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Everything posted by captmorgandrinker

  1. I think my oldest one's first was Mr. Driller and my younger one was pinball of some sort.
  2. Management did let something slip about a "grown-up QB". You spelled 3-14 wrong. Don't forget the league hasn't ruled out a suspension on Watson yet, plus he's been sitting a whole year. I'm headed for that Bengals bandwagon; this is ridiculous.
  3. He's a Montana fan. They feel the same way about Montana State that you do about Louisville.
  4. I had one where the seller had passed away. One of the seller's children or nephews or something was checking to see what had shipped and what hadn't. It was for a cheaper Atari 800 game, so I told them if they couldn't find it or figure out how to refund to just not worry about it.
  5. I'm guessing the classic game to play changes weekly. Also wondering if they'll drop the 30 point "log in to 3DS/WiiU eshop" weekly mission now.
  6. More ways to earn weekly points! https://www.nintendo.com/whatsnew/detail/2022/missions-and-rewards-added-to-nintendo-switch-online/
  7. That's where you're almost better off taking a guy from a decent college team rather than a juggernaut. You can at least get a sampling of what he might do in adverse situations, or at least know to hit the checkdown when he's running for his life.
  8. Says who though? Do you really think it's feasible to ask people to wear masks indoors forever? I mean, we live in a country where they had to put signs up to remind people to wash their hands and how to do it.
  9. At some point, we need to reach an acceptable level of risk. As Mike Rowe pointed out, traffic fatalities would be near zero if cars couldn't do any faster than 20mph and everybody had to wear helmets. Some of this stuff made more sense in the beginning when everybody was still trying to figure out what was going on, but as time has gone on certain things don't make as much sense anymore.
  10. Noooooooooope. There's a draft and free agency to scrutinize first. EDIT: Also going to assume you meant "August" and not "against"
  11. captmorgandrinker


    Are those Switch racing wheels? If so I'll take 'em
  12. VGA was the only grading company around back then (and definitely not everybody loved them); WATA entered the grading arena a few years ago. If you're really bored, there's a 160ish page thread discussing WATA around here somewhere.
  13. Did you end up playing with the keyboard or a joystick?
  14. Wrong Florida team. If he leaves the Packers, he's headed for Tampa. Also, I think Watson's NFL career is done at this point. I don't see anybody picking him up after all this legal mess.
  15. Who would be your choice out of either the free agents or the tradeable options available?
  16. I think right around when his rookie contract is up, his brother will be available to draft? I mean, look at Derek Carr vs his older brother.
  17. https://www.nintendo.com/store/exclusives/rewards/ They're back up, and in a new area! Also, no more messing with codes. Just adds to your cart, then takes away the point amount when you check out.
  18. Just wedge a discarded pistachio shell into the tiny crack and twist. If they're completely sealed they aren't good anyway.
  19. Would he be the same Joe Burrow there though? Same argument goes for Ben Roethlisberger. Browns had a shot at drafting him, and I think he would have lasted 5 seasons tops getting blasted from every angle imaginable had he ended up here.
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