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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Feel free to let me know what you think of my mix. If this goes well I’ll probably put together another. Tried to balance good stuff with uh not.
  2. Cincinnati is like the Andy Dalton of cities.
  3. I didn’t know that’s a thing
  4. 5/10. Is that a bottle of eyes? I love changing avatars gimme that rating I needs it I wants it
  5. I ... did a Dragon Questy thing the other night. Whatever it takes to defeat the Dragon Lord.
  6. 2212. Tupac song is over rated. Last one was unfamiliar and 1 listen didn’t help. Coin flip.
  7. 6. I’ve never intentionally put on REM but I do like their songs.
  8. Really? Cuz we just spent the last 4 years having chosen a would be autocrat, who is a long time known swindler - who’s made billions from it - because he “gets us”. Or maybe let’s discuss Iraq. Better yet, let’s talk about the actual practical US - China relationship? The one where our bloated consumerist husk has been reliant on Chinese goods for a long ass time? The world will not implode if the US is not in charge. That’s complete jingoistic nonsense. Continuing to exist as a people is not dependent on our hegemony. To quote Daniel Tiger, “Sometimes things are different, and that’s ok”.
  9. I personally think a decline in American power and influence would be a nice thing for a while. Maybe cruising somewhere back in the pack for a while would really give us a chance to focus on US. The chest pounding American exceptionalism crap gets old.
  10. I’m a proponent of pushing friends down to escape a bear attack. Hey hey hey.
  11. I cared when Chris and Phil and Otaku guy from PSM went in 1998. I was 14. That was the last time.
  12. This is new to me. Here’s hoping it goes well. https://www.ebay.com/itm/PlayStation-1-PS1-Games-Lot-15-Game-Lot-Fantasy-VII-Bushido-Blade-2-/124749025396?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286
  13. Quick and easy to identify. But — but but but I’ve made it clear before how I feel about southern Ohio. 3.
  14. When he was a student at Harvard. Just trying to illustrate what a dopey point code monkey was making.
  15. In edit: i also don’t know what it is. But that didn’t stop me joining the other game.
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