow that's one killer f'n tape worm, worse is the wonder of coming or going?
  9. It would be easy to just say I don't get it as it's a vague comment, so maybe I'll just stick to it. I get what they were doing with it but I never really got it to where it was enjoyable or gave me a reason to keep bothering either and as such I never understood or agreed with the lame levels of hype. It's not bad, it's just not great, it's like...there. So, I gave it a 5 and a not going to touch on the sequel.
  10. When I last had a PSP a few years ago basically any sony one was done, bloat. But I found most of the copies were garbage who didn't last long or would bloat fairly soon except one model, the INSTEN brand one you can(could?) find on ebay. That one must have used the old factory/make up materials of the Sony one as they lasted just as long as an original, didn't run hot, or get funky with daily use. They made a couple models of it for the 1k/2k and 3k models.
  11. Tanooki


    Big update with new desirable items added. CASH preferred but if you have some $100+ SNES game I'm too stingy to pay for, we can trade.
  12. Hah I think Detective Horse brings a bit of class to things, come on...the pipe.
  13. For me it has...but it's not easy, and to be fair, depending how large your population is in an area it will work out, fail at various levels, or you're just screwed if you're in the sticks with a 'city' like an hour away or more. It is a boon to buyers they save like 30+% off the ebay price. But more, they're also not eating the instant state taxes on top and the shipping charges as well so they're likely saving another 5-15% more in expense depending on size/weight. I offloaded 1-2mo back maybe 1200 in goods from my collection I lost interest in locally, no shitty fees, no taxes, nothing...cash. 1/2 of it was my remaining few PS1 games with the psone+lcd system combo to a local I've known before from local stuff. Currently I've got my virtual boy backup I solder fixed, a nice box set of one read manga, and a few other interesting bits up. Going to refresh it again tonight or tomorrow, got some more eye catch worthy stuff to drop. I'll take a 1/3 off the average ebay pay out, stand firm unless a bundle is made, and just wait. When I get the cash I'll just deposit it in the bank, transfer it to paypal, then from there into my online only bank for my personal use, though largely saved now for my PC replacement because screw the inflation it got worse and I'm short.
  14. What's worse I read up on it, it was on the Japanese iOS and Android shops for about 18months some years ago, then they just up and quit and removed it. It's floating out there, if you have a hacked iphone/pad or just side load an android APK. Pretty damn pathetic, it's a wonder I call digital downloads rentals... you're borrowing time, you don't own shit and it can get pulled for any no good reason at any second.
  15. It needs to be heavily regulated is what at this rate as it's becoming a national stability issue, which can in turn be even a national security issue when costs get to the point it causes issues with the functioning of daily life. Got a nice 40cent hike this morning from yesterday evening...yeah that's natural (my ass.)
  16. I've heard of him, a few years back during all the dopey marvel avengers hype he came out with the REVENGERS and they're a laugh. Here's a sample from the rear of the toy they did, from Incredible Fella.
  17. @docile tapeworm @sdamike Good, and good to know. I had a feeling it was an open letter for anyone to take a poke at. They do submit it to right places, I got an email from Sen Rand Pauls office about receiving my online letter about it and if I wanted to follow up further to give them a call or write again. Unlike bitch mitch, he does actually care as much as a senator can at least these days. I've written there before once or twice from a form letter and had a conversation, not an autopenned response. Everyone should be filling that out. I get it's reporting vs skirting the rules but that's also why it was done that way so people wouldn't just end up slammed out of nowhere as long as they kept it under the ceiling. $600 is bs farce that was shoveled through with no transparency, no discussion, just thrown in as a sub-clause/rider on the bill and f'd tens of millions of people which was wrong.
  18. I know I know, I've read the papers and documentation of the cobbled together manual and notes on the incomplete and could be hacked to complete bits that's on the fringe of making it a final release. It was most fantastically handled.
  19. Largely agreeing with your first reply, other than I don't think having it tied to a marketing campaign is entirely necessary either. Dropping it either way, planned is a must, but not let word out ahead of time because you get those greedy crusaders who flip over not being able to control things. You'll get a mix of responses, largely people would prefer it be out there, it doesn't diminish the value of the actual original prototype (which isn't owned anyway, it's stolen) or the hardware it rests on that doesn't change. But some would rather like black market art dealing like to keep things hidden to a tight group of nearly none, out of the light, out of anyones hands so they can lord it over others or feel great quietly having something no one else can be damned the consequences. There's a spectrum to it all. Personally I lean towards fcgamer or what Cifaldi did with Sim City for the NES. With SC there was a huge media blitz when it appeared, it was shared with all documentation, learning about it, all the info possibly gained and then presented as a website with multiple deeper documents to fiddle around with too. The page fantastic with lots of images, the history and back story of it, but also the how it was found, how it went from A-Z, the recovery, etc. It was a sweet piece of work, I feel this is how it should go, online digital museum. It didn't suddenly make whoever owns it have a $10 piece of crap, the original is still worth the same hell of a lot of money if not more now that more people are aware and could try and bid it out of some owners hands.
  20. LRG mailed me in around 3am on the 10th, they shipped Quake for Switch finally.
  21. Hah loving this ending, I forgot about that website of joke goods. Quick someone buy this for your famicom too! https://obviousplant.com/collections/featured/products/super-ride-grandpa?variant=41575269925057 It's a game made for Super Jeff, has the rear sticker to prove it -- Super Ride Grandpa. Here's the rear shot:
  22. Sad thing is, games like this will shortly be lost when it could easily be adapted in this case to ios/android or minimally speaking put up on the eshop for Switch too. This game would be perfect for a phone with the menu system in place there, not like you're struggling with some lame floating touch panel faux joystick that'll foul up your movements.
  23. Hey I got this email from ebay earlier, they're lobbying on 3 different senate/house bills currently moving through the process to deal with this $600 bs. Two of them restore the original 20k(S.948 & S.3546), and one just goes to 5k up from 600 (S.3840). This is their community mailer, if someone has an account (or if not even required) give it a click. I mean it couldn't hurt. https://www.ebaymainstreet.com/campaign/2021-federal-1099-campaign Go here, copy/paste the bills I put into the field up top, you can read the language they're short: https://www.congress.gov/
  24. It's old and original, but I'm guessing some kind of collection or reprint perhaps. The yellow dude looks like Disk-kun the little mascot of the Famicom Disk System which SMB1 and the (lost levels) SMB2 came out on. But then you also have all these panels about the upcoming SMB3 clearly which is well post FDS and it never came out on that format either as it couldn't handle it. Top of the third image with the big purple text, below that 3M cart that info there is about the upcoming release of SMB3 in October, the last box or two has the princess a toy story and waiting so it's like a teaser (early so not finalized maybe) of what to expect with the game when it comes out months later in October. Got a date on this?
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