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Everything posted by Hammerfestus

  1. Lol! That should be a thing you should be able to special request. “Put your damn clothes back on and let’s talk about the new album“ Also here comes the joke about holding your heathen hammer high.
  2. Also I’ve got to throw in some Pain of Salvation: As far as I’m aware they still won’t tour the US after they tried to fingerprint dude post 9/11. umm how about some Tyr to wash it down: Europeans can’t hog all the fun: Andre Matos‘ band after he left Angra.
  3. I call bullcrap on all the people who’s first cds weren’t weird crap. Except toboggan. He’d been working towards a cyndi lauper cd since the gramophone. And screw you guys with the faces, cyndi lauper rules.
  4. Much respect. Haggard is one of the greatest unknown joys of western music. Them Germans know their way around classical music for sure. One of my personal favorites. id like to throw in elvenking (Italy): Alcest (France): Shaman (Finland): Versengold (Germany):
  5. You’re more patient than me. I was really getting into Assassins Creed Odyssey and then this arrived yesterday. Dropped the other in a hot minute. I only can get about an hour a day on a good day so I guess I’ll see assassins creed again sometime this summer? Good thing Cyberpunk got pushed back or that would be about it.
  6. So it’s out now. I’ve been looking forward to it. I’ve only had the chance to play the first hour or so which takes me just past the opening mako reactor bombing mission. Pretty cool so far. I‘m pretty hyped to play more when I get the chance. I got the original at release and now this one. I’m hoping it doesn’t disappoint. 13/14 year old me definitely doesn’t agree with all the crapping on this game you see nowadays. It was absolutely breathtaking in 1997. Anyone else playing? Thoughts?
  7. I think I got them all at the same time. My parents were into Columbia House for a minute. Danzig - Danzig Shaq Fu - Da Return Lordz of Brooklyn - All in the Family
  8. Replace that singer and you’re solid.
  9. Just finished it today. It just gets crazier the further on you go. Don’t know if Carole killed her husband or not. Probably. In a documentary about sleazy hillbillies, I definitely found Jeff to be the sleaziest.
  10. I’ve had it since I was a kid and I always really enjoyed it but it definitely gets really weird really quickly. I always thought it was quirky and had a really good atmosphere. The bit where the dinosaurs die with the mama dinos shielding their babies and all is still one of the saddest video game moments I’ve ever encountered.
  11. Science my man. Science. Pretty sure beating that game earns you a BS in Biology. I’m currently trying to get into Zelda 2 for the 72nd time. It’s enjoyable but I get so far and then I die a bunch and then put it down and don’t pick it back up.
  12. Pretty sure the plot line was... It is the 90s and there is time for Klax.
  13. My favorite is when people think rare is a synonym for expensive. Like over $20 expensive. “I’ve got a black label copy of Final Fantasy VII. So rare.”
  14. Got some takeout for my boys birthday yesterday. Other than that we’ve been exclusively cooking at home, but we usually do anyways. On an interesting related note, all 3 of the Chinese Restaurants in our town just completely closed up shop. sad since none of them were really sit down places anyways.
  15. The original. Duh. Certainly not that SNES trash.
  16. So I’ve got a buddy that works for the federal gov in DC and apparently they had to force their supplier to release 3000 bottles of hand sanitizer they were holding in their warehouse to increase cost.
  17. There is a consensus. Marker always devalues it. I’m drunk and I still don’t want your scribbled on crap.
  18. Dat dem dar capitalism. Wouldn’t want no socialists screwin up mah chance to strahk it rich. If they give them pwerto rikans the ensoorans then what nixt? Kemtrales? A Joo prasident?
  19. Im so mentally fucked up right now about this. I’ve been on leave the past 6 weeks after the birth of my little girl but I go back tomorrow to forced very close contact with the general public. The worst bit is my employer is so buffoonish that I know their response is inadequate to non existent. Fuck me.
  20. Now we’re talking. 9/10. Legendary. I agree with a lot of the others about how phenomenal that cover of Hurt is. Kind of makes the NIN version seem like crap. Also, I voted for rap duo next. I am so hoping it’s the fresh prince and jazzy Jeff.
  21. Nevermind, I‘m all good at the moment.
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