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Everything posted by glazball

  1. I've only seen it once but would love to see it again. It's just so long! The physicist Kip Thorne was consulted for the movie which helps give it a scientific backbone.
  2. Hold up - they changed your auctions to include BIN *after* the auctions were already live? That's insane. Are you sure you didn't just leave a box checked (or unchecked) to enable BIN when you were making the listings?
  3. Sumez mentioned pop artists, which is short for popular (sorry, I thought/assumed Janet Jackson was still popular). For synthpop specifically, DM are undoubtedly the most popular band but still way down the line overall. I'm not saying they are still relevant, not really, but indeed there are a lot of fans that still love their stuff passionately. I'm thrilled to know that they are still as popular as they are. However, on that list that Abelardo linked, you see them below other electronic artists (deadmau5) and one-hit wonder Gotye, so I don't really know what that is any real measure of. Reed, I realized that I have all those metal DM covers in my library, I just hadn't listened to them in years. There are 5 volumes of A Metal Tribute To Depeche Mode, and I uploaded them if anyone is interested in them. Unfortunately, they are 192k mp3, downloaded years ago en masse from a DM remix fan site which is no longer up. In the same folder are 2 other rock/metal cover albums, Mode of Obscurity and For The Masses (CD rip). Duplicates have been removed. Happy to share more too! https://mega.nz/folder/OcxRiIBI#1L9lyAhKDmrr4ZzEfIdJyA Here are some other great DM covers:
  4. Mind. Blown. You have almost certainly heard some STP songs: Plush, Creep, Vasoline, Interstate Love Song, etc. The frontman Scott Weiland was himself a Depeche Mode fan and did a great cover of But Not Tonight. And I'm scratching my head about DM being the biggest active long-time pop artists. Madonna? U2? Janet Jackson? I hate to seem like I'm giving you grief though! It's all in good fun. Perhaps you are in Europe? I'd love to know what country you're in where you can hear DM all the time on the radio! Of course DM were much bigger overseas and still have their most rabid fans there, esp. Germany. It's funny you say that. I don't listen to much radio, but there's a decent modern rock/alternative station in Austin. I've made a silly game out of waiting for either a Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins song within the next 5 songs I hear after turning on the radio (if one isn't already playing). I haven't failed yet. They and other similar bands still get lots of airtime here but DM not so much (and it's always Enjoy the Silence).
  5. What gives? No love, err hate, for pretty much the entire US Turbografx-16 library?? OK, minus Cadash and Lords of Thunder.
  6. @Sumez, that is one of the fairest and most even-handed opinions I've seen a while. Though I disagree somewhat, it's refreshing to read. It is quite true that DM's sound has changed, most notably with the single I Feel You and album Songs of Faith and Devotion in 1993 (which was their only US #1 album). I don't expect to change your opinion at all, but if you'll hear me out, maybe you can give some of their post-Violator stuff a second chance. It was apparent after Violator that the band wanted to change their image and sound. That was mostly led by the singer Dave Gahan, who was the frontman and face of the band. He had started seeing newer US bands like Jane's Addiction, and he wanted to get away from the completely electronic sound. It was right around that time that he overdosed on a heroin/cocaine cocktail and almost died. The band was fractured and the technical "talent", Alan Wilder, was soon to leave. Up through 2000's Exciter album, Martin Gore had written 99% of their songs - you could say he was Depeche Mode - but with 2005's Playing The Angel, Dave was allowed to input some of his songs. Dave is a great singer but his songs are all ok at best. You are not alone in the opinion that their music switched gears, and I agree completely. I personally still like it, but their earlier stuff will always be the best. I have to laugh at your comment that DM has been overplayed and oversaturated. I say it's quite the opposite, at least in the US. They do get radio play, but in the 90's it was and still mostly is rock music that rules the day. It was all Bush, Stone Temple Pilots, Oasis, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, etc etc etc. To catch a DM song on the radio is like finding a needle in a haystack, other synth artists even more so.
