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Everything posted by MiamiSlice

  1. for the record, LRG still shows the original price on a product even after it sells out: https://limitedrungames.com/products/switch-limited-run-44-turok-2-classic-edition-preorder $54.99
  2. Beginning*. It’s always early January.
  3. A bunch of my blowout sale snags showed up today: This sale was great for stuff I had missed out on before. I have other stuff that already arrived (Momodora and Jumanji CE’s, standard Blasphemous and standard River City Girls) and more stuff on the way. Also picking up Axiom Verge for Wii U at original retail price has me thinking I could go for a complete Wii U set
  4. My order just arrived so let me show you: The two manuals were ones I needed to complete some boxes I bought last year and the pricing was much better than what people charge on eBay
  5. A bunch of my CIB NES games are from a former rental store owner who kept some of his stock. I think he was lending out just the carts because he kept the boxes and manuals in great shape. I have a Blockbuster rental copy of Metal Arms for the PS2 that doesn't have the manual... I assume they tossed it. It's interesting because the box is a lot like a GameCube box (you might know the whole story there). I used to have a former rental copy of Space Station Silicon Valley for N64 with a laminated manual... so I assume the manual went with the game when people rented it.
  6. I learned about your store because of this thread and ended up ordering a bunch of stuff that I needed... patiently waiting for all of it to arrive now! Thanks for posting pictures and detailed descriptions on your website, makes a huge difference.
  7. Love this. I have the Dora the Explorer set coming in the mail, my first find from this series. Sadly it is not the Toys R Us exclusive version with the stylus. Someone showed me that Hello Kitty one recently and I'd love to have that one! I like it way more than the rest. Looking forward to seeing what else you will be posting... I bet I will be taking lots of notes.
  8. Ugh I never heard of this SEGA Fun Pack. Have you seen what similar GameCube bundles go for? These are grails for GameCube collectors: So yeah I would say there are collectors assuming a similar Wii bundle will be similarly “rare” and sought after and would front run the market for it.
  9. Ha ha there’s only like 4 games here that are dupes, most I needed to add. I might be keeping the Wii U as well, I don’t have a backup set and this one doesn’t have much wear. But I do have some cheap games I could let go
  10. Mail call! Got a Wii U with two Wiimotes and all these games for $145! Better deal than what I’ve seen in local listings...
  11. Literally spit out laughing I'm salty for missing the $GME train, been riding $PLTR but it's not the same. I don't think everything is a bubble... I think what it is is that the economy is very uneven right now. Tech, collectibles, anything you can enjoy within the walls of your house is "undervalued" while hotels, cruise ships, restaurants are worthless. If the bubble bursts because we can all go outside again it will be more like a rebalancing... people will be selling off their stacks of games they bought during the pandemic to afford a long needed vacation or whatever. Zoom will be a stock to sell, not buy. Etc. etc.
  12. Like a couple weeks ago. This month has been crazy. Everything is going up quick.
  13. I rarely get to do local pickups anymore and there’s usually nothing in my area but Sunday afternoon is the one window I have when I can go for a drive so my youngest will nap in her carseat and pick something up. Today it was this fully complete Zelda Collector’s Edition which believe it or not I never owned before, for $60. I remember when $60 was way too expensive for this not long ago, but nowadays this is getting close to being a $100 game on eBay so I wanted to snap this up while I still could.
  14. So.... anyone want to do cost + shipping for Captain Toad for Switch? I have it digital but really want a sealed copy to put on my shelf... for less than $20...
  15. Here's the thing though. While we are here complaining about asking prices that are too high, people are walking into brick & mortar retro games stores across the country and paying more than even eBay going prices for this stuff. I swear I just saw this post on Reddit: This made me GROAN. This kid got robbed, fleeced, etc. $30!!! And yet he looked at this sad little cart and his eyes lit up and he thought I BETTER GRAB THIS NOW BEFORE ANYONE ELSE SEES IT AND PAY UP AND GO TELL REDDIT ABOUT MY AMAZING FIND. And you know what? Someone will walk into another store and find a Pokemon Stadium cart looking like it was a competitor in a destruction derby and pay $50 for it because WOW POKEMON and hey it works right? Obviously I'm preaching to the choir here but yeah there are people that pay these ridiculous prices like the Amazon listings that are way higher than eBay and so on. We always assume it's market manipulation or something but remember Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Or in this case ignorance because no one is really stupid for doing stuff like this, they just don't know any better. And yeah as a market like game collecting grows quickly and a lot of new buyers enter the market they will do ignorant stuff like this and some people will benefit financially.
  16. Something has changed about video game retail. I don’t know what is to blame. But I see these retailers clearing inventory pretty quickly. They don’t seem to want to sit on inventory so long. Does anyone else feel the same way?
  17. I participated in a strategy guide claim sale in a Facebook group where the seller had tons of guides and was doing buy 5 get 1 free. Plus I was able to make offers on some of the guides that didn’t get claimed. So I paid $106 all in for these 12 guides: The Pokemon Snap guide is one I’ve been wanting for a long time and I didn’t even claim it in time but the guy who claimed it let me have it instead. The Viewtiful Joe guide I was also too late and then the seller told me he had a second one. In all my favorite claim sale experience so far and I checked off a few key items from my wantlist!
  18. This isn’t an official Tetris product, it’s just a clever shirt from Shirt.Woot many years ago
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