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Everything posted by glazball

  1. Are you taking offers on everything as a whole, or individual titles?
  2. Good call on Pong and the original Magnavox Odyssey. Similarly, the Bally Professional Arcade was initially only sold through the high-end JS&A mail order catalog in 1977/78.
  3. I can't imagine there could be anything earlier that fits your description than the Atari VCS/2600 Sears exclusives.
  4. It's hard for me to find anything wrong with this movie. It's absolutely amazing. 9/10 for me though I'd give it a 9.5 if I could. I remember reading some trivia on IMDB that del Toro, while creating this movie, left his briefcase full of notes and drawings in a taxi. It was only because the driver realized it must be important that he sought out the owner and returned it. Otherwise, Pan's Labyrinth may never have happened!
  5. A bit late to the thread, but I would second (or third) Ghost of Tsushima. imo, it is probably the best all-around game on PS4. Other "must-plays" have been mentioned, and are worth repeating: RDR2, LoU2, Resident Evil 7, HZD and Fallout 4.
  6. 9/10. Simply one of the best 8-bit games ever made.
  7. lol, funnily enough "strengths" is one of the longest words in English with only 1 vowel. Not sure if that was intentional on your part @Link but kudos
  8. 8/10 for me, but only because it's not as (repeatedly) rewatchable as some other movies that I love more. It's been many years though and I've got the 4K UHD pre-ordered. Great, great movie. One of my favorite moments is when the group of people in wheelchairs block his path. So funny!
  9. Though I really like both Dennis Hopper and Keanu, this movie was just terrible. Hopper's character is missing a thumb (iirc?) so holds the phone with his complete hand to his other ear. Why not just to the ear on the same side? Yea, it's fucking stupid - like the plot of this movie.
  10. Yes, 101 Dalmatians used xerography to keep costs down. Sleeping Beauty, Disney's previous film, is one of the most gorgeously animated movies ever made, but cost a fortune to make. It was the end of an era - the last big animated production in Walt Disney's lifetime.
  11. I skipped Gloves' post to avoid spoilers (if there is anything to spoil), but thanks for the heads-up on this movie! I had not heard of it. I bought a copy on DVD (no Blu-ray release unfortunately) and can't wait to give it a watch.
  12. "Boring" is a dumb word to describe Metroid, whatever you think about it.
  13. Can you post pictures and pricing here? I'm interested but won't click on a facebook link.
  14. I feel exactly as @cj_robot feels, almost word for word! I loved the visual style which was quite unique at the time, but I could never really get good at it and never beat it. I always wanted to like the gameplay more than I do, so I have to go with 6/10.
  15. Good evening! I've got a bundle of discs to send your way, so check your pm's. Also, bump for an awesome member providing a much needed and much appreciated service.
  16. Haven't seen it either, but I'm generally a fan of just about anything Robert Downey Jr does. I'll hafta check this one out. What kind of movie is it?
  17. Took a peek and the site does look sharp. I'm also looking forward to seeing more as it gets fleshed out. One suggestion or nitpick I would mention is Rarity category "Wide Spread." Wide Spread implies there is a vast range of rarities for this particular cart but if the intent is to show that it is common, you want "Widespread", all one word.
  18. Some factoids I recently read: the Chinese balloon was the first "kill" by an F-22 Raptor since its introduction, and was the first balloon taken down by a US plane since 1918.
  19. Love this movie, even though it doesn't hold up as well as some of Burton's other films. Ice Dance from the soundtrack is some of Danny Elfman's most beautiful work. Plus, it's got Winona Ryder as a blonde. 8/10 from me.
  20. I enjoyed it more than Shadow of the Colossus, though both are great games. 8/10 for me.
  21. Yea, pretty forgettable. We jokingly called it Loop Hard. 5/10
  22. Castlevania was a birthday gift for me. I had 2 friends stay over and we spent the whole night playing it. Great times!
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