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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. This one was super random for me, but I was watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and I just happened to notice some Donkey Kong bongos in Mac's apartment. Season 13, episode 10.
  2. I beat Super Mario Land 2 last week. I didn't even realize this thread was a thing, so I didn't take a picture. But I started the game and completed it all during January. I even completed all of the secret levels just for fun. I'm currently in the middle of a Donkey Kong playthrough. I forgot this game has just over 100 levels, so it might take me a week or two, but I really enjoy this game. I've always considered this game a hidden gem and I consider it the true sequel to the original Donkey Kong that I ways wanted.
  3. Possibly related, but I just happened to see that new, physical copies of Origami King are on sale for 50% off at GameStop, but no copies were available for shipping online, and no copies were available in store within a 100 mile radius of my location. Of course, used copies are still $55 and digital copies are still $60.
  4. My copy of Virtual Boy & Game Boy Anthology arrived. The version I ordered came with a copy of Brick 'N Destroy for the Game Boy. I have every book in the "Anthology" line from Geeks Line that I'm aware of (PS1, NES, SNES, N64, GC, GB/VB and PC Engine). I've definitely enjoyed this series.
  5. I never saw the 4th one, and I don't really have much desire to. The only reason I save the 5th one a shot was because Javier Bardem is the main villain, and that's enough reason to get me to watch just about any movie.
  6. I agree except for part 5 which seemed to turn it around for me. Not as good as part 1, but better than the others.
  7. Great movie. I've rewatched it many times and I still enjoy it. Definitely the best in the series. Parts 2 and 3 were also good, but each one gets slightly worse. I never saw part 4, but part 5 is also good and seems to get the series back on track.
  8. Once that happens, it will be a question of how many times and someone roll it back to level zero in a single playthrough.
  9. Bioshock is certainly one of my favorite stories (including the entire trilogy). I also love the fact that they can tell such an amazing story with almost no cut scenes. Horizon Zero Dawn is also an amazing story. It's the only game I've ever played where I was so interested in finding out what happens next, I almost wanted to skip the gameplay section to see the next cut scene. The Portal storyline is also extremely enjoyable and another that is told with minimal cut scenes.
  10. I've seen all of the reviews, but I've never tried it myself. It doesn't seem like a game I would want to try out, even if I didn't know about all of the negative reviews.
  11. I'll probably sit this one out as I have nothing to add to the box at the moment. But I would still be up for participating in you do it again down the road.
  12. COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 4 50 Same picture as above.
  13. COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 3 50
  14. COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 2 50
  15. I'm going to request a few more badges tonight. I'm trying to to request everything at once, but if this is still too much, let me know. COLLECT - Systems: Nintendo Game Boy Advance eReader Fullset For this post I'm just showing all of the games. All other cards act more as DLC, but I also have the SMB3 cards and promos.
  16. After 100%ing Mario Wonder, it got me on a kick of going back and playing through some of the older Mario games. I've mentioned a few of these already, but my completed games since Mario Wonder are: Super Mario Bros. 3 (completed all levels including ones that could be skipped) Super Mario Bros. 2 (no warps) Super Mario World (100%) Super Mario Land 2 (100%) I also completed another playthrough of Super Metroid and finished in 2 hours and 25 minutes with 85% items. I can easily beat the game in under 3 hours and I can complete the game with 100% items, but I've never been able to do both in the same playthrough. I'm wondering if I can go back to my last save and find the last 15% items in under 35 minutes. Might be tough.
  17. I've played through this game many times and it never gets old. However, I definitely need to play a version that allows me to "put in as many quarters as needed" to beat it. Definitely one of my favorite run and guns.
  18. Difficult to say for sure without giving it more thought, but I've never finished Metroid Zero Mission despite really enjoying the game. I've made it to the space pirate mothership on three different playthroughs, and yet I've never finished the game. Other than the "telling you where to go" aspect of the game, I've always really enjoyed the game. I need to finish it someday. Edit: Another game that came to mind before I went to sleep was Rad Racer. I loved that game back in the day and I still enjoy it today. I never managed to beat those later super difficult tracks.
  19. When are they going to make a game based off the Mario movie?
  20. Are you suggesting a VGS letterman jacket?
  21. My Duo arrived yesterday, and I was able to get it incorporated into my setup along with my other Analogue systems. All of my Hu cards and discs are working well, but unfortunately, my Everdrive is not reading at all. After a little research, it sounds like possibly only the TED Pro will work on the Duo, and mine is a non-Pro. I was not aware of this and was under the impression that all Everdrives would work on the Duo. As a check, I played my TED in my original Duo R just to make sure it was working properly and everything ran great. I'm hoping this is something that could be fixed with an update soon because my PC Engine collection is basically non-existent, and I intended to use the Duo with my TED. Another option would be a jailbreak with the option to play games from the SD card, but no word of that yet that I'm aware of. I've never done this with any of my other Analogue systems, because my Everdrives work on those systems just fine. Does anyone else have a non-Pro Turbo Everdrive? Have you been able to get it to work on your Analogue Duo? For the record, it fits fine into the Duo, when I remove the protective cover. So that is not the issue. It definitely plugs in, but the Duo doesn't show anything inserted at all.
  22. I'm eligible for several badges, but this is the one I'm most interested in. I'll request the other badges at a later time. I would like to request the badge: COLLECT - Systems: Sony PlayStation 50 I currently own slightly over 50% of the US PS1 library. I currently own 719/1,284 of the US PS1 titles. In addition to that, I also have 53% of the black label jewel case games, 52% of the greatest hits releases, 100% of the collector's editions and twin packs and 39% of the long boxes. I even have a small collection of Japanese imports. Maybe some day I can upgrade my badge to the gold version.
  23. This was the first game that popped into my head when I saw this thread. That game really does look great. I wouldn't describe the gameplay as "absolute garbage," but I will say I was disappointed that the game wasn't all that fun to play.
  24. 196 hours in Tear of the Kingdom....... and there is still so much left to do.
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