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final fight cd

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Everything posted by final fight cd

  1. wow. i didn't know it sold for that amount in the past. but for people who are able to drop a quarter of mil on a video game, i'm sure the loss is nothing to them.
  2. I don’t understand. Only 9 bids? What am I not seeing?
  3. Given his history, maybe. But he could have slipped on water, hit his head, and passed out in the water. There could be a million different ways it played out that doesn’t involve drugs.
  4. I remember reading somewhere deniz comes from $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  5. If the people involved had the intentions of manipulating markets, surely they’d be wise not to do any communications via text or email. Only dumb criminals would do that.
  6. But that’s if it goes to discovery. Discovery isn’t a for sure thing, right?
  7. It seems like, at least part of it, is to get a rise out of people. Aka trolling.
  8. First of all: what da fug is a docket? second: has any of these older “lawsuits” got to where a judge reviewed it and decided not to dismiss anything?
  9. I love drama. I’d be pretty bummed if nothing happens.
  10. James Bond: the duel Lightening and fox risky woods Shadow Blasters Rastan II Robocop 3
  11. Without digging into 4 pages of messages, are you saying you’ve been waiting decades for a game that was unreleased, assuming that a prototype would be dumped at some point in the future?
  12. Nice! I saw them in either 2012 or 2013 when they were touring for Handwritten. What do you think of their songs they’ve released so far?
  13. How do you define a “rare” 360 game? Like, a game that doesn’t have 30 copies on eBay?
  14. What if everybody underwent a MiB style mind eraser where everybody’s preconceived notions of what is hype and what is expensive is all gone. Would games like stadium events still be highly coveted? I would say no. It 100% would not be a 15k loose cart.
  15. i would suggest porno games. they go all the way back to the 80s. shoutout to CQ podcast because i want to now collect porno games.
  16. monocrops strip the soil of vital nutrients. ruminant animals grazing on land, pissing and shitting in the fields replenish the soil. a healthy soil sequesters carbon back in the soil. didn't several years ago Elon Musk put out a million dollar bounty to invent something to lower atmospheric carbon? ruminant animals already do that. but nobody is ever going to be a millionaire off cows, so grazing animals will never be a viable solution to the climate issue because somebody can't patent something and become a millionaire. i have strong feelings about all of this. i was actually vegan for 3 years and it ruined me. i was caught up in the 'hype' but luckily i was able to take a step back and realize, in my opinion, what a scam it is. i'm like you, though: i don't give 2 fugs what anybody eats. but i sometimes feel the need to express my opinions.
  17. my last cow i bought i just threw everything in my freezers without much thought. turned out all the ribeyes were on top. so for like 3 -4 weeks i was eating ribeyes 2-3 times per day. it was a very good month!
  18. yes. if you want to eat your bunny food and be hangry all day, do it! but this agenda that is being pushed to avoid meat is very infuriating. Veganism is awful for the environment, nature, and animals. big food wants you to avoid meat because it means you buy their highly processed garbage instead. more profits for them!! there are ZERO studies that prove red meat is bad for you, red meat causes cancer, or red meat causes heart disease. it's all associations. but saying red meat is associated with heart disease so you shouldn't eat it is like saying you should never call the fire department because house fires are associated with firetrucks.
  19. fact. humans cannot utilize plant "vitamins." we first have to convert them to a human usable form, which we are very inefficient at. so save your body the trouble and just eat meat. no conversion necessary. high bio-availability.
  20. nutritional studies are highly, HIGHLY corrupt. it is fact the vast majority of studies are heavily funded by big food and big pharma, which means there are huge conflicts of interest. it is extremely hard to prove anything in nutrition because it literally is impossible. i am not a researcher nor do i have much schooling in statistics, but this is what i have heard. i am not a flexitarian. i believe veganism, or avoiding meat, is a scam that has little to no health benefits. i have 600 lbs of cow in my freezer.
  21. I was recently playing Thunder Fox on the Genesis. It seems in most games a character’s action is rendered in a way to show the anterior, or front, half of the character body. But in this game it shows the dude’s backside when flying kicking. It just seemed very odd to me and it got me thinking. this isn’t normally done, right? What other games have done something similar, showing a backside when the frontside is the established norm. But maybe this isn’t as abnormal as what I think it is. is this the first appearance of a person’s backside while flying kicking?
  22. I went to Sega-16.com reviews to see what somebody wrote about it. And the reviewer gave the game like an 8 out of 10 or something. The game is objectively bad. I don’t understand the review or the praise the reviewer gave it. But it definitely is one of the worst games that I’ve beaten.
  23. stargate doom troopers - shit game. awful. ------------- i also beat joe and mac, but i see it's already been beaten. but what a fucking fantastic game. definitely one of my new favorites.
  24. I don’t see how anything good can come from this. I like to look towards the future and surely this will all crumble at some point and homes will inevitably be wrecked. This would make me want to steer away from it. I always like to think long term and use the head on my shoulder and not the one my pants. Have you seen a therapist?
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