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Everything posted by Makar

  1. Well as long as you don’t use any more dark chips you won’t lose more health permanently. I avoided dark chips at all costs in this game.
  2. Ruh roh sounds like you used a dark chip or several of them. “At this time, after a certain bit in the story, you'll be able to use Dark Chips. They're very powerful, but when you use them, you'll permanently lose 1 HP.” https://www.ign.com/faqs/2004/mega-man-battle-network-4-double-pack-walkthrough-528478
  3. You know someone has to make this now right?
  4. What are your other favorite GBA games?
  5. So glad you finally came around to the DS library. There really are a crap ton of good DS games. I’m so glad I got mine year ago. Prices are whack now. DS > N64??? Yea? Yea??
  6. Ah interesting. Ogre and fantasy are both consistently in the top 5 for tactics games whenever I see a list. Jeanne d’arc is usually up there too.
  7. Well then looks like I have another game I need to play! Have you ever played drone tactics? More like fire emblem than advance wars but solid. I also need to play tactics ogre as I hear that’s great
  8. I have to admit....I never played that one.....so I really can’t say. It really is better huh? I heard a lot of people didnt like it for some reason.
  9. FYI here’s a good list of what will be lost https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/06/138-digital-only-games-to-be-lost-when-ps3-psp-and-ps-vita-playstation-stores-close/
  10. I would’ve given it a 10, but dual strike is better and is the 10 for advance wars games
  11. It means they’re overpricing their games and don’t want you finding out. That or they don’t want you to score a good deal on something they’ve underpriced. Either way I’d be out that store in a second the moment I saw that sign. The customer has every right to be able to check prices while they’re in the store so they know they’re getting a fair price or good deal.
  12. Very nice start! I’m digging the AGS 101 SP! what kind of games are you into besides Pokémon lol
  13. There it is. The classic ZF post. I love it. Only thing I think you missed was exile island where you typically get a chance at an advantage. and there’s usually one or more hidden immunity idols in the game that give you immunity from a vote if you use it that night
  14. Lol yes because that’s exactly what happened. You totally didn’t manipulate the jury.
  15. Oh lol maybe that’s it then. That makes more sense. Cripes you do one blindside against an unbeatable opponent and you’re a villain
  16. Lol. Idk how you’re one of the least trustworthy. Reed playing his mind games already
  17. Pro tip to everyone, if you don’t want reed screwing up your game, eliminate him before he ends up on the jury.
  18. Good lol. And forming alliances with other superstar gamers might be a wise move for you.
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