  7. That cover of Little 15 is excellent. Thanks for sharing! I thought I’d mention a great site (no affiliation) called DM Live Wiki that has just about every live fan recording available for download (if one exists). There’s an excellent soundboard recording from LA during the World Violation Tour, which is a must-hear. One of their best tours during the height of their fame and we never got a concert video from it. The site also has lots of great history about the early days of the band, along with demos and early tracks which were only played live from the highest-quality known audio sources. https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
  8. Music is one thing that I love more than video games and DM is one of my all-time favorite bands. Martin Gore and Vince Clarke (who left early to start Yazoo and Erasure) are two of my musical heroes. I've been a huge fan ("devotee") for many years and I've obsessively collected just about everything DM I can find. A quick look at my music library shows over 13,000 tracks (about 350GB) of Depeche Mode + related, and I'm sure that pales in comparison to some even bigger fans that I've met. That includes CD and vinyl rips, remixes (official and fan/bootleg), live, videos, cover versions, solo and side projects, etc. Depeche Mode were recently admitted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and their influence on all modern music can't be understated. Many people consider Kraftwerk influential in regards to electronic music, and they certainly were, but I would argue that DM has been even more so. After all, DM have been making music for 40 years (vs. Kraftwerk's ~10) and have influenced not just electronica, but a wide range of artists from all genres (ie Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, Johnny Cash, The Knux, Muse). I've also read, but can't precisely confirm, that Enjoy The Silence is the most remixed song ever. I have over 640 versions of EtS alone. Even though I think that DM's music sadly took a dive after Alan Wilder left after Songs of Faith and Devotion, I still celebrate their entire catalogue For me, there's nothing better than listening to an early DM album like Speak & Spell in DTS 5.1. They instilled an appreciation of analog synths that still has me in a tight grip, and I also listen to Erasure, OMD, New Order, Pet Shop Boys, and all the other usual synthpop suspects - not to mention early synth artists like Wendy Carlos, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Jean-Michel Jarre, Perrey & Kingsley, etc. I love all of it! If anyone reading feels like trading some audio files (do people still do that?), send me a pm! "It all seems to stupid it makes me want to give up, but why should I give up when it all seems so stupid?" - Martin L. Gore, Shame
  9. One of the best and most important video games ever released. Sure, the sequels polished some rough edges but only in hindsight is it fair to rate them any higher. GTA3 raised the bar in every aspect (gameplay, immersion, graphics, level design, audio, attitude). You've gotta give credit where it is due.. Rockstar changed the world with this game and imo we'd be nowhere without GTA3. Easy 10/10
  10. Even though I have always been a rabid physical-only gamer, I briefly considered the Digital Edition of the PS5 when it was announced. After installing Last of Us 2 from 2 discs, then listening to the optical drive spin like crazy while playing... I thought "ok, maybe digital is the way to go from now on." Then I reconsidered. I hang on to all my old systems and games. I picture a time 20 years from now when I want to play other PS5 games, but with the Digital Edition I would be limited to only those games I had bought. Sure, maybe we'll be able to emulate every PS5 game in 2040 but original hardware is my preference. I also worry that if space is limited on the PS5's SSD, I would eventually need to delete some games to make room. Maybe I could download them later, but maybe not.... we don't know. And though I'm not against piracy in that case, it's still just too big a drawback. Digital games are fine FOR NOW but not long term.
  11. One of my favorite NES games, though it brings up 2 painful memories from bitd. 1. Probably all of us did this at least once: mis-transcribed the password when writing it down, and I couldn't get it to work later. Had to restart the game from an older password 2. I had the Nintendo Player's Guide with the oh-so-helpful map(s) inside, but I came home from school one day to find that my dog chewed up the pages because I had left it open to those pages. I was very, very upset to say the least!
  12. You mean this one? https://limitedrungames.com/products/limited-run-290-star-wars-racer-revenge-ps4 More wasted plasti... err, another highly collectible title!
  13. I'm surprised by this statement too. Sure, Sega CD had some gems but a good share of turds that haven't aged well (or weren't big enough improvements over the Genesis versions). My vote for the console with the highest ratio of great or good games / total library would be something like the Vectrex or possibly the TurboDuo. My vote for biggest gaming disappointment was the Dreamcast being discontinued after just 2 short years.
  14. 9/10. Simply an amazing band with more talent on any random album than some bands produce in their entire careers. I saw Muse live in 2005 and their performance of Butterflies & Hurricanes almost brought me to tears. Favorite album: probably The Resistance.
  15. Yes, it's ridiculous and it's the main reason that (full set) Switch collecting is idiotic. I'm happy I never got bitten by that bug.
  16. Free bump. I have this same tv and I hope yours finds a loving home. It's one of the absolute best (and last) plasma tvs ever made. Beautiful picture, inky blacks, wide viewing angle. The only thing wrong with it is its age. Mine is still working beautifully even though it's 10 years old, and I only plan to replace mine with a 4K tv after I buy a PS5 next year (I will need a new AV receiver too).
  17. I seem to remember reading that the developer(s) later regretted including those matches, and I think it's safe to assume they'll be replaced with something fairer.
  18. Killer fucking game. My friends and I used to play the game so much, we said we would become "goldeneyed" after staring at the screen for so long.
  19. I have a feeling this is just build-up to an eventual Dreamcast Mini, but I can't help but think what a stupid, useless release this is. My friend said he wouldn't even loot the thing, which gave me a chuckle. (fwiw, I'm very much against looting!)
  20. Yea, I can still dream though. Now that I stop to think on it, are there any other *major* game consoles that had a shorter life than the Dreamcast? I can't think of any. Maybe Atari 5200, which is another underdog console I love. I see it this way: it's obvious now that people will buy any random video game shit as long as it's collectible. Look at how many people threw money at Ataribox, Amico, countless Limited Run collector's editions of turds, etc. There would never be a big enough base to really compete, but Sega could put out some hardware (doesn't need to be high-end), call it the limited edition Dreamcast 2 and people would eat it up. I know I would, even if there are only a few decent exclusives for it.
  21. This idealist is still hoping for a Dreamcast 2, and yes I am aware that it will never happen.
  22. After hearing that this movie is a must-see for a while, we finally watched it sometime within the last year. Acting was good, but overall it got a "meh" from me. Perhaps it had more impact when it was initially released, but I thought it was just merely good, not great. I have a very low opinion of smarmy salespeople anyway.
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