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Everything posted by YOURTURN

  1. That is true. But they are a pass just because I want to focus on my physical Switch goals before I make a final decision. And yes... If I am in the mood, there will be an unboxing when it comes to one of my recent acquisitions.
  2. TBH, only Kirby and Strikers have caught my interest. Because when it comes to RPGs I am hoping Square Enix will announce Dragon Quest X Offline (the Japan release has two versions up for preorder; I don't plan to get either one). And maybe news from Atlus about a few more Persona remakes. Plus, Earthbound not getting a trilogy release was a letdown for me. But I am hoping their announcement for the first two will at least lead to the Japanese market getting one later this year.
  3. You opened it? Then you must show us the goods!
  4. For me, buying local is not an option. The used video game stores in my county have a history of buying my imports for pennies on the dollar. With excuses like how it's niche, or some other excuse. Even though they turn around and sell them for a hefty profit. Which means that I would have to drive all the way to Los Angeles' Little Tokyo district, with the only import game store never really selling anything I want. Atop of my last experience also noting that one of their employees was clueless when I asked why they were playing Dragon Quest music at said time. And online? It is always a gamble that tends to have me lose. Even if I am buying games from great people. Which is a recurring theme for me. But I had some luck at times. And I use those losses as a way to improve my goals. Even though the last two years were horrible when it came to hunting down both PS4 and Switch games. But that is another story.
  5. Thanks. And I apologize for the fact that people tend to presume that I am more like my genetic cousin, Arthur Conan Doyle, during his spiritualism days. When in reality I was that way in the past. By that I mean I am trying to not be a stubborn ass to anybody here. Because I am trying to save that energy for the day I have a son who wants to have Deniz's hairstyle. As for opinions, all of that is fine. I just find it to be both unethical and unfair to twist another person's point just because it is not agreeable. Especially after the person is wiling to give their opinion/view as a way to answer a question. And I love you too (even if you are not my type).
  6. For fuck sakes, stop accusing me of claiming that Madden players are not gamers. I never once said that people who play sports games are not gamers. Here is what I said: Players have their reasons not to be gamers. Meaning that the game in question is more of a casual hobby when compared to their more deserved interests. Which literally tells you that if there is a game they love, they can also be a gamer. As in the fact you ignored: People can be both if they choose to be. Which has me agree with you, since there are reasons to treat people as both. As opposed to treating those that play games differently as a taboo. I have been treated like that, many times, and I want to believe that you are better than them.
  7. Dude, you obviously do not know me if you have to say that. All I said is that players are not the type to take games as seriously as gamers. This twisted into claims that I somehow do not see those who play Madden games as gamers. While everything that has me say why I treat both terms as two different things being snubbed. Despite the fact I also had something that has me try to agree with the snubber being tied to who I am. Which itself is also snubbed because I made the mistake of answering their question. So if you think the fact my life, which is tied to why I tried to say that people can be both a player and a gamer, is worth disagreeing with is a disagreement, and not an insult... Feel free to just say so. Otherwise, realize that the person you are defending does not care about those facts for their own reasons. Hence the insult.
  8. That's because you never around me when it was one of the few non-troll-like conversations I got to be a part of. I mean the way I use it is very basic, non-offensive, and has helped me feel better about myself in communities like this one. Then again... I bet you have not heard half, or most, of the things said about me simply because they don't agree with the way I see things. People in Japan. Along with those who have "Mom 'n Pop" video rental stores that also carry video games. Which I am sure there are a few tucked away in Los Angeles County (which is south of where I live). And those who rent from Red Box, which might still rent out video games. But I have not looked that up since early 2021. And has me feel like anything I say is worth insulting just because nothing I say is worth the time needed to be understood. Which itself is not the worst I am dealing with, but is also not making it fun being here either.
  9. Yes. And if you knew me, you would know that I don't post links to anything that sound like an oxymoron. For example, I have not promoted a single grading company that sells their own graded games on eBay. Because those who did that type of thing are the "moron" in oxymoron.
  10. I was not entirely surprised when that happened. And I say that because nobody gave any fucks when Koichi Sugiyama died, seeing how he was one of the big names in the video game industry. Which did not shock me that when Masayuki Uemara died, nobody said anything. With me saying that because both Japanese creators did not have their names on a sports game box. <-(Not a sarcastic remark.) Then again... I am morning over the fact that SEGA is pulling out of the arcade business after 50 years. And what makes that an irony is tied to the fact I only went to those for the claw machine prizes. And Joypolis (for my 40th birthday). All I remember of their Akiba branches are the claw prizes, the weird coin games, and the Derby games.
