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Everything posted by YOURTURN

  1. To be brutally honest, all of the so-called "psychological warfare" and "being an asshole" nonsense is not of their doing. Because by the end of the day, even you could not stop people from claiming that level of self-entitled nonsense about Nintendo. Even if you were hired to make sure that Nintendo had LRG's level of transparency in North America. Then again, being a Japanese game collector you would think I know how frustrating this is. Or how repetitive your tone sounds to me after I gave up on finding a new North American Dragon Quest fanbase. Point being: Even if you were in charge of how they market outside Japan, what you said will be repeated by others. All because they do not feel appeased enough. And that itself is the issue here, as well as why people should use that time seeking the facts behind a situation.
  2. That is just it. You are focusing on something you feel is true. Which I totally understand as I have done it many times in the past. LINK #1: Tatsumi Kimishima Apologises for NES Mini Shortages, Cites Delays Procuring Parts LINK #2: Nintendo had massive supply shortages even in the 1980s The truth is that Nintendo has a history of this happening. More specifically, the Christmas, 1988 version of the NES Mini was Super Mario Bros. 2 (aka Super Mario Bros. USA) and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (aka the "NES having their own Super Mario World scenario"). "All this makes me wonder...is the supply shortage real? Or is Nintendo holding back supply to create a mystique?" was asked in a 20/20 special called "Nuts for Nintendo". Which is why I brought up Sony. Their PS3 policy, and I hope is one no longer there, frees them of all liability the moment they remove any digital content from their stores. Even if the move was not intentional. Hence while I do relate to your frustrations, with my current hunt being the perfect example, I also try to understand why it happens. Just because "Knowing is half the battle." <-Just because I am that old.
  3. I ended up concluding that a full set starts with a game, and that it also ends with standard retail sets. With a "+" added for every additional completion that goes beyond that. For example, my main focus is the Japanese PS5 portion of the Final Fantasy VII Remake series. This is tricky because not only are there console variants of Crisis Core Reunion, there are "early purchase" (and possibly store exclusive) variants as well. Same with Final Fantasy VII Remake, with my variant being what I believe is a "situational reissue" of sorts. Hence why I am calling Remake a "PS5 adjacent" copy and moved on. But for the long game, I'd say that a full retail set for Vita (and PS4) is the full retail listing during its lifespan. With the rest being optional bonuses to be had, just like for those who seek out foreign variants/exclusives.
  4. Was Zod there? Because he is the only reason you would have to claim you kneeled.
  5. Oddly enough I have to say that Nintendo had the best customer service when it came to my own past experiences. It was Sony's U.S. branch, however, that did not give a literal shite. Granted that I never contacted Nintendo about the "mini console" scenarios. But when it came to my DS days they took my disability seriously. And put an actual effort to do what it took to make me happy. With this being a very minor thing for many. Sony, however, was a mixed bag. Financially, their CSRs were (during their PS3 days) allowed to claim you did not make any digital purchases you made before they are removed were DL'd from a different account. They also claimed that the non-private hubs in Home were "E for Everybody" while ignoring everything people were complaining about. And prior to me reporting their contradictions, and other issues they claim to have recorded, they ghosted those who were harassed by "HafuGirl". Granted that it is not the "limited goods" scenario. Which could have easily been resolved by Nintendo as all they have to do is create a lottery system if all orders exceeded what they can produce. Sony, at least here, has done things that make me withhold my anger every time I missed out on their mini consoles.
  6. And I, good sir, agree with you. What would have made the difference is if they used a shipping company like DHL or FedEx. Granted that it costs more going into Canada, as there are custom charges ahoy. But both also have me experience zero issues when I have either ship my items from either Hong Kong or Japan. Versus my time using EMS, which resulted in a few packages looking like they were inspected. All insurance will do is cover a percentage of the graded game's estimated value. Which should help buffer some of the "injury" this did while USPS was responsible for the package. I mean... It's not like anybody here is expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
  7. And some of the responses here remind me why I do not have a big collection anymore. To be fair CGA's Tom Darby era is why I was not shocked when both Wata and HA got caught. Just like how the whole Toy Toni scam did not make me think much about Wata's PCE fiasco. Because in the end I aim to have a graded game collection for non-monetary related investment reasons. With an added argument being that I collect import games at the given risk they are treated as novelties in my general area. With the shipping end of things being the reason why I don't bitch and whine about DHL being expensive. They screwed up twice, with both times being due to the 2020 portion of the pandemic. And I don't do that because this is not news to me. There are literally stories to be found of it happening to those in other collecting communities. While there is only one being tied to PGX scamming a comic book collector (with that video no longer available). Plus I am wondering how any of you would act if something like that happened to me. Despite that, it is why I believe that anybody who imports anything should just pay the premium if they want their goods. Double if they want their goods to arrive safely. And I can only hope that the insurance should soften some of the blow for the buyer. Simply because the end result has hit too close to home for me.
