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Everything posted by AstralSoul

  1. That's actually a good way to put it. I've always said to myself the worst thing a game can be is forgettable. I'd rather play a memorably bad game than a so-so one I instantly forget after playing. And yea basing a game purely on nostalgia is a little silly but many games I consider to be my favorites are deeply rooted in nostalgia but I've played them many times over and over and still hold up simply because they're incredibly fun. It's hard to imagine but I try to think of games like that as if I was playing them for the first time today. Like, Donkey Kong Country is very nostalgic but would I love it just as much if I played it for the first time today? I probably wouldn't love quite AS much but I'd definitely enjoy it a lot.
  2. My friend and I were having a discussion a while back about our top X amount of games and we ended up in a more philosophical discussion of what factors we go by when we name our favorite games. Is it purely based on nostalgia? Is it based on how deeply the game connected with you? Is it how good you are at it? Is it how often you can replay it over and over? Or more likely a combination of all of those? It's all arbitrary of course because what does it really matter if a game is #1 or #10 or #100 on your favorite games list? It's not to say I can't enjoy a game at any level of favoritism, because the vast majority of the games I play fall way below even my top 100 games list. But, like many of you, I enjoy making lists, ranking the things I like, and when I'm asked about my favorite things of any category I like to have an answer at the ready. But as an example, how would you determine whether you like Super Mario World or Breath of the Wild more? A game you've played dozens of times, have a ton of nostalgia for and know very well, versus a game you've played once, albeit put nearly 200 hours into in one playthrough, and had a deeply enjoyable impact on you, but lacks that replayability and nostalgia factor? Really just one big shower thought but I'm curious as to what you guys think? When you list your favorite games, what are the determining factors that go into it or do you usually just go based on a gut instinct when making lists?
  3. In my opinion this game represents the peak of 2D game design. Easily in my top 5 games of all time, and one of the few I'd confidently call a masterpiece. I really can't come up with a single flaw this game has without being extremely nitpicky. The graphics are bright and have a wonderful crayon-esque handdrawn look, something that drew me into the game instantly. Every level is creatively crafted and every song is catchy and wonderful on the ears. This game also put the FX chip to use in creative ways, more than just creating super primitive 3D like Star Fox, even if it's use is a lot more subtle. All said, it's very rare when I can give a game a perfect grade both objectively and personally, but this game deserves it. Easiest 10/10 so far and if I could give it a higher grade than that I would.
  4. SNES - Super Mario World / Super Mario Kart N64 - Super Mario 64 PS1 - Final Fantasy IX PS2 - Kingdom Hearts / Final Fantasy X PS3 - Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion / Fallout 3 PS4 - Last Guardian / Final Fantasy XV
  5. I played all GT games except the first one. I'm sure it's a great game because I loved every single one I've played but never found a reason to go back to the original. However one day I'd like to at least try it just to see it.
  6. Pretty much everything. I'm not into the story at all, and stealth games are not really my thing either. I just found the whole game more of a chore and didn't really enjoy myself.
  7. The only MGS game I played was Twin Snakes on GameCube, didn't like it, the franchise just doesn't interest me in the slightest so I'll never play any of them.
  8. 2 of my favorite NES games and OSTs of all time
  9. Easiest is probably Virtual Boy or something with a tiny library like that.
  10. It will be a footnote in the Switch's history just like the 2DS and the DSi
  11. Love reading these. Keep em up! Maybe one day I'll be featured
  12. Legos, Dark Souls and Dr Pepper? I approve!
  13. I gave it a 7 because it's iconic and started a fantastic franchise but the game itself is just meh. It feels so foreign compared to the other MM games. It's clunky and it's incredibly hard for all the wrong reasons. My best friend absolutely loves this game and the whole franchise so he'd give it a 10 but I asked him to imagine a world where Mega Man 1 was the only game in the series that existed, would it be as revered and remembered as it is now? We both said absolutely not. Mega Man is not great because of the first game, it's great because of the legacy it created. Still not a bad game by any means but it's definitely my least favorite game in the series.
  14. 9,9,7 Absolutely loved the first two games especially the first one, the third fell off a bit for me..I don't know why, I just didn't like it as much. Still good but not amazing. Haven't played any past that.
  15. Selling a bunch of Nintendo Power guides, some are hard to find. https://www.ebay.com/itm/275406799495?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YVSZOYMHTra&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=YVSZOYMHTra&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Also selling a lot of common N64 games https://www.ebay.com/itm/275406869957?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YVSZOYMHTra&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=YVSZOYMHTra&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  16. I'm 95% sure it was Boom Box on Wii. I rented NES, SNES, and N64 games a TON back then because my family never bought me games as a kid so I got to rent a lot instead. But by GameCube era I started working and buying my own games so I pretty much stopped renting at that point. Except the one time I had just got a Wii, Twilight Princess and Excite Truck, I played the crap out of those games and wanted something to play but didn't want to buy anything and rented Boom Blox which was fun but was glad I didn't buy it. If memory serves me right, I never rented anything else after that.
  17. Thought of another one: World of Warcraft. I generally dislike MMOs for many reasons - too time consuming, toxic communities, boring and clunky gameplay, etc, but perhaps because I've been playing it since 2004, but WoW is the only MMO I've tried that I've stuck to. It's just so fluid, I really enjoy the aesthetics, story and gameplay. I know it gets a lot of shit from people but I truly still think it's the best MMO thus far. And I've tried a lot of them, but came to the conclusion I just don't like the genre, except for World of Warcraft.
  18. I loved this game growing up, love it now, literally the only thing keeping it from being a 10/10 for me is the lack of saves/passwords and only having one life. This games difficulty is brutal. But otherwise I think it's fantastic! Highly recommended but use save states! 9/10
  19. Cool interview. Always happy to read these! Would love to be featured on a future one of these.
  20. Objectively I'd probably give this game about a 3. But there's a lot of nostalgia at play here. I grew with NES/SNES/N64 and didn't have access to Playstation til the 2000s. I wasn't well-versed in RPGs at the time but I knew I liked them based on Mario RPG, Lufia 2 and Final Fantasy 6. Quest 64 was, as many people know, the first of like 3 or 4 total RPGs on N64. So regardless of its quality, I loved it at the time. Loved, as in, it was one of my favorite games for quite a while. My 15 year old self from 1998 would've given it a 9. Obviously it's nowhere near that. As the years went on, I played more and more RPGs and realized how bad the game actually is. And for a while I refused to replay it, until i finally did play it a second time some 7 or 8 years ago and actually liked it. Of course I went into it expecting it to be the worst game ever, which it wasn't. So the years spent apart actually softened my view on it, and that's where I land today - at a 6/10. Definitely not a great game, but one that I enjoy regardless of quality.
  21. I wish I got into the Dragon Quest games back when I had a lot more free time. I started with DQ8 and didn't play another until DQ11 and trying to go back and finish them all, well, it's a lot for me.
  22. Banjo-Kazooie (N64, 1998) BioShock (PS3, 2008) BioShock 2 (PS3, 2010) BioShock Infinite (PS3, 2013) Chrono Trigger (SNES, 1995) Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64, 2001) Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (PS4, 2017) Dark Souls Remastered (PS4, 2018) Diddy Kong Racing (N64, 1997) Donkey Kong Country (SNES, 1994) Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (SNES, 1995) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (SNES, 1996) EarthBound (SNES, 1995) Final Fantasy VII (PS1, 1997) Final Fantasy IX (PS1, 2000) Final Fantasy X (PS2, 2001) Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GCN, 2003) Limbo (PS3, 2011) Paper Mario (N64, 2001) Resident Evil [Remake] (GCN, 2002) Resident Evil 2 [Remake] (PS4, 2009) Super Mario 64 (N64, 1996) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES, 1996) Super Mario World (SNES, 1991) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES, 1995)
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