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Everything posted by YOURTURN

  1. You missed a lot. People were screaming, freaking out, and some had to be either shaken or slapped. But enough on what happened in the world of social media, you did not miss much here. I pretty much skimmed through it. It... Made me feel glad that I now have an affordable goal when it comes to video games. Agreed.
  2. Plus, I should note that I am a totally different person when I am residing in Japan. This is where I get to be the real me. Because when I am not planning to attend an event, watching TV, or even playing games (on a console I no longer own), I am hunting for retro games and/or collectibles. As well as visit any store that has new games in stock, or even has something that ties into it. Including bookstores. As well as the fact I almost appeared on a Japanese show. Which happened shortly after I won a few prizes at a SEGA arcade in Shinjuku. But even then, my #1 tie to my past (and is one I often forget is a tie-in) is the fact that I love wearing video game themed t-shirts that are tied to video games. (Especially my Uniqlo produced Pikachu-themed tee.) Which is stuff I should have mentioned in my first response, but forgot to. So instead of apologizing... Here is another update to my previous response:
  3. Replace "freaks" with "assholes" in terms of me identifying with what you are saying. Mostly because at the end of the day, those who enjoy the stuff I want to experience being in Japan. And they tend to be Otaku (like me), and not freaks. (I'll go into details if anybody asks. Otherwise I'll just say that much.) Then again... I have seen fan-made content that might traumatize a lot of people here. Pokémon, Animal Crossing, and even Dragon Quest to name a few. So I can also understand that 1% as well. (But I can tolerate them, versus those that I tried to tolerate.) In all cases... This "LINK (click here)" is technically one of those "non-people" related things I don't talk about with others. Even though something about it makes me want to play Zelda games again.
  4. Tell your significant other that they gave you the best advice that could be offered. From a guy who dealt with this type of behavior both offline and online. For most, and thankfully not all, of my life. All I will say is that the combination of both my past and my current limitations today tend to make being here hard. One scenario had me give up on my Dragon Quest goals. And another, where I thought I was responding to a generic question had me take a break. Then take it a step further and block the topic while telling myself that I do not belong in that category of collectors. Atop of the times I changed collecting goals just to have a reason to stay here. In the end, take the break. And when you return just remember that I have advice I can offer if you ever want to hear it. That is all I will say because I went from posting an article tied to this to reading the responses. With those responses making me resent the fact that people will use any excuse to be assholes. Thus why I did not post it here. So do what works for you in both the mental and emotional health department. I'll hope that my sanity is still intact when you decide to return.
  5. Before I get into details, I want to make two things clear... One... And two... With that said... The top two things that I can easily say define who I am are both TRPGs (Tabletop/Table Talk Roleplaying Games) and CRPGs (Computer/Console Roleplaying Games). With the former has me looking for something that has a definite console game vibe. Sadly, however, ATLUS does not seem to be willing to reprise their Shin Megami Tensei TRPG stuff. Which leads to the other part... Both my pre- and post-NES days helped in their own ways. But in reality my NES days had the biggest impact on who I am. So much that I find it harder to not collect Switch games than anything I have tried collecting. Mostly because the Switch gives me the fun feeling I used to get (when I was into the NES). With more that can be said. But I'll leave that for the updates.
  6. All I can say is that the reactions that @Fryer64 has experienced is one of the many examples why I have made anxiety-induced responses here. Thus why I am simply stating that I relate to everything tied to that, especially if it also happened in any forums. And is also why I am not noting the fact that I am on Facebook (under my original name). And on a less serious note... I have concluded that Google's search engine is smarter than that class of people.
  7. I personally think they are legit. And need to add that I do miss seeing these on display.
  8. Ditto here. When it comes to my own games, I will use either a tissue or a cleaning cloth to pick them up. And I would always carefully place them on something that cannot scuff the wrap. Seeing anybody set a game on the ground would have me try to contain any chances I would have an anxiety attack while I slowly exit the room.
