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Everything posted by MrMark0673

  1. Governor Baker just shut down all public schools in MA until April 7th minimum. No dining in at restaurants or bars, at all. No “social gatherings” over 25 people.
  2. Most schools are closing around here for an extended period of time, I just got word that I'm out the next two weeks. Everett is off for 30 days and Chelsea indefinitely. Those are the longest that I know of.
  3. Watertown Ma, she teaches in Arlington. @jonebone Ain't that the truth! Between me working at a middle school, my wife in kindergarten, and my daughter in daycare, I feel like we get hit with a different bug each week.
  4. My wife got the call just now that her school is closed tomorrow. Parent with confirmed 'Rona (linked to the Biogen conference), child suspected and is being tested. Various other kids and parents, either linked to the Biogen conference or this family, are also being tested with suspicion of infection. My daughter goes to daycare in an elementary school in the district. Keeping her home tomorrow as details slowly get out.
  5. Seimitsu ball top and buttons.
  6. It's that time of year again and I was wondering what everyone uses to file their taxes. I use Turbotax Business to create K1 statements for a small LLC I have. I use Mac computers almost exclusively, but have to bust out a PC once a year for TurboTax Business. Might spend a couple bucks and get a new and cheap laptop as the one I've been using is junk. My personal taxes are super complex due to a bunch of rental properties I have, so I use a CPA that I trust. Not super cheap, but we received $25k back last year from mostly phantom deductions like depreciation, so it's money well spent.
  7. I saw Blondie open for Elvis Costello this summer. Debbie Harry has seen better days, but at 74 I think she gets a pass. Not sure what I'm going grade yet, but I'll edit with my score.
  8. And the Pats get absolutely embarrassed by the Dolphins week 16 at home. Tough to win when your best offensive weapon is a linebacker. Post season was going to be tough enough with a bye, they got some serious work to do if they want to get back to the Bowl.
  9. Two essentially full time jobs, a daughter who eats a totally unrelated meal to me and wife, amongst other things, I’ll save a few minutes anywhere I can. Someone who utilizes a dishwasher for its intended purpose isn’t lazy, they just choose a convenience over a different method of cooking.
  10. Geez, no love for gloves and his history of using a dishwasher. Like gloves, I don’t use cookware that can’t be thrown in the dishwasher. I cook and eat food like a normal person, but don’t use or collect cast iron cookware.
  11. I immediately thought of Keith Courage. Looks like there are 25 copies for every 1 system that pops up.
  12. Hours played: 211 Games played: 7 I logged zero hours in May, September, and October, and only one hour in July. Genuinely surprised my hours are so high, I feel like I don't even play games anymore.
  13. @Pats1717 showed me this years ago and I use it constantly.
  14. For most of my time spent as mod, bannings were either obvious scumbag shit, or alternate accounts of people who were coming back with new names.
  15. The Pats were terrible in moments for sure. Letting the clock run at the end of the half and having no one back to return that punt were awful coaching calls too. Still, the fumble blown dead, the phantom out of bounds call on the touchdown, and that terrible PI no call are tough to swallow. The Texans worked us, but the refs really made their mark on this game.
  16. 3/10. I’ve heard worse, but they want to be Pantera and come off more Limp Bizkit. No thanks.
  17. My build was so broken and fucked up you honestly couldn't tell. I got it from a guy who had two copies, and unfortunately he had already sold a "good" build and I was left with buying the broken build or nothing. I'm 99% sure the other copy ran at "normal" speed on an NTSC system and tv setup, but I can't say for certain.
  18. Though I sold my NES set years back, the last game I purchased to complete my licensed North American set was Die Hard.
  19. Yeah, super boring, but I would just leverage it into more passive income to become more financially independent as well. It would change things long term I suppose, as 15-20 years later the results of investing would become realized and I'd probably have some fun, but in the short term I would just reinvest in more properties. If it were something absolutely bananas, like $200 million: I'd buy every pinball machine I ever wanted and have a great setup to entertain friends and guests. I'd buy a CIB Heartbeat Trainer with Outback Joey again. For a guy who had almost "everything", this may be the only item that I genuinely miss. I'd put out aggressive bounties for unreleased prototypes that may or may not still exist or ever fully exist in the first place (Dewey the Dolphin will always be my white whale), and then I'd go on to see how I could release the ROMs to the masses legally for all to enjoy. That might be it. If I had such an egregious amount of surplus liquid cash, I'd probably travel a lot more and go somewhere warmer for the winters. Love Boston, but I'd gladly take 7 months away from this place annual to sit on a tropical beach.
  20. Must Haves: Ufouria is in my top 10 NES games across all regions. An absolutely spectacular non-linear platformer, if you haven't played it you need to. Loved Hammerin' Harry. Great, tight controls, polished sprites, and just great gameplay. Beating the first loop is pretty easy, then the game repeats and it gets MUCH harder. New Ghostbusters II is what we should have gotten in the US. For such an amazing franchise of films, such absolutely terrible games. The US games grew on me and I ended up enjoying them for what they were, but had they not been tied to the GB license, there is zero shot I would have given them a passing chance. The sprites and gameplay in NGBII are excellent and do the franchise justice. Use Caution or Avoid: There may be a work around on some of the "new" NES systems, but you cannot play Elite as-is on North America TV's and Nintendo hardware. Super Turrican plays so fast on NTSC systems and TVs that I feel like I'm going to puke. Not fun at all. Protos: I had NTSC versions of the following, but don't know if they were ever dumped and released publicly (it's been a while): Crazyland Noah's Ark Ufouria (incomplete) Elite (incomplete) Super Turrican (mine was incomplete and glitchy, but there were others out there) I know that many of the others had NTSC protos, so if you can find a ROM, it'll likely be worth playing it at the intended 60 hz.
  21. 7, though I could have gone 8. I much prefer their cheesy 80's hair/glam stuff than their 70's classic rock stuff.
  22. If he doesn't get at least the rest of the season off, it shows a clear bias for marquee players. If that were Brady and not Mason Rudolph, Garrett would never play another game in the league.
  23. Not defending ANYTHING, just providing an additional link that may or may not provide more context: https://heavy.com/news/2019/11/tiffani-lankford/ A second video alleges the student struck the teacher first and called her the N word. Not saying that warrants getting your face smashed in and then stomped on by a grown woman, but it adds information that I think may frame the situation more clearly.
  24. At one point Matt had a complete SMS US collection and a complete Vectrex collection (less Mr. Boston). Both criminally underrated systems, but if I had to choose one I'd say Vectrex. Incredible graphics, unique gameplay, and in my opinion has the definitive version of Berzerk, ever more so than the arcade. Fortress of Narzod was a favorite as well. Fairly cheap and most of the games can be legally downloaded and played on a multi-cart. It's a system I always recommend people check out if they haven't already.
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