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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. I was just thinking about these commercials the other day, except I was thinking about the "any coupon works" version.
  2. I know it's not what you are looking for, but I also am a fan of Spotify on a phone. I created a 15 hour playlist for our annual drive to Florida (approximately 12 hour car ride) and I use the playlist on shuffle any time I'm in the car. My wife's van has Bluetooth built in, and I've added aftermarket Bluetooth devices to my car and truck (which both pre-date Bluetooth). I would avoid Amazon Music. It's absolute garbage.
  3. I haven't seen any from this group, but I always wanted to watch Event Horizon. I've heard so many different things about it. It sounds like a movie that had a lot of potential, but didn't quite work out for numerous reasons. What I've heard about it reminds of of Prometheus. A movie that I wanted to like and was really close to being great, but just didn't work out.
  4. I never got into the Silent Hill franchise even though it seems like it would have been a no-brainer considering I loved the earlier Resident Evil games. I would love to try them out someday, but I don't know if I will ever get around to any of them.
  5. I enjoyed 28 days later and the sequel. I always wished they had made another one.
  6. I've tried using those "modern" N64 controllers, and they work fine for games where you never developed any type of muscle memory. But unfortunately, I can't use them for games like Goldeneye which is sort of disappointing, because I bought one specifically to play Goldeneye like a modern FPS. But I was completely unable to play the game, so I just had to revert back to an original controller.
  7. They were certainly the Rolls Royce of gaming consoles back when they sold their CMVS made out of high end wood, and the aluminum case Nt and Nt Mini. However, they realized that they can sell more consoles going with cheaper plastic cases (Super Nt and Mega Sg among others). With that said, I would still consider them a high end/luxury brand. But not quite Rolls Royce since their stuff is pretty affordable now.
  8. I'm definitely in agreement that Analogue could offer a budget Nt Mini if they dropped the aluminum case, the internal DAC, the Famicom cart slot (replace with separately sold adapter), and the extra 2 controller ports. I'm not sure why they haven't gone that route, but they might believe they've saturated the NES market. They might believe that most people interested in such a product have either already bought an Nt or bought one of their competing products (AVS, HDMI mod, etc.).
  9. I've only seen Silence of the lambs from this list, but it's up there as one of my favorite movies of all time. I also enjoyed Red Dragon and Hannibal, but Silence of the Lambs was easily the best of the Anthony Hopkins Hannibal Lecter movies. I haven't' watched any of the other Hannibal Lecter movies or TV shows.
  10. TDIRunner


    I never made the comparison before today, but now that you all have me thinking about it, if I was going to compare video game collecting to baseball card collecting, I would make the comparison to digital video games. I can actually see the next generation of kids collecting digital games and instead of "putting them on the shelf," they enjoy their games by looking at the cover art on the menu screen on their TV. If you think about the way the Switch shows the list of games if you go to "All Software," that is way more comparable to looking at baseball cards, than a shelf of physical games.
  11. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm probably not as excited as I was for Tears of the kingdom. But I'm way more excited for a new 2D Mario game than I would be for a new 3D Mario game. I didn't pre-order it, but I plan to get it before Christmas. I'll probably just make it a Christmas gift for one of my kids. I can wait until then to play it.
  12. After finishing Tears of the Kingdom, I haven't decided what I want to move onto next. The past few nights I've been playing a lot of Neo Geo MVS using the 161 in 1 cart. I haven't really been finishing any of those games, but it's fun to play through several in short bursts.
  13. Never played it. I've played through the original on the PC Engine, but I've never tried any of the sequels. Definitely interested though.
  14. I played it once when I first bought a Saturn a little over 10 years ago. I recognized it as something that would have been interesting for someone playing it when it first came out, especially if it was the first 3D game they had played. But playing it in the modern world didn't really do much for me, and I had no desire to ever go back to it. The Saturn in general is probably my least used Sega console. I feel odd giving a rating to a game that I played so little, but I also know I played it enough to know I won't ever play it again. EDIT: I completely forgot that I already answered this about two months ago. It's interesting out similar my answer from today was to my answer from two months ago. But it really is how I feel about the game.
  15. Technically the DAC doesn't support the Nt or Nt Mini either, but both of those consoles had a DAC built in, so that didn't matter.
  16. The first game I ever completed was Super Mario Bros. 2. Even though I played SMB well before, I never actually beat that game until after completing SMB2 and SMB3. The most recent game I've completed was Tears of the Kingdom. One notable game completion from the "middle" was Super Mario Kart. I remember the first time I ever won the Special Cup on 150cc. I went into the final race needing a win to get 1st in the Cup. On the last lap, I was hit by a shell or banana right before the finish line. My character was just sitting there right before the finish line. I expected the computer to pass me before my character would recover and begin to move again. However, the 2nd place computer player crashed into the back of me and pushed me across the finish line allowing me to win the race and the Cup. First time I ever "beat" that game. Super Mario Kart was so much more difficult compared to modern Mario Kart games.
  17. I completely missed this one before it was guessed, but if my kids had seen it, they probably would have figured it out.
  18. Games I've already played. I still play "new" games, but every year I play fewer and fewer and as I get old, I'll play even less. Playing games I've already played guarantees that I will enjoy what I'm playing.
  19. I'm definitely excited, and I will almost certainly get one. I'm a little surprised by the name. I understand not wanting to use "64," in the name, but "3D" seems a bit generic when they will almost certainly make another 3D console down the road. I'm surprised they aren't going with "Ultra Nt."
  20. Just Aliens for me, but that particular movie is easily my favorite of that franchise.
  21. I'm seeing a similar discussion on a Facebook gaming group, and they are now saying that based off a new tweet, physical games are safe at Best Buy for now. I don't have a link at the moment.
  22. I was thinking the same, but I still have no guesses.
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