  9. EDIT: Retracted statement. I was reminded that e-retailers like BBTS are known to do this. With their target buyers being those who do not have access to stores like LRG. I still find the practice to be more annoying (even when compared to my 2/16 scenario), but had to take the bait when it came to a few past purchases.
  10. I will only buy a grail-level item if it is tied to my focus-based goals. Even if money started to become tight, this is something I will always do in hopes of developing a long-term appreciation. Even if it something I would not be interested in (outside the reasons why I bought it). At worst, I would buy it if it was cheap. And do so in hopes of either appreciating it or gifting it to somebody I respect.
  11. A full set of marbles. Those who are aiming to add this for a literal 'complete' set are missing a few.
  12. It's a printing error, plain and simple. Printing errors have no impact on overall grades. And because this is tied to Funimation's early days, it might be seen as a more common "error print" variant than anything else to those who collect stuff like this.
  13. In your defense, Wata is not that great at describing how things are graded. With that data, they should have made it be easily found on the front page. And even then talk about it than show visual samples. With VGA, who started the whole video game grading trend, being worse. They will bring up the "Y" subgrade on their AFA page, but have chosen to omit it on their VGA page. But I am not shocked about it these days. In both cases, all I can say is that Wata had that chart up from the start. And for me it is anything but helpful. While every grading site I have inspected are no better. Which is why I am hoping that CGA, Inc. will add more details on stuff like that on their new website. Which I expect to be done days somebody bought a graded Super Mario Switch title for $25 million because the given grade makes it look rare.
  14. I managed to look up the situation. The game currently has no release date, and Amazon did everything wrong by jumping the gun with their preorders. If it was me running the business, I would have apologized for not giving you one that arrived in a partially smashed box. With an added apology being tied to the fact your replacement was securely packed just because the warehouse packed it with the tube of socks you later ordered.
  15. Thanks! The funny thing is that I originally wanted to find out if the bonus item (the cover) was also wrapped. I did not expect to be this lucky. Especially since I am now curious on how well Amazon Japan ships things. And I agree, even though she never asked me what the game was about. But I also think she telling me to shut up before that decision is what will make the story hard to forget.
  16. I knew that the moment they talked about it on the news. But it still is not enough to stop me from poking fun at those who chose to "invest" in that game.
  17. This arrived today. Long story short, this is a rare "first production" variant that I got as a Valentine's Day gift from my Mom. She had no clue what the game was about, but was willing to get it for me because the eBay seller had it listed for a great price. Plus it was a lucky find because it was the only new copy offered on eBay, with a pre-owned copy being listed for more. As for the packaging, it has a minor 'non-tear' snag on the front. You cannot see it in the photos, but it easy to see in person. And the back has a pair of Amazon Japan labels. Both are fine to me because it is both rare and fills in an otherwise "hard to fill" gap when it comes to the 2020 portion of my ATLUS collection.
  18. Collector Archive Services. Because I am aiming to do a full ATLUS set on the Switch, I am thinking of using VGA as a means to save money. Otherwise I'd have used them again because I like how they designed their cases for standard Switch games.
  19. I'm kind of surprised that nobody here feels sorry for the guy who made a huge bet on the Bengals. Is it because his $4.5 million bet was a smarter investment than the 9.8 A++ Super Mario 64's $2.5 million "investment"?
  20. They should follow my example, and just get the rare Japanese imports slabbed. That way they have a legitimate reason to be pissed at those who think those games are less rare simply because they are not NA releases.
  21. A "holy" grail for my collection? YES PLEASE!!! Ahem... This is a 'First Purchase' variant that was in limited quality, with the only other option involving the limited "Otakara Box" set. Either way, I paid a small premium when compared to what it costs to get a standard print.