  8. Oh we got trouble, we're in terrible, terrible troubleThose NES game with many variants is a devil's tool (devil's tool)Oh yes we got trouble, trouble, trouble(Oh yes we got trouble here, we got big, big trouble)With a "T" (with a capital "T")Gotta rhyme it with "V" (gotta rhyme with "V")And that stands for variant (that stands for variant)
  9. I was thinking the same thing. @stdgrabbag had stated that Turtles III is a complete print variant. And yet, has managed to compare it to how a standard print comic book is graded. Plus the following: Qualified – A video game that has either been restored in some way or has incorrect or missing parts. Signaling something significant is wrong with the game. So long story short, NES titles and their content is a literal rabbit hole. And arguing about CIB grading is a great reason why many should not shop for used video games in Japan.
  10. This is one of those reasons why their reference guide (page 8-9) says the following: Complete in Box (CIB) – A game state that includes the original box/case, cartridge/disc and manual. Other CIB collectors have said that inserts (like posters) are tied to different print runs of certain games, and not every game made by [insert company here] during the NES days. It is also why I have chosen you to deal with this burden for me, with 2017 being an example why.
  11. When it comes to comic books, there are titles that have variants that include inserts. The most popular is tied to Mark Jewelers just because those were limited to select stores found on military bases. However, neither CGC nor CBCS have changed the way they graded those issues, nor have they called any other variants incomplete. Instead they marked it as a variant that has said insert included. With them saying that you have a complete print variant of a very fun NES port. In this case, lets say that the Mark Jewelers insert variant also had a lower price on the cover. As a way for buyers to know which one came from military bases, and which ones haven't. Similar to the print run variant you have submitted, there is a chance that neither CGC nor CBCS would have graded those if the flyer was missing. Just like how CGC would have given your manual a lower grade if Raphael was cut out. However... I have noticed that they have "Marvel Spider-Man: Miles Morales" listed as "Marvel's Spider Man 3: Miles Morales" in PS5 portion of their reference guide. Which is forgiven because we have a Switch page that has "Dragon Quest XI" listed as "Dragon's Quest XI". While page 8 states that "CIB" is the game, manual, and packaging. Simply because, as an example, not every print run of every NES title came with the additional inserts. Which goes back to the similarities on how they grade variant comic books to how they grade CIB NES titles. They grade what is standard, and they also note the rest as if it was a variant comic book. Now if you want to define lazy... I want to point out that VGA has a history of not labelling every Japan exclusive variant/title as a "Japanese version". Yet they have done it for select titles regardless they were known to be Japan exclusives. With the one I submitted being both that and a limited sticker variant. Which is something CAS, UKG, Wata, and maybe CGC would have noted on their labels. While they do not change their grading style.
  12. Atop of what @darkchylde28 said, there are those who'll be fine with a specific grade. But are also not the type who are patient enough to wait for the same game in similar non-graded condition to pop up, along with them doing the submission process, atop of the shipping and waiting... And so on, and so forth. And again, my example was one of my past mistakes when it came to graded comics.
  13. It doesn't surprise me one bit that type of thing is happening. Because among those who are part of the graded collectible there are collectors who'll focus more on the grade than how it looks in photos. I mean way back when, I sought CGC and CBCS 9.8 when it came to comics that I missed out on. And more times I found that I could have saved money getting a CGC 9.6 because some of their 9.8s looked like a 9.6. And is also why I try to go as low as an 85 when it comes to CGA, UKG, and CAS. Because sometimes an 85 can look like a 90 under the right light. But in all cases, I think some of the bids for the CGC graded Zelda is because it is their first graded piece. But I also have to believe the rest is because it says "9.4 A+" and not Wata's "9.2 A".
  14. Nope, not really. And you guys ignored my STD joke that I made at both Wata and HA's expense. Nope, seeing that I am not their target audience. And by that I mean I am often broke by the end of the second week. Mostly yes to this. But I am also using my "retirement" as an excuse to refocus on what my goals are.
