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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. I voted for iv and vi because those are technically the right way to call them but they’re II and iii in my mind still. I did make the mistake once of referring to vi as iii in some random old NA thread and it was assumed I meant the actual iii.
  2. Do my own taxes? Pfft. My woman is a CPA so it’s usually something along the lines of “hey sugartits, do my taxes” ”fuck you, do your own taxes” Then she does them anyway because she’s way more responsible than me. Oh yeah.
  3. I’ve got stuff sitting in my cart and was thinking the same thing. In fact, the $5 off deal is now worse. It’s now 7 games instead of 5.
  4. I’ll see you on the dark side
  5. 100% has rarely been my thing. I get bored too easily. I’ve always been an eh good enough kind of guy. I can probably count on 1 hand the games that I’ve finished every possible everything. I think they’re mostly from when I was a teen.
  6. Has anyone played the game Secret Hitler? I picked it up a while back but it’s never even been out of the box. I never thought about when I’ll ever have enough people together to actually play it. Is it any good? Wondering if I’ll have to go make friends or something? Ugh.
  7. What I’m getting at is that you’re full of crap. Unlike some of the participants here your arguments lack any sense of nuance or grasp of the reality of the situation. That entire sociological school of thought does. It’s easier to just spew some shitty catch phrases like “check your privilege” and not only diminish the real life struggles of people of color but also the discourse to a level where I must assume you feel more comfortable. You certainly aren’t changing any minds or making it any easier on those of us who are not actually your ideological enemies. i was hoping you’d play along longer so I could work my way to something along the lines of “Like ZOMG I like totally met a black guy once”
  8. Check it for what? also, splitting hairs on what you know is not the generally used definition of a term just so you can “catch” people? Good job. You really won that one slick.
  9. Uhh what? You sure as shit can. It’s not called “reverse racism” it’s called racism. Period. What was that you were saying about having garbage opinions?
  10. Isn’t she the broad that’s trying to get women to stick rocks in their vaginas?
  11. I noticed this the other day. We all knew where that was going. Sad.
  12. I don’t know. I always thought he was ok for random filler. I definitely never bought anything from him that was worth very much but a couple of times I took advantage of the $5 off 5 games with a bunch of $5 or less commons. Especially when eBay was running one of those X% off a purchase deals.
  13. Man, I heard about this last night. It’s a damn shame. Absolute legend.
  14. Fester’s Quest. Its quite the rabbit hole to fall down. For me it started as wanting to get games I had as a kid CIB. Then I think I went the way most others probably went. Next it’s games friends and family had, games I remember renting a lot. My current kick is awesome games in general/must haves and trying to pick up some of the cheaper black box titles.
  15. Damn. I’ll bet there’s enough room for an NWC in that closet.
  16. Nice topic. 1. Super Mario Bros 2. Ice Climber (I’m surprised there’s not more love for this one) 3. Pinball 4. Duck Hunt 5. Popeye
  17. I was surprised not to see you in here. Makes sense now. My PS1 collection is pretty similar; somewhere in like the 500 - 525 unique title range. It’s pretty daunting and I think I’ve given up on my fullset dreams. I’ve sold off a couple of my more pricey titles in the past few months. I’d like to pare down to a more manageable set but I have no idea how I’m going to get rid of the 18 iterations of Gameday, Shootout, and Faceoff.
  18. Why are the shutters on the inside of the window?
  19. Didn’t really have any rare NES games. I did (and still do) have EVO. I also got Suikoden II for Xmas one year when I was a teen.
  20. NES - it used to be almost exclusively loose. I am now a CIB convert. I’ve seen the light. Having fun trying to complete/find complete games I’ve had in my collection forever. I try to find the perfect balance between condition and price. SNES - loose N64 - loose and only when I’m drunk. Genesis - loose and rarely Gameboy - loose. Why am I collecting this? PS1/PS2/PS4 - it’s got to be CIB unless I find a phenomenal deal on a loose disc and then I’ll pick it up with the hopes of completing it later. This rarely works out for me. Wii - CIB
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