  11. That's because you are making it sound silly in your head. Gamer = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamer "A gamer is a proactive hobbyist who plays interactive games, especially video games, tabletop role-playing games, and skill-based card games, and who plays for usually long periods of time. Some gamers are competitive, meaning they routinely compete in some games for money, prizes, awards or the mere pleasure of competition and overcoming obstacles. In some countries such as the UK and Australia, the term "gaming" can refer to legalized gambling, which can take both traditional and digital forms, through online gambling. There are many different gamer communities around the world. Since the advent of the Internet, many communities take the form of Internet forums or YouTube or Twitch virtual communities, as well as in-person social clubs. Originally a hobby, it has evolved into a profession for some. In 2021, there were an estimated 3.24 billion gamers across the globe." For example... Me. Me + Gamer = TRPGs that have both game mechanics and people I can get along with. Because of this, I am willing to do super-long campaigns as long as my PC is alive. (R.I.P. Joe Disposable! ) And CRPGs like the main Dragon Quest series, and others that have turn-based game elements. Me + Player = All other games that are enjoyable to me (i.e. sports and racing games, and the occasional Action-Adventure game). This side of me is one that wants to play with both players and gamers alike. With Madden players/gamers getting to hear about my time I tried to call my then best friend, but instead called the then Los Angeles Raiders locker room by mistake. Again, it is only "silly" because you are twisting the facts. While ignoring the fact you never aske me about my own history involving sports games. Which, ironically, makes your claims silly. The reality is that both have the option to either buy or rent. Gamers will more likely rent a game if there is an alternative to their preferred genre. And a player will more likely buy because they do not have the time to rent. With the difference being that gamers will buy their preferred game when they can, while a player will do what they can in hopes of playing it. I can go on, but I have a very long history when it comes to this. And is why I aim to buy digitally when games I am interested in are on sale. Something you never asked about for some reason in hopes of understanding me better. And the rest of the world says otherwise. Because it comes down to devotion, not the amount of time you play. And those who call themselves gamers are the ones trying to make the most out of their hobby. Just like how a PS1 otaku will own every print variant of every game, while a PS1 collector collects what they want. Let me point out that Daigo Umehara is a professional gamer. This is what a hardcore gamer can become if they can handle the level of stress needed to go this far. A player is somebody who does not need your appraisal, and instead does what they want to do in hopes of keeping their interest (in games like Madden) both fresh and fun. That is fine and dandy if we were talking about the fact that Madden is the perfect game for people who play tactical games. But realistically? People who opt to be players do not have the same lives as those who opt to be devoted gamers. Your dismissals have you ignore that important fact. Atop of the fact you never asked me about my history in regards to sports games. (love Konami's NPB games) As well as those who devote their time to Madden games. (I would love to play a game with one.) Because if I had to simplify this, being a gamer is similar to being a parent. While being a player is like being a grandparent who has lives of their own. Both have their benefits, and saying otherwise is just plain... Silly.
  12. I want to point out that @AdamW has probably been spying on me. Because what he said is very much spot on when it comes to my pick-ups for the past 1.5 months. In the end I limited that portion of my collection to what I have simply because print variants are based more on serial numbers than "price down" (or "best") re-releases. But I will skip that and instead the fact that I grossly underpaid for two of my sealed games from the same Japanese eBay seller. Hence why I have always put an emphasis on buying Japanese ports. While watching others act like they are less "rare" than their NA counterparts. Which is not always the case when it comes to PS1 ports (as an example).
  13. Mostly yes. At the end of the day those who prefer playing games for the sake of playing them are prone to get some type of entertainment value out of these games. So it is more about that, and less about their spending habits. Which tends to be no different than them renting a game from a financial perspective. Where as a gamer in the video game world is just an extension of those who play board games, tabletop roleplaying games, and the like. In those cases there are still gamers out there who'll play D&D 5e with one group, and AD&D 1e with another. In the end it is all about the mechanics of the game and what the player gets out of it. And also no. But that is based more on the risks of buying a digital game, as well as ones that are different from their previous version(s). And because I do not play Madden games I cannot say which games had the highest risk of turning potential gamers into players.
  14. Nope. Just... Nope. With Madden you have players and then you have gamers. Players will play the game, get what they want out of it, and eventually sell/trade it for a different game. A gamer is one that will return to the game when they need a challenge, a fix, or something else that the previous version offers.
