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Everything posted by Makar

  1. Haha oh snap!!!! Everyone start brushing up on your cheetahmen skillz now!!! Go go go!!! @ZeldaFreak I expect a 24hr playthrough.
  2. Oh gosh what are we playing this time. Is one of them cheetahmen?
  3. Maybe it will lol. Maybe you and behemos will join forces from the get go and we'll all be screwed.
  4. It is a great game! Very different from werewolf though. Survivor is a very you game rather than team game but at the same time you still need to play a team game to get far. It's very tough to balance it all.
  5. Haha I forget tbh. He might've but I don't remember. Russell was insane. Smart but insane.
  6. I don't even think it's close. Boston Rob one once and got 2nd once. Sandra won twice but I didn't think she played a great game either time. But the third person won twice, convincing the guy who won immunity in the challenge before final tribal to take him. Then he also beat all the other winners. That's a true GOAT.
  7. Huh I never thought of his nephew that way. There are a lot of super volatile tribals in later seasons where the vote changes at tribal. Some are absolutely insane.
  8. Ahhh so that's how you do it lol. Never done a spoiler now but just figured it out. But yea, move on over Boston Rob.
  9. If you post the link, I pinky promise no one will take a peak at it.
  10. True. I wouldn't call myself Boston Rob either. Spoiler alert, there's a new sheriff in town
  11. I don't think any of us can say we were anywhere close to being Russell. That dude is the biggest survivor villain of all time.
  12. Omg can't wait!!! Getting pumped!!! Will Zeldafreak get his redemption? Will behemos triumph? Will Makar and opty be evil bastards again and backstab Zeldafreak? Will megatank be megatank? With bettington shit in the woods? Will gloves be voted out too soon? Will there be two hidden immunity idols? Find out 2021 on VGS Survivor Season Two, Battle of the Bastards!
  13. There are risks for sure with any Chinese company but right now EV stocks are hot. This one is already up over 20% since I bought it and the merger hasn't even happened yet. NIO is a Chinese EV company too and they're over $50 a share now. I think Nuvve will do fine over the next 5-10 years. Lots of EV interest and they have a lot going for them.
  14. They're merging with an American EV charging company in Q1 of 2021 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nuvve-corporation-and-lion-electric-announce-vehicle-to-grid-v2g-collaboration-301177245.html
  15. Strongly suggest you guys check out NBAC. They're a SPAC merging with Nuvve which is an electric vehicle charging company. The merge will happen in Q1 of 2021. This is almost the exact same thing that has happened with SBE. SBE is a SPAC, they merged with EV charging company chargepoint and SBEs stock went from $10 to $27. NBAC is currently sitting at $10.45 after hours. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nuvve-corporation-and-lion-electric-announce-vehicle-to-grid-v2g-collaboration-301177245.html
  16. Very nice @MegaMan52! One of these days I'll crack 100 wins. Do you know if there's a guide on how to get each icon? And nice 4 second victory! I had one with 6 seconds left. It's extremely nerve wracking when that happens.
  17. This looks freaking amazing!!!! I really want one of those. Too bad it's UK only
  18. Another great piece. Man before you know it everyone's avatars on the site will be your drawings lol
  19. What @phart010 said. They're from GameStop. I find them to be pretty annoying tbh since they don't stack well at all on top of each other.
  20. Looks like Nintendo finally came out with their own tips about super Mario Bros 35. While they didn't answer all our questions, they did answer a lot. Most of what we suspected is true. However, here's something we now know for sure: "Defeating other players will reward you with their time and half of their coins."
  21. Everything started taking off around 2012ish. I think part of it can be tied to YouTube. In particular the angry video game nerd. He brought the NES to the forefront. Once it was mainstream, more people jumped in and it gained steam and the rest is history. There are probably many other factors like the economy recovering after the 2008-2009 crash and people having money to spend and also kids who grew up on older systems now having real jobs and money to recapture their childhood, but I do think the internet had a big part in video games becoming much more well known. There are so many games I never knew about and would not have known about if it hadn't been for NA.
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