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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I'm assuming he is referring to the commute. I recently found a perfect house that I would love to buy out in the middle of nowhere. Lots of land and outbuildings, which is my dream. I could live there because I work remotely now, but it would be a 50 minute commute (each way) for my wife to get to the school she teaches from. I drove a commute like that for over a decade and I would never want to do that to my wife. So a house like this will just have to be a retirement dream for us.
  2. I used to enjoy it more. There was even a point where I wished for a Super Metriod remake in the style of NSMB. But I guess I've grown tired of it as I would much rather see these 2D games done with sprites.
  3. Super Metroid That was the easiest pole I've ever completed on this site.
  4. I'm selling my rental property right now. I'm not expecting anything near your example, but I'm hoping it will go quick. I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to have a house to sell, but I don't need to buy anything any time in the near future.
  5. I can't find the specific clip, but Family Guy's Blue Harvest makes fun of this very thing when Han Solo is introduced. "I'm Han Solo, captain of the Millennium Falcon and the only actor whose career isn't destroyed by this movie"
  6. It sort of depends on how you look at it. Any one of about a dozen Atari 2600 games including Space Invaders, Defender, Combat, Pac-Man, E.T., Cosmic Ark, Vanguard, Baseball, Bowling, Golf and a few others - My Dad bought an Atari 2600 right around the time I was born, and we owned about a dozen games for it before the NES was released. I played these games on occasion, but I didn't really get into gaming until after the NES came out. All of these games were bought when I was too young to truly remember, so they may or may not count. Mario Bros./Duck Hunt - This is the first game that my family bought when I was at an age to actually remember getting it. This game obviously came with our NES. Rad Racer - This is the first individual game purchase that I can actually remember, and happened about a month after we got our NES. Super Metriod - This is the first game I bought with my own money, but I bought it used and only paid $2 for it despite being CIB if you can believe that. 2Xtreme - This was the first NEW game I ever bought with my own money and I purchased it the day after Christmas after getting a PS1 for Christmas. I bought it based on the gameplay from the included demo disc. This game probably isn't held in high regard by most people, but I still have fond memories of it. So depending on how you want to look at it, any one of those games could be considered my "first game."
  7. I like the idea, and I also like the idea of doing it January 31st, or sometime after the calendar year has ended. The awards can still be for the period of the calendar year, but doing it in January allows you to take into consideration things that occurred in December, especially towards the end of the month.
  8. I agree with this. I thought the "history of the Metroid series" was funny, but it seemed to be coming up with a lot of excuses to hate on everything made since Super Metroid.
  9. Wii and Wii U may have been surprises, but most everyone was expecting the Switch. I called a portable/home console hybrid at least a year before the announcement of the Switch and I certainly wasn't the only person who was expecting that. If anything was a surprise, it was the fact that the hybrid console was done so well.
  10. That's exactly what I expect as well (the first part, not the second part). What I don't want to see is Nintendo wasting resources on a "Switch Pro."
  11. I'm of the opinion that a Switch Pro or Switch 2 is a bad idea, so I'm actually happy to hear that there still isn't any news of such a thing. If they want to release some kind of "slim" console beyond what they've already done with the Switch Lite, fine, but I would rather they not try to upgrade the actual hardware until they are ready to release the next full console.
  12. If DHL is handling your shipment, it's going to be delayed regardless of COVID.
  13. I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm sort of getting that feeling too. I'm still interested, but honestly, the new Metroid game has me more excited, and that's a big surprise for me.
  14. Metroid and BOTW are pretty much all I care about here, but that's more than enough to keep me happy.
  15. Damn, I forgot all about that skit. SNL is pretty much trash these days, but every once and a while, they can still strike gold.
  16. While I consider the song to be one of my favorites of all time, I think I can say for sure that the music video is definitely my favorite music video of all time.
  17. Tonight, Tonight is up there amongst my favorite songs of all time. @RH, that sign is awesome.
  18. I could never get into Weezer no matter how much I listened to their music. I was even in college when they were huge, so I'm basically their main target audience. But for whatever reason, I just don't care for their music. To this day, I still remember my two roommates debating Weezer at 2:00 in the morning after a night of drinking. One of them loved Weezer, and the other hated them. I swear they went back and forth for a good hour. While I don't care for their music, I didn't feel strongly enough about it to step into the argument, so I jus sat back and ate popcorn.
  19. I'm guessing that he has a "lawyer" friend who watched an episode of Matlock at a bar (the sound wasn't on, but he got the gist of it) and told him, as long as his birth name is actually Mario, he should legally be fine.
  20. My wife is more disconnected from modern music than anyone I know. She listens to '90s country music, and nothing else.
  21. E3 just doesn't mean much to me. It's an event that I would never attend in person. I enjoy watching some of the videos online, but to me, there is absolutely no difference between E3 streaming their content, and each individual publisher/developer/console maker offering their own stream (which seems to be the ways things are moving towards).
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