  15. A person who puts the emphasis of playing a game before any hype, value, and/or even fame they can gain by owning a certain game or series (graded or otherwise). Because in the end owning said game (or series/franchise) is one thing. What they got out of it by playing it to any limits is what matters to them the most.
  16. Hey-o! And welcome to your new favorite(-ish) place! I, too, am redoing my game collection (for what feels to be the four billionth time). So I have that in common with you. But expect it to be a slow build, mostly focusing on Japanese variants of select JRPGs. Not all because I am strictly focusing on my favorites. With follow-ups to be announced when I get to that stage. So even if you don't need my help in that department I wish you the best of luck in terms of surviving will hope that VGS becomes your new favorite place. Cheers!
  17. Unless you want a very high/expensive option, this is the best suggested option I can give you: Magazine Poly Bags It is what a lot of magazine collectors use, as it uses the same type of materials that comic book collectors rely on. It is very affordable, and I can say first-hand that it has been useful for me when I needed these.
  18. Hopefully more than a 9.8 A++ Super Mario 64. But we all knew that "investment" was going to... Bob-omb.
  19. Welcome!!! My introduction to MSX (and MSX2) was through a Dragon Quest collector. Who was literally a completist with the main series. So it is fun to finally meet somebody that collects that. And cheers!
  20. I just watched a partial playthrough (two badges/ranks) and have to admit that it was not what I had expected.
  21. Then I apologize. The whole argument between you two had me believe you thought he was working with either the Community College of Philadelphia... Or the other guys. And both always sound fishy. But then again, I am trying to make heads and tails of every argument here, even though I prefer being in Tokyo (my ex-fiancée lives in Osaka) right now. And besides... I should have also noted that the Chinese Government has a long history of acting like their needs are more important than the needs of their citizens. To the point I am also wondering why a Wuhan-based game company was allowed to co-create Showa American Story. But even then Sarah Palin is currently ignoring CDC guidelines by eating out while she tested positive for COVID. With this being the second time she got it.
  22. Speaking of lists... How come nobody here has noticed, or even has noted, this error? There is a "'s" incorrectly added to that name. But I'll blame my enemies, the Typotubbies, on this.
  23. @MrWunderful? As your forum friend there are a few things you need to realize: 1) Your "proof" does not say that Fauci is working with the CCP. It states that he is downplaying the origins, which is a smart move since China appears to be involved. (I will come back to this later on.) So before you read the rest, take into consideration what can happen if you pissed off a moron with a shotgun. Then think worse. 2) At the very start the beginning of anything that could kill people should be looked into AFTER it was either destroyed or contained. This is because simply arguing about it is not going to slow down or stop the issue. The division tied to this pandemic has allowed the death toll to surpass the 1 million mark. And is reported to have killed many on the front lines. 3) The finger pointing at China is the basis of rise among Asian hate crimes. Just like how 9/11 rose crimes against Muslims (and those who look Middle Eastern), Pearl Harbor did to Japanese-American citizens, and so on. So again, the "Fauci works for the CCP" is all intolerant assholes need to harm anybody that looks Chinese to them. 4) The "Fauci works for the CCP" claim has also put both his life, as well as his family's lives, at risk. You literally promoting that makes you a contributor if that becomes the reason for any of them being harmed. Do you want that? I hope not. 5) The political end of things will result in the Chinese Government act like the origin claims is a declaration of war. Mostly because they are a group of hypocritical twat nuggets that are trying to be seen as the best. And I seriously say that because the actual Chinese hero in the Nanjing Massacre was a German Nazi. 6) During the Second Sino-Japanese War... They have killed POWs. They have killed non-military Japanese citizens who arrived there out of protest against their own Government. The barred citizens of Nanjing escape after the KMT Government fled. And they even killed citizens who protested. Think what they could do there if they declare war. In the end being furious because you think Fauci should be more open is fine. It could be more restrained because the origin is something that could result in World War III. With the whole Senator Joseph McCarthy (aka the "Democrats are secretly Communists" guy) tone doing nothing but being a financially beneficial topic for for Senator Rand Paul. And that is all I will say because the current Chinese Government is a currently a group of self-entitled bullies who will ignore reality if it does not benefit them. Including talks of what Fauci would say if they were not that way. Now if you don't mind... My health wants the fact that is an argument to be downgraded to the acts seen in this Monty Python sketch:
  24. Currently? Nope. Not only am I broke until the start of February, I am really hoping they will have a sale because I am itching to finally beat Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne.
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