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final fight cd

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Everything posted by final fight cd

  1. Why stop at low graded carts and manuals? Should just repro all that shiz and get it all mint.
  2. i feel like i got suckered into the vinyl collecting. when vinyl started taking off all i heard was how "vinyl sounds better." bullshit. i know my setup is garbage, but i have well over a grand into it and i can say with absolute certainty and confidence that viny sounds worse. and then i would hear things like, "well, you need better cables" or "your speakers aren't good enough", etc, etc. i actually spent over 100 dollars on cables and "high end" speaker wire because i am a sucker. but with all that said, i did keep collecting because i like the large artwork.
  3. the average price of NES games is still 30-40 dollars because there are many people in their 30s-50s (and probably older) who grew up with the system still collecting. once this generation gets out do you think new generations will continue to keep carts relevant? i can understand there are going to be some carts, like stadium events and NWCs, that will likely continue to be relevant because of their notoriety, but i just don't see a world where little samson or panic restaurant cart will continue to drop panties when our generation of collectors is gone. especially since little samson and panic restaurant have zero relevancy to any current game or pop culture. also, these games are way too simplistic and crude to keep the current gamer engaged and enamored. *this is pertaining to loose carts. Mint CIB and sealed panic restaurants and little samsons will always have relevancy. in my first original post i probably should have used the term relevancy instead of value.
  4. I 100% agree with this. people actually think loose nes carts will always be relevant, because “Nintendo!!11!”. Like, in 10 years ain’t nobody giving an F about a gray plastic item. Even me, who grew up on the NES and is a current game collector, wants nothing to do with carts. They surely will not appeal to future generations. How could they? If anything is going to retain value it is going to be mint CIB and sealed games. Of course this is just my opinion and I could be 100% wrong.
  5. Do you hold this true for 30 year old games? In 2023 the entire NES library would have be considered rare by your definition. But eBay would beg to differ. Tweaking your definition a bit, in 1993 how many electronic stores would you have to walk into to find a game you were looking for might be a definition I’d be behind. But even then, EGM - and I’m sure all other gaming mags - advertised dozens of vendors that you could call up. If a local store didn’t stock little samson I’m sure making a couple phone calls could easily secure one in 1993. id love to hear some anecdotal stories of people searching for games - minus stadium events - in the early to mid 90s. Like, how many stores they had to go to and if they resorted to calling any vendors advertised in gaming mags and the outcome.
  6. Yeah, the whole trading them and items has me confused. That’s why I searched for the manual, but surprising could not find it. but thanks! This should help a ton.
  7. i recently beat stargate. didn't get the good ending. i didn't collect all the things. F it. don't care. but the next game i randomly picked to play was no escape. but it is like the only genesis game where there is no PDF of the manual online. and it is like the only game where there is no youtube long play. but the game is atrocious so that might explain the lack of internet content.
  8. The vast majority, if not every game, that has sold on HA during its peak has taken a nose dive in price. Some have taken HUGE, monumental loses. Which I’m sure you are well aware. Why is your confidence so high that this game would be the outlier and exceed its previous sell? what is an example of a game that sold during the peak and then later sold for a profit?
  9. Isn’t the seller of the m64 a member here? And wasn’t the buyer the owner of reddit? I think it’s safe to say money was transferred.
  10. i was scratching my head over this as well. i've seen items sell on HA and then later listed on eBay with a huge markup. which i'm sure happens all the time. actually, there recently was an item i was thinking of purchasing but i later learned the seller purchased it from HA for a fraction of what he was selling it for . i said F it, i'll wait. i have patience . nothing against HA or reselling, but that was a psychological road block for me that prevented me from buying.
  11. i actually put in the time to beat this game. it definitely is one of the more memorable sega cd games i've played and beat. FMV is definitely part of video game history and this has to be one of the quintessential FMV games to own. the only downfall is you need patience. and a lot of it. which in 2023, most gamers won't have the patience to sit through this. i think the whole game/movie is around 25 minutes; if you F up at minute number 18 you have to start all over again and play for another 18 minutes to have another shot at success. unfortunately, i had to look up a walkthrough, because late in the game, i think around the 20 minute mark, there is a BS moment and i for the life of me i could not figure it out. you literally only have one opportunity. ONE!!!! i only have patience to start over so many times before i wanted to run through a wall and destroy my surroundings. but it still took me several hours over a span of several days to see the end. double switch has similar but slightly different game play. but i have not beaten double switch. that game actually is hard.
  12. without trying to find the quote, didn't somebody state mah jong nes isn't as rare as what people say it as? that if you actually go to hong kong you'd be able to find it. but maybe i misread or am putting words in somebody's mouth.
  13. Are you saying there are non millionaires who just sat on their mint m64s without trying to capitalize during the hype? Or am I missing your point completely?
  14. When you saw the boxed copy come up we’re you expecting a sale of this high?
  15. batman revenge of the joker dinosaurs for hire - very fun game dynamite duke gargoyles - looks great but controls are kinda trash ghostbusters granada mcdonald's treasure land adventure midnight resistance - aweseome ranger x - awesome ristar robocop vs terminator - cool game sparkster - very cool game sunset riders - very cool game two crude dudes
  16. I’m looking at his feedback and his latest is positive for the earthbound box. Did the buyer leave positive feedback and then see the post and ask for a refund? what a little shit. Changing his name . I’m kinda surprised that is allowed by eBay.
  17. Yeah. If you pay the going rate when you bought but it’s worth 20x that now can that be considered a “best pickup?” I guess you could argue either way.
  18. Remakes in general, whether it be movies or video games. I have zero interest in this, but as an outsider looking in this just says we have nothing more original to do, so let’s milk the people’s nostalgia for all it’s worth. Why not just make a sequel? Just feed some bullshit to chatgpt and it’ll come up with story line. Ask it how to take the original gameplay and make it more 2023-like. Chatgpt is doing 50% of the work for ya. It can’t be that hard, can it?
  19. Looks like eBay pulled the listing only for him to relist it.
  20. I’m excited for this, too . The fact it isn’t Mario, Zelda, comic related, or some random sports dude on the cover it’ll be interesting what the HA crowd bids this up to. Does the dentist even know this exists?
  21. Who does the authenticating of non graded CIB games like this when selling at HA? HA themselves?
  22. maybe make a post on reddit? it looks like the buyer dropped $1500 dollars on it. if you're dropping $1500 on a video game there might be a good chance he/she is browsing r/earthbound or r/gamecollecting. it could be like a "have you seen this person" flyer, but "did you buy this listing?"
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