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Everything posted by captmorgandrinker

  1. Are those a thing while you're running with it in American football? I know you can drop goal on field goals and extra points if you want, but I've never seen somebody try it while the ball is in play like rugby.
  2. In general, if you see games for a buck each, grab any Activision pic labels, Activision Blue labels, Spectravision, US Games, 20th Century Fox, or any non-sports Atari Red Label for easy flips. There's way more to it, but that's a good rule for casual flippers.
  3. Rugby is nothing like American football- no forward passes no blocking it's called a pitch, not a field you actually have to touch the ball down in the zone for the try to count metered lines, not yards no toe cleats allowed your shorts have pockets your jersey has a collar, like a gentleman
  4. Do you have a bunch of pics elsewhere on here? I think there may be a storage limit but @Gloveswould know for sure.
  5. I recall them showing it on Dr. Pol at one point. They mentioned it was sweeter.
  6. Then don't watch Many Saints of Newark. Although he wasn't the reason that movie was awful. I enjoyed him in Narc as well; didn't see that one mentioned yet.
  7. You've probably heard "Owner of a Lonely Heart", but that's also the only Yes song I have heard myself.
  8. Well, it was probably the same two pics, just that you were tricked into seeing them multiple times. Peeling back the curtain a little- any whole thread that was deleted on NA ended up in a different section on the website. The member (full pun intended) in question had asked to return from a permaban, and then Dain (or an admin) had linked to the threads in the trash that had gotten him banned in the first place, and hilarity ensued for years. We would post other stuff in our mod section like "I can't believe what so-and-so said!" and link the thread from the deleted area. Got to the point where if you saw 23325 in the post ID link you wouldn't click on it, because it was two grapes stapled to a cucumber next to a belly button ring and a boxed Palamedes.
  9. I don't recall one, but we probably should have.
  10. You missed the really good days then. All I'll say is that if you ever buy a Stadium Events loose, make sure you're wearing gloves. Hey, maybe that's where your name came from!
  11. Their new concert is going to use their voices and movements, but with CGI versions of them since they're all 70+.
  12. Fell down the YT rabbit hole a bit due to this thread, and they just released a new album last fall (Voyage).
  13. Are you sure? Could have sworn he sold JJGames to Piko.
  14. I remember him as the Dad in Road Trip. "Now we've been coming here for 20 years!" "We've only been open for 8, sir"
  15. Pics: Prices- Griffey - $60 shipped to the US Tetris Attack - SOLD Tetris DX - $50 shipped to the US Will drop the price a little if you buy more than one since I'll save on shipping. May ship outside the US, shoot me a message and I'll get you a quote. Thank you!
  16. They need to be coming off of a lot more than that for overage; at least 150k like RH mentioned and the movers too. You'd still need to buy something that is going to be equally overpriced and go through the hassle of moving again. Once you look at the expenses $65k might end up costing you money.
  17. Do you need Griffey or Tetris Attack?
  18. For the Atari buyers, just gotta know where to look. The Midwest show I mentioned is great for that, and I have other shows that have at least some Atari interest. Also, that Air-Sea Battle looks like the 1987 variant which sells for a little more than the regular one.
  19. Unless you paid something crazy like 500 bucks for the lot, you did very well! Lots of $10+ games in there. You coming to Midwest?
  20. Why would they do that when they know you'll rebuy it?
  21. I've spent $50 on dumber things!
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