  15. I should have mentioned this to @avatar! (-> instead of giving him both a wrong reaction and a bad joke <- ) is that I chose to get one from Square Enix's line because it is small. With the only downside being that it only plays a fraction of whatever song was chosen for it. But I am fine with that since I only plan to display it once I managed to buy my own place.
  16. Thanks. The biggest irony is that I was going to do it for a whole different reason. One that would have been tied to my move to Osaka. As opposed to making the decision to do it there. It's a messy story.
  17. Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia. Interestingly enough it is one of the best smartphone JRPGs I have ever played. And it was originally a way to motivate me to finally beat Final Fantasy VII. With me getting Jack's best weapon (shortly after I found a way to get him) making the game a bit more brutal on my end.
  18. For the record I am a registered Game Otaku, and not a nerd. So if you heard of anybody that looks like me had nerd out over something that is a game... Please note that I am not them. Because I am [looks at card] FenrirZero, Game Otaku. Oh, and I also omitted the fact that I went to this one building in Higashi-Shinjuku that is home to Square Enix's base of operations. All in hopes of asking them a question. Which is something I did years before when I wanted to ask a KyoAni rep if Haruhi Suzumiya S3 would happen. Only to find out that I could not enter without a keycard. And ended up buying stuff I ended up not keeping at their Altonia store. So feel free to use both the fact that I will not eat tofu in any form, and the fact that I did not have access to their office against me in any future arguments. From the sound of it I am wondering if he knew the game was a repro, and was hoping that Wata did not grade enough to know it was one. The thought goes back to everything I read about the Star Wars Tonigate scenario. With the difference being that not adding said information on said repro was intentional or not. Of course, I am leaning towards intentional. Simply because even lies have details. And those who cry "Victim!" instead of making the effort to resolve it tend to want their details hidden.
  19. All of that is true. However, there is also a report that says CGA's reputation should be questioned. More specifically during the period where they were willing to authenticate prototypes. Including the parts where they do not name their authenticators, nor the processes used to say it is the real deal. With one report saying they even ghosted those who would have worked for them all because they asked about said process. Which is one of the reasons why they labeled them as "NG" as it prevents them from being accused of fraud. Which is all I am going to say because stuff like the PCE repro goes back to Tonigate. While having a company ghost anybody who asks about their authentication process (when it comes to prototypes) should be seen as worse. Which is also why I am hoping CGA's new owners do not allow it to be done when any past authenticators return to that topic.
  20. I was thinking that the worse was to have a prototype game not have its data preserved before it was slabbed. It was done before, compliments of VGA, and it makes me wonder if it can maintain any authenticity once all of that data is gone.
  21. I would love to help but for the next 8 months and 10 days I am hoping to finally attend Tokyo Game Show. And I am afraid that playing any N64 games will strain my thumbs before I go there.
  22. That is just it. When it comes to actual arguments I always try to find something worth agreeing over. Heck, as obnoxious as anti-grading people can be here, they are not as bad as those elsewhere. All I do to tolerate is Google "AFA graded game collectors" and see what others have parroted elsewhere. The part where Wata made a mistake when they should have spotted those differences was problematic. But they were not the only grading company to do it, which is why I also agreed with your request that Wata not be discredited for that lone mistake. Atop of the fact that all submitters should be held responsible both before they submit it and after they get it. With that reason being that those who do not research this either treat it as an NFT or a Devil's contract. Which is why I spent a lot of time trying to make heads and tails on the legal stuff, who did shadier stuff, and why they should realize that being an authenticator is not as easy as it sounds. Then again... I want to point out that the issues tied to my name change is not an argument. Nor something I can take lightly. All I can say is that I'd rather be an auctioneer at Heritage Auction that be in this predicament.
  23. If it helps you are a much braver gamer than I am. If that happened to me I would have spent the first 5 minutes screaming "No!" at the game, with the remaining 35 minutes curled in the corner of a shower saying "That game made me double team even after it knew the controls were bad." While I traumatically missed the days when a Nintendo game knew what "NO" means.
  24. Thanks for understanding. The name change scenario is tied to why I am not living in Osaka. And the hole "glitch" situation currently has me want a stage magician to pull out a sealed copy of Hudson Hawk out of my ass, pay Wata to grade it, and use whatever profits I get from the HA auction. But in all fairness those waits were a good enough excuse to see if you guys are still sane, and still not as broke as I am. Thanks dood. If anything happens I'll let you be Wang Chi to my Jack Burton.
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