  22. Alright... - Doc Martin (Season 1) = Complete. I was hoping they'd show season 9 (the final season), but it was fun watching season 1. - Blade Runner: Black Lotus (English dub) = Complete. This one was a disappointment to me. I really liked most of the music to the point I might add it to my (tiny) LP collection. But it was the handling of the characters that managed to disappoint me the most. Same with the pacing that often resulted in me looking up stuff, even if it changed for an action scene. Normally I would re-watch an anime series if the Japanese track was an option. But in this case, I am skipping it. - Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett (Season 1) = Complete. My only issue with The Mandalorian was Gina Carano's offscreen desire to be self-entitled, among a few other things tied to that show. While this show did entertain me, what I liked was the fact they added Black Krrsantan. And the fact they went a totally different route, along with a few spoilers. The only anime series I am watching is Detective Conan, along with the live-action adaptation Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (even though I have missed out on seeing the first two episodes).
  23. Nice copy! If you got it for $40 USD flat, you got it for a great price! With shipping rates from Japan added, it is around $65 USD (tops). And seeing how no Japanese variants of that game, graded by Wata or VGA, are showing up... I think it might be worth something to the right investor. Especially if you also had a graded Final Mix+ variant to go with it. As for the one being mentioned... What you are doing is similar to what I am working on. Because liking how the game looks pre-graded and liking how it can look graded is a better excuse to have it graded... Versus buying it for a high premium because the seller or grade says it is this close to being perfect.
  24. I want to go on record by noting that I have very little confidence in the English speaking community when it comes to knowing what Japanese games are rare, and which ones are only rare outside Japan. For example, Dragon Quest Heroes I·II is a "Year 1" Switch release that never made it out of Japan. The physical version of the game received a short due to technical issues. Because of this, it is believed that only 25,000 to 26,000 copies were produced. Which is a good enough reason to see why it is sane to presume that it is a $150 USD game when it comes to the sealed collectors market. Now there is a catch when it comes to this game: There was a (very) limited DLC variant of this game. Unlike the current "First Purchase" variants you see today, this one was extremely limited. Meaning that the total number of these being produced are unknown, which stores offered them is unknown, and there was no "collector's edition" variant (as a means to getting it) to be had. Because of that, I paid around $250 USD (possibly more) in hopes that I'd score a copy. With reason being that I felt the price was below what it was worth in 2020. And TBH, I would never have parted with my copy if I was successful. Simply because it might be the rarest Switch game variant these days. With the only setback being tied to those who'll snub that notion just because there was no NA or EU variant. Which means that you are going to see rabid stupidity arise the moment a hyped up game's limited variant pop up. With reasons being that it is hyped, as opposed to being authentically rare. Plus I am betting that the buyer also bought it for the grade, as opposed to just buying for the sake of owning a rare variant. Then again, the seller sounds like a moron who got lucky. And I say they are a moron because the term "first print" means there were more made after that one was published. At best this is more of a "second print variant" since it is not an original first print and is a variant. Then again, they at least got one fact right in their sales pitch: It is an event exclusive.
  25. As things are going for me, I found a new reason to back into the idea of me collecting physical Switch games. With this time around focusing on a single franchise before I delve into another. First up... Shin Megami Tensei V. The Megami Tensei series always got the same level of interest I used to give Dragon Quest. So getting the collector set for around $20 USD more than just the game (via AmiAmi vs. my usual e-retailer) makes up for the frustrations I felt in both 2017 and 2018. Genei Ibunroku #FE Encore (aka Tokyo Mirage #FE Encore) was pretty much the lone reason why I wanted a Wii U. Plus the Persona 5 tie-in (i.e. "Rebellious Joker" costume) has me hope that it will go on sale soon. And finally... The Nekomata card. Out of all the demons this version of the Nekomata is my favorite. And because the USD is strong against the JPY, I opted to buy this through Mandarake because it felt like I was only paying for the shipping. But even then I hope to get the acrylic stand version of this character in the near future. I'll post the unboxing content later. Maybe in the Switch thread. Plus I also bought the following games on Steam because they were on sale: - Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster - Persona 5 Strikers Both are the Digital Deluxe package versions, and I bought them because they were on sale. (Plus Strikers was also bought on Steam because I have both dropped Sony and I wanted a lag-free